Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 57: Preparation for missions

Yukihiro saw All member of team 13 in front of him especially Kaida, who looked much more relaxed and 'mature?', completely opposite of the gloomy version Yukihiro had last seen yesterday


"Kaida, are you fine now?" Yukihiro asked.


"Yes, sensei."


"Good. As you may know, Kaida has already had his first kill, which is a very important part of a ninja's life. We kill people not to show our power or superiority, but to protect those we care about and love.


You might not know, but there are many bandit camps like the one Kaida just cleared in the Land of Fire. Due to our lack of ninja, we're short on manpower to remove them, and some other villages are using this as a chance to weaken our village's economy.


This is a top secret, and you are not allowed to share it with anyone else. The reason I'm telling you is that I plan on taking every bandit extermination mission available in Konoha from now on, as it will be like killing two birds with one stone.


If any of you have an objection, you can tell me now."

(A.N: top secret, to not cause stress among civilians)


Though Ryota and Yomi were a little terrified by the idea of killing someone, they understood why they had to do it. Unlike Kaida they didn't had the moral compass of someone from a peaceful world, and in this world Killing someone was not too unnatural even for civilian let alone ninjas, there main job was killing


"No, sensei, we don't have any objections," Ryota said, and Yomi nodded.


Kaida was still thinking. But after a sec he asked


"Sensei, when will we have to depart for the mission?"


Seeing that none of his students had any problems with this, Yukihiro smiled a little and said, "We have to complete some preparations before that. Two of you don't know any movement jutsu, so you will learn that in one week. As for Kaida, you have something much more important to master. So here, eat a soldier pill each." He handed soldier pills to Ryota and Yomi since Kaida had already taken one during the mission to save Ayame.


Yukihiro made two shadow clones and took Ryota and Yomi to a different area of the training ground to teach them Body Flicker Jutsu. Since they didn't have Wind Chakra affinity, Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu would be difficult to learn; Body Flicker Jutsu was the second-best option.


Then he turned toward Kaida and asked, "Do you feel anything different after killing those bandits?"


Kaida thought Yukihiro was asking if he felt guilty about killing them.


"No, sensei, I don't feel any guilt killing those bastards."


"I'm not talking about that, brat. You activated the Sharingan during that time."


Kaida was shocked upon hearing this.


'What? I activated the ultimate cheat-like ability, the Sharingan? Me, who had the least chance of awakening it due to mixed blood? How the hell—'


"What?" Despite thinking so much, only this word came out of Kaida's mouth.


"Yes, you've awakened your Sharingan. Now, the Uchiha Clan won't leave you alone like before. There's a chance they'll try to bring you back under their command. So, what do you want to do?"


Kaida was stunned by the sudden flood of information, but one thing was certain.


"Hell no, I'm not going there. Just because I've awakened the Sharingan, they want me back? Before this, I was just an orphan to them. I'll continue living as I always have," Kaida said firmly.


'Besides, the Uchiha compound isn't exactly the safest place for those who know about the Uchiha massacre.'


Yukihiro had anticipated this response.


"But they're the only ones who can help you reach your full potential with the Sharingan, you know."


"I don't even need the Sharingan," Kaida said, thinking, 'My life is more important than any cheat-like ability.'


"Huh, even if you say that, the Sharingan is too powerful to ignore. So, even though I can't train you like an Uchiha would, I'll still help you learn how to use your Sharingan."


Kaida's eyes sparkled at this. He bowed slightly and said, "Thank you, Sensei."


"No problem, boy. Let's start with activating your Sharingan. Transfer chakra into your eyes and focus on awakening it."


"Huh, that's it?" Kaida asked.


"Well, I'm not an Uchiha, so how would I know? Your chakra control is good, so I'm sure it won't be difficult for you," Yukihiro scoffed.


For the first time, Kaida felt that having a goofy teacher might not be the best, but he decided to give it a try. He channeled his chakra into his eyes and tried to activate the Sharingan.


Suddenly, his vision became clearer, as if he had been looking at the world through a veil and someone had just lifted it. He could now see every small detail around him, from the falling leaves of a tree to the insects crawling on the ground.


One thing he noticed was that he could see something ethereal in the air.


"Congratulations, Kaida! You succeeded on your first try."


"But, Sensei, why am I seeing colorful air now?"


"That's not air, my boy; it's chakra. With the Sharingan, you can easily see chakra. With practice, you'll be able to see a person's chakra and the chakra path of a jutsu being performed. This greatly aids in learning jutsu. That's why the Uchiha are the most feared ninjas—they can easily copy most of an enemy's jutsu, which is a nightmare for other villages."


"That's so cool."


"Yes, but you're still miles away from achieving that level. Your eyes will help you learn jutsu faster, but copying a jutsu will require practice and luck. You've unlocked the one-tomoe Sharingan, which consumes the most chakra. As you upgrade to the three-tomoe Sharingan, chakra consumption decreases. For most ninjas, that's the limit, although there's also the Mangekyō Sharingan, which is way above your current league."


