One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch63- Deal

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They walked through the snow-filled hallways, the wind whistling through the cracks in the stone walls. Chopper led them to a room where an elderly woman with glasses and a thick coat sat reading. Dr. Kureha looked up, her sharp eyes taking in the situation at a glance.

"Another one sick, huh?" she said, getting up and inspecting Vivi. "Lay her down over there."

Coby carefully placed Vivi on the bed. Dr. Kureha began her examination, her hands moving quickly and efficiently. Chopper watched closely, assisting her without a word.

"Prehistoric bug bite, you said?" Dr. Kureha asked.

"Yeah," Coby confirmed. "We just came from Little Garden."

Dr. Kureha nodded, pulling out a small vial from her bag. She handed it to Chopper. "Get this ready."

Chopper rushed to prepare the medicine while Kureha continued her work. After a few tense minutes, Chopper returned with the prepared antidote. Dr. Kureha administered it, and slowly, Vivi's breathing began to steady.

"It'll take time, but she'll recover," Dr. Kureha said, stepping back. "You brought her just in time."

Coby nodded, relieved. "Thank you."

Chopper looked at Coby and then back at Vivi, his usual shyness creeping back. "She'll need to rest for a while," he said quietly.

Coby turned to Luffy. "We'll stay here until she's better."

Luffy grinned. "Got it. I'll find some food!" He glanced at Chopper, who stood nearby.

Chopper's eyes widened in alarm. "I'm not food, you bastard!" he shouted back, feeling insulted.

Luffy just laughed, clearly enjoying the reaction, and started chasing after him. Chopper, flustered, ran off, muttering under his breath. Luffy followed, still laughing.

Dr. Kureha watched the scene unfold and sighed. "Your friend is a strange one," she remarked, turning her attention back to Coby.

Coby nodded. "His name is Monkey D. Luffy. The man who will become the King of the Pirates."

Kureha raised an eyebrow, curious. "Why are you telling me this?"

Coby shrugged. "He would say it eventually anyway."

Kureha smirked but didn't press further. She looked over at Vivi, who was resting peacefully. "She'll be fine after some rest. But you'll need to keep an eye on her for a few days."

"Understood," Coby replied. He glanced toward the hallway, where Luffy's laughter echoed with Chopper's frantic protests.

"Does that straw-hat idiot know where he's going?" Kureha asked, clearly amused.

Coby shook his head. "Probably not. But he'll find his way back when he's hungry enough."

Kureha chuckled at Coby's remark. He glanced around the room, then asked, "You were attacked by pirates, right?"

Kureha nodded. "Blackbeard and his crew. They caused quite a stir, but they left when they couldn't find what they were looking for."

Coby nodded, recalling the scene from the anime. "The king of this country will return in a few days. Are you prepared?"

Kureha frowned, her eyes narrowing. "How do you know that?"

"We saw them," Coby lied smoothly. "They were searching for an Eternal Pose to Drum Island."

Kureha's frown deepened. He technically 'saw' Wapol and his crew coming back and attack the castle in anime, so it wasn't really a lie.

Kureha's frown deepened, clearly disturbed by the news. Coby continued, not missing a beat. "How about I beat them and kick them out of the island in exchange for you treating my friend?"

Kureha studied Coby for a moment, her gaze sharp. "You're confident you can handle them?"

Coby met her eyes. "I am."

She smirked, clearly intrigued by his offer. "Fine. But don't expect me to clean up your mess if you fail."

Coby gave a small nod. "Deal."

As the conversation ended, Coby noticed Luffy and Chopper rushing back into the room. Luffy was grinning widely, clearly having had his fill of fun.

"Oi, Coby! This little guy's fast!" Luffy exclaimed, pointing at Chopper.

Chopper puffed up his chest, trying to look proud but still clearly shy around the crew. "Your praise doesn't make me happy, you bastard," he said, but the little reindeer couldn't hide his happiness as he danced in place.

Coby chuckled. "He's also a doctor."

Luffy's eyes lit up. "Join my crew, back-up food!"

Coby facepalmed. "No one's gonna join you if you keep calling them back-up food."

True to his words, Chopper immediately hid behind Dr. Kureha, looking more nervous than ever.

Chopper peeked out from behind Kureha, his curiosity getting the better of him. "How did you stretch your arms like that?"

Coby answered before Luffy could. "Because he's a monster."

Chopper's expression fell, clearly hurt by the comment. Seeing this, Coby smiled and detached his hands from his wrists, letting them float mid-air. "And I'm one too."

Chopper's eyes widened in surprise. "W-what kind of monster are you?"

Before Coby could explain, Kureha's voice cut through the moment. "Are you trying to steal my assistant?"

Coby quickly raised his hands, still detached from his wrists, looking like humanoid Hunter. "Haha, it's not like that! We're offering him a chance to see the world. Chopper, the world is vast and amazing."

Kureha's expression turned stern, and without warning, she grabbed a nearby broom and started swinging it at both Coby and Luffy. "You brats aren't taking him anywhere!"

Coby and Luffy quickly ducked and dodged, laughing as they avoided her swings. The noise from the commotion grew louder, echoing through the castle halls as Kureha chased them away.

