My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 102 - plan

? “Since it’s here, let me do something for you!”

Anyang remembered that Sarah and T800 in the original plot destroyed Cybertron and all the company’s data, but Skynet was not ended, and the Judgment Day was still unstoppable.

Just like the initial time has not been changed, Skynet didn’t send T800 to end Sarah, and Cybertron didn’t get T800’s arm and CPU, but Skynet still appeared, and launched the final battle of world destruction!

In the final analysis, T800 was manufactured by Skynet. It was Skynet first and then T800, not T800, so even if they destroyed all the research data of Cybertron on T800 and destroyed the Terminator. All the evidence of the world, Skynet will still appear in the world, and at a certain time will send a terminator to terminate Sarah, and then fall into a time cycle …

It was just postponed!

Artificial intelligence is an inevitable trend. They destroyed the evidence of Cybertron and the microprocessor. At best, they only reset the time to the starting point, so that Skynet does not have the T800 bonus, and it is naturally developed.

I do n’t know the Terminator of system construction: Genesis and Terminator 3 are related, but Anyang still hopes that he can do something for those 3 billion people. Anyway, it only takes a little time, and I do n’t know if it can succeed.

Anyang gestured to Sarah and said something to T800. The three of them split their heads to the villa.

Anyang walked through the main gate. He hid in the swimming pool for a while. It was estimated that Sarah and T800 who were walking around the villa were almost here, and they went forward with an assault rifle.

A panic shout came from the room–

“Hey, Myers, I saw a woman approaching us with a gun!”

“Dad, a big man broke the door of our house. Come and see!”

Dyson froze for a while and asked, “Really?”

“Really! I wouldn’t joke about this kind of thing!”

Dyson saw that the expression on his wife’s face didn’t seem to be a fraud, and quickly stood up in front of the computer and turned and ran to the door.

“Tosia. You take the children first! I’ll be …”

“Suddenly …”

A burst of gunfire sounded, and the glass at the gate suddenly turned into debris.

A terrified expression appeared on Dyson’s face, and he stepped back until he stuck it to the wall.

“You … who you are. I will give you whatever you want, please don’t shoot!”

Anyang hastily stepped into the villa and looked at the luxurious decoration. The technical house is indeed a very profitable race.

Sarah and T800 also stepped into the living room one after another, each holding weapons. Surround the Dysons and their children.

Dyson looked into their eyes and realized that this was not a sudden robbery or terrorist attack, but an organized action, which immediately softened.

“I beg you, you can say anything, let our children go first!”

“Mr. Myers-Dyson, you have to believe that we are here without any malice, we just want to talk to you, we are not going to hurt anyone in this room, nor are we going to take anything from you!”

Anyang said so. Gesturing Sarah.

“Your wife and children can leave here first, but if I hear the siren, the goodwill I’m showing will disappear immediately!”

Dyson nodded quickly, pointing at the woman and saying, “Tothea, you take the child away, don’t call the police until the matter is resolved!”

Anyang glanced at the back of the woman and the child leaving and said to Dyson: “Mr. Dyson, now you see my sincerity. I have no intention of hurting anyone or wanting anything. Even the gun in my hand It ’s just deterrence. “

Dyson looked at him nervously: “OK, what on earth do you want to do?”

Anyang glanced inside the villa: “Let’s find a quiet place to talk again?”

Dyson wiped the cold sweat from his face and was scared to jump his chest, no one could think he would bravely take responsibility after realizing his mistake. Until sublimated in the fire.

“Okay, let’s go inside, but I hope you don’t shoot, please!”

“We will not shoot, I said the third time, we have no intention of hurting anyone!”

Step into this little house. Anyang first looked at the environment before closing the door. At the same time, he removed the gun and placed it on the table, looking at Sarah.


Sarah whispered in a low voice, and took off the gun under his gaze, put it on the table and stared at Dyson fiercely.

Anyang withdrew his gaze.

“Hey, big guy, John said before you came, you have to listen to me, now, show yourself to him!”

Without taking a word, T800 picked up a dagger and frightened Dyson, only to find that the big man didn’t want to threaten him, but drew a circle on his arm with his dagger.

Dyson opened his eyes!