"Sensei, how can I upgrade my Sharingan further?" Kaida asked, even though he already knew the answer.


"Well, upgrading to the two-tomoe Sharingan is simple. This version is awakened after maturing or through continued usage of the Sharingan. It automatically upgrades whenever the user experiences strong emotions, so you can't force the upgrade. But even the one-tomoe Sharingan is powerful enough to kill for, so you should focus on mastering its powers."


"Okay, Sensei, but what can I do with the one-tomoe Sharingan?"


"The one-tomoe Sharingan has many powers, with the major one being analysis. It will help you see every minor detail in your environment, including your opponent. With enough practice, you can predict your opponent's moves. The Sharingan also helps you cast Genjutsu and prevents you from falling into one. Lastly, it allows you to see chakra movements, which ultimately helps in copying a jutsu just by observing it."


"Sensei, if the one-tomoe Sharingan can do this much, what can the two or three-tomoe Sharingan do?"


"Well, the powers are pretty much the same, but your chakra control will increase, and your existing powers will strengthen with each upgrade. Now enough with the questions—we don't have all day. Let's begin our practice."


Yukihiro drew his sword after saying that. Kaida understood the meaning behind this and created a shadow clone, which used the Transformation Jutsu to transform into a chakra blade. They began their sparring match. At first, their speed was slow, and anyone could easily follow their moves. But gradually, Yukihiro increased his speed, and Kaida continued to defend. As time passed, Yukihiro's speed continued to escalate.


After ten minutes, they were fighting at such a speed that many of their attacks would have been invisible to a normal civilian. Kaida was just barely able to keep up with the help of the Sharingan; his body struggled to match his reaction speed.


Though Yukihiro hadn't planned on taking the match seriously, Kaida kept defending against his attacks, so Yukihiro increased the speed even further. Even when Yukihiro was going at his top speed without using chakra, Kaida somehow managed to keep up.


Though the Sharingan helped him see the attacks, it would have been less effective if his body weren't fit enough to react to his enhanced perception.


They sparred for an hour straight, and much to Yukihiro's surprise, he wasn't able to land a single cut on Kaida. Although he wasn't attacking with full force, the speed was enough to put many Jōnin under pressure, and Kaida was able to match that speed.


After an hour, Kaida started feeling the strain on his chakra reserves. The Sharingan did consume chakra at an alarming rate, but thanks to the soldier pill he had taken earlier, he could continue after a brief rest.


Yukihiro and Kaida sparred many times over the next two days. By the end, Kaida had somewhat mastered predicting his opponent's moves with the Sharingan. During their final spar, Kaida even managed to land a small hit on Yukihiro, though he shouldn't have smirked afterward.


Seeing that smirk, Yukihiro got angry and used chakra to enhance his speed and strength. Kaida only managed to block the attack because he predicted it, but the force behind it still sent him flying backward. His hand went numb as he looked at Yukihiro and thought, 'No wonder he's considered an S-rank ninja in kenjutsu. Even predicting his attacks isn't enough to fight him.'


"That's enough, Kaida. I think we've analyzed your Sharingan's potential enough. Now, try to observe the chakra of the ninjutsu I'm about to perform."


Yukihiro quickly performed a series of hand signs. While any normal person might not have been able to follow his movements, a Sharingan user like Kaida saw every hand sign clearly. Then he noticed chakra emanating from various parts of Yukihiro's body before Yukihiro suddenly vanished. Kaida recognized the jutsu from the hand signs—it was the Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu—but seeing the wind chakra flowing from every part of Yukihiro's body and coating him like a protective barrier was fascinating.


"Were you able to follow that jutsu?" Yukihiro asked, appearing next to Kaida.


"Yes, Sensei."


"Good. Now create a shadow clone and try to predict its every move. That way, you'll be able to practice your Sharingan and see the true nature of your jutsu."


Kaida nodded and created a shadow clone with 70% of his chakra, instructing it to randomly perform any jutsu.


At first, the clone used the Fire Breath Jutsu. Kaida observed two different chakras moving from the clone's solar plexus to its throat, mixing there, and then emerging from its mouth as a stream of fire.


Similarly, he watched the clone perform all of his jutsu and gained a better understanding of each one.


When Yukihiro saw that Kaida could perform four out of five jutsu without hand signs, he was speechless. Even though the jutsu were just C-rank, mastering them in such a short time was impressive. Yukihiro became certain that Kaida was a genius.


Though this was partly true, the main reason Kaida could master the jutsu so quickly was his excellent chakra control. Through daily practice, including leaf concentration and other exercises, he had developed chakra control comparable to that of a medical ninja.


This control was further enhanced by the Sharingan.


After a full day of practice, Kaida was also able to predict ninjutsu attacks from his opponents.


(A.N: Thank you for reading ^~^)

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