Only Vivi and Chopper remained in the room after Coby and Luffy were chased out. The noise had woken Vivi, and she slowly opened her eyes, groggy but aware of her surroundings.

Chopper noticed her waking up and quickly moved to her side. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice soft.

Vivi blinked a few times, her gaze focusing on Chopper. "I'm... better, I think." Her voice was weak, but the worst of the fever had passed. She noticed Chopper's blue nose and unique appearance, but she didn't comment on it. Instead, she gave him a small smile. "Thank you for helping me."

Chopper blushed, shuffling his hooves awkwardly. "It's nothing. I'm just doing my job." He glanced toward the door, where Coby and Luffy had just been. "Those guys... they're really something."

Vivi chuckled softly, nodding. "They are. Coby especially... he's been by my side this whole time."

Chopper's ears perked up at the mention of Coby. "He's strong, isn't he? And that power he has... it's amazing."

Vivi's smile grew. "Yes, he is. But more than that, he's kind. They all are, in their own way."

Chopper shifted, clearly thinking hard about something. "Why are you with them? Are you a pirate too? How is it becoming a pirate?" His eyes gleamed with excitement.

Vivi smiled at his enthusiasm. "I'm not exactly a pirate. I joined them to get back to my kingdom, Alabasta. They're helping me because of a dangerous group trying to take over my country."

Chopper's excitement dimmed a bit. "So... it's not all about adventure, then?"

"Not always," Vivi replied. "But there's adventure too. They've been through a lot, and they never give up. That's what makes them special."

Chopper's expression turned thoughtful. "I see... They sound like good people."

"They are," Vivi agreed. "And they could use a doctor on their journey. You'd be a great help to them."

Chopper hesitated, glancing toward the door where Kureha had chased Coby and Luffy out. "But... I don't know if I'm ready for something like that."

Vivi reached out, placing a hand on his hoof. "You never know until you try. Besides, Coby and the others would be there for you."

Chopper looked down, clearly conflicted. He didn't respond immediately, but Vivi could see the wheels turning in his mind.

At that moment, Coby and Luffy burst back into the room, both laughing and out of breath from dodging Kureha's broom. "Chopper! You've got to join us!" Luffy exclaimed, clearly not giving up.

Coby added, "We could really use your skills, Chopper. The world's a big place, and you're meant to see more of it."

Chopper looked between them, then back at Vivi. Her encouraging smile seemed to push him further toward his decision.

"But... I cannot leave Dr. Kureha" Chopper asked, his voice small.

Kureha appeared in the doorway, crossing her arms with a smirk. "I've managed without you before, you little brat. I'll be just fine."

Chopper still vehemently shook his head. "No, I cannot leave you alone, Doctor!" His voice was shaky, and he quickly ran off to the side.

Kureha sighed, clearly irritated by his stubbornness. Luffy, undeterred, chased after Chopper again, yelling, "Chopper, come back here! You're joining us!"

Coby walked over to Vivi, who was now sitting up, looking much better. He knelt beside her and gave her a soft smile. "How are you feeling, Princess? You made us all worry."

Vivi smiled back, though still a bit weak. "I'm feeling better, thanks to you and everyone."

Kureha, overhearing them, snorted as she passed by. "Your girlfriend's fine, no need to fuss."

Vivi's face turned red, and she murmured quietly, "I-I'm not…"

Coby chuckled at her reaction but didn't push it further. Kureha crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Do you really mean it? You want to take him with you?"

Coby nodded. "Our captain's pretty stubborn. Once Luffy sets his sights on something, there's no turning back."

Kureha grinned. "It won't be easy to convince Chopper though." She paused and looked at Vivi. "You probably don't know his story. It's a sad one. A normal blue-nosed reindeer, kicked and scarred by his herd because he was different. Isolated throughout his life, he came across the Hito Hito no Mi. Thought he could live among people after that, but his human form... well, it was monstrous. People called him a monster and chased him out, same as his herd did. That is, until he met Dr. Hiluluk."

Vivi listened quietly, her expression softening with every word. She glanced at the door where Chopper had run off. "I didn't know... That's awful."

Kureha nodded. "Hiluluk was the first one to treat him like a person. Taught him about human customs, about life... They became close, he became a father to Chopper. But Hiluluk was dying. When Chopper found out, he did his best to help. Tried to save him with a poisonous mushroom he thought was a cure. But Hiluluk, stubborn fool, went out with a bang, helping his people one last time. Gave his life for this country."

Vivi clenched her fists, looking down. "He's been through so much." Coby listened from the side, and sighed. Hililuk was a real man and he respected him from bottom of his heart. It was one of the few characters Coby deeply respected in his past life.

Kureha crossed her arms. "And now you lot want to take him out to sea. Think he's ready for that?"

Before anyone could answer, an explosion echoed through the castle. Coby glanced out the window and spotted Wapol.

"They're faster than I thought," he muttered.

Kureha moved closer, peering out the window. "Wapol and his men," she said, her voice tinged with disdain.

PS: Double Chapter. Thanks Natsu Kurosaki for support!


Read up to 100 chapters ahead!

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