T800 yanked the simulated skin tissue attached to the hand, exposing the simulated blood and silver-white metal palm inside, and the five fingers covered with the movable shaft were still bending.


Dyson was even more frightened, and fell off the bench directly, his body trembling with shock!

The T800 is still expressionless, flexing and extending its metal fingers.

“Oh, God!”

Dyson exclaimed, his face unbelievable.


Suddenly there was a cry of life from outside the door, and Dyson’s wife Tosia was hiding behind the door, and the whole person was almost stunned.

Anyang walked over and opened the door, holding her before she reacted.

“If I remember correctly, Ms. Tothea, right? Since you have all seen it, then come and listen together. I promise again, we will not hurt you.”

When the two sat in their chairs full of anxiety, the T800 began to execute according to the original plan, telling them about Skynet and Judgment Day.

The panic on Dyson’s face gradually dissipated, replaced by dullness, and even silence, and in the end it was deeply heavy!

“Hey … I will judge my fault for what I have not done yet!”

Dyson’s tone was very low.

He worked day and night, wanting to create this trans-generational invention. He thought he was creating an era, but he did not want to create an abyss that swallowed 3 billion people in an instant.

He couldn’t believe it, but a terminator was in front of him.

Anyang nodded and said, “Yes, we want to prevent that from happening!”

“But I think …” Tothea’s eyes flashed. “Aren’t we changing all this, changing its future direction?”

“Yes, I don’t want to finish the processor by killing me, at least not now.” Dyson nodded and thought for a while, “Forget it, I will quit tomorrow and quit this project!”

Sarah interrupted: “No, that’s not enough!”

T800 received the sentence: “Make sure no one takes over your job!”

Dyson lowered his head: “Yes, we have to destroy the laboratory files and disks, completely destroy it! Yes, I don’t care …”

He suddenly remembered something and looked up at T800: “Yes, that chip, do you know that chip?”

T800 asked: “What chip?”

Dyson said: “In the company, it comes from a robot like you.”

Anyang interjected: “The first terminator’s CPU.”

Sarah heard this suddenly broke, and stood on the table: “Damn, I know!”

Dyson said: “They said don’t ask where it came from.”

Sarah was furious: “Those lying beasts!”

Dyson continued: “This is a very amazing thing, very advanced. Although it is broken and unusable, it gives us some inspiration to lead us into new areas, some areas that we will never step into. , All my work is based on it. “

“It must be destroyed!” Sara said firmly, and suddenly asked, “Can you take us through the guard and into the laboratory?”

“and many more!”

Anyang exit interrupted her.

“It’s easy to destroy the chip. Just hand it to me. I will destroy the entire Cybertron, but this is not enough. The Terminator is made by Skynet, but Skynet is not made from the Terminator chip!”

“You mean, Skynet will still appear without chips and data?”

Anyang nodded, his expression dignified.

He suddenly remembered the story of Terminator 3, and the appearance of Skynet seemed destined, just like the battle of annihilation called the Judgment Day by the survivors. .

The last moment of Terminator 3, which is when John and his girlfriend stood side by side, waiting for the moment of the World War.

“Then what should we do, how can we stop the **** Skynet?”

“Artificial intelligence has become an inevitable trend, and all we have to do is let the world know that this path is wrong and let them give up this trend! Or … no longer study Skynet!”

“No, this is impossible, we can’t do it!” Sarah shook her head. “You don’t know what kind of animals, scum, and hybrids they are! They know it, they know that this chip will be destroyed The world, they still did it. They thought they could control it, but they became the culprit of the world! “

“They don’t care, someone always cares!”

“You mean …”

“For example, the three billion people who died on Judgment Day ~ ~ and Russia, which was the first to be attacked by a nuclear bomb, but before that, we have to make a good promotional video and make a lot of noise ! “

“What happened?”

“We’re going to blow up Cybertron, and if possible, I hope to kill all the beasts who know the matter and still invest in Cybertron! The death of a group of billionaires and military gangsters will surely cause a lot of death. Waves? “

“……Count me in!”

“it is good!”

Anyang nodded, grinned, and took out a camera.

“I have everything ready!”

PS: Thank you “Lian Tian Yi Shi” and the readers for your reward, because there are so many people, I am not famous, and I apologize, and I will push the book “Infinite Alchemist”

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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