My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 41 Hidden

(***Yoko POV***)

Arriving through a portal Zero and Yoko appeared in the Inner Quarters area that held the Valkyries, Curlys, and Persephone maids. They made no effort to hide and appeared in the middle of the dining hall startling everyone there. This caused the Valkyries to immediately take flight and the Curlys to grab their sword and get into their fight stance.


"I take the four-armed women and the maids on and you can take care of the winged ones." said Zero nonchalantly


"Why? It'd be faster to for you take care of the winged ones." stated Yoko


"You need some flying practice. You haven't used your new wings at all." explained Zero as he walked behind her tearing open the back of her red blouse to make space from her wings.


"Hey!" yelled Yoko


"Relax your wings will hurt if I don't do this. Are you starting to get hungry again?" said Zero smirking


"No I'm not!" yelled Yoko


Yoko released her red-colored feathered wings causing her blonde hair and blue-green eyes to both instantly change to scarlet red color. She then took to the skies naturally as if she had been born with wings. The sensation she felt when she changed back to this form was alleviation as if her old form had been similar to wearing slightly new clothes that she wasn't used to. In her true form, her wings were free and she felt extremely comfortable.


When she reached the same altitude as the Valkyries they formed lances of light. Yoko paid attention to the magic they used to form them and recreated it using darkness mana creating a black blade. She had never been one to confront her enemies in physical combat but after her rebirth, she felt exhilaration from clashing sword with another foe. She enjoyed spilling the blood for her enemies which she assumed came from the Valkyrie part of her as she saw them smile before they charged at her.


Trusting her instincts in both flying and swordsmanship she flew straight towards them. As she charged she noticed beams of light were flying towards her so she crafted a darkness shield to protect herself. The beams crashed into her shield but were instantly absorbed into the darkness and dissipated. Dispelling the shield she then created multiple light beams and fired them at the Valkyries in the back attempting to snipe her. Her attack was quite effective as a few were hit and fell out of the sky. Now undeterred by the light beam she charged towards a group of 3 valkyries.


They attacked her with their lances made of light but she dodged with ease. Yoko wasn't just using her wings to fly but was using wind magic to eliminate wind resistance while boosting her speed making her 3 times faster than the Valkyries. She then slashed a Valkyrie from behind splitting her in half. She sensed a magic attack coming from behind her as she fought the next Valkyrie and she dodged to the side causing the Valkyrie to take 2 light beams to the chest killing it. Yoko then used water mana to create thin ice needles and fired them at the 2 Valkyries behind her skewering them causing them to scream as they died.


A Valkyrie in red armor appeared and she heard Zero yell. "That's an Erinys a high-level Valkyrie be careful!"


All the Valkyries backed away from her as the Erinys approached her while creating a sword made of light. Yoko also approached the Erinys with both stopping when they were 20 feet apart. Yoko had been using a claymore made of dark mana but noticing the Erinys' rapier of light she shifted her claymore into a rapier too. The Erinys began taking a stance as Yoko had no stance so she just held her swords and prepared herself for the fight.


"You are a powerful warrior upon your death I shall take your soul." said the Erinys


"You're welcome to try if you think you can." said Yoko with a smiling


The Erinys rushed at Yoko but Yoko was shocked to learn that the Erinys was faster than the Valkyries. She managed to block the first slash but the force of the blow sent her flying backward causing Yoko to lose her balance. Yoko struggled to regain her balance and managed to straighten herself out. As she looked to face the Erinys there was nothing there and her senses screamed danger so she created a shadow barrier and was instantly bombarded with a constant stream of light magic. The light started to bleed through the shield and little shards of light hit her but due to her holy resistance, she barely took damage.


As the bombardment ended Yoko dispelled her barrier. The Erinys noticed that Yoko did not take much damage even though the attack had broken through her barrier. She switched tactics and her rapier switched from light to white flames. Yoko instantly recognized those as holy flames meaning her dark magic would be useless here.


Yoko retreated back a bit but to her surprise, the Erinys appeared right next to her and attempted to decapitate her. She tried to use her rapier to block the incoming attack but right before the attack struck the flaming sword disappeared. The Erinys stance instantly changed and a flaming spear replaced the rapier and she stabbed Yoko through the stomach. Yoko felt a painful burning sensation in her abdomen as her body began to catch on fire. She screamed as her organs began to liquefy and her skin burned off.


Using what little focus she could gather at this moment she cast a spell called dark tide which was a fusion of dark and water attributes in hopes of countering the holy flame. She succeeded as the Erinys backed off and the flames were dowsed. Her body began to heal but the wound in the abdomen wouldn't heal this soon. She had no time to worry about her wounds since the Erinys had already recreated her flaming spear.


"Need some help!?" asked Zero who had already finished and was watching the battle while sitting in a chair.


"No! Don't you interfere she's mine." yelled Yoko


"An unwise decision. You might have a chance if you fought together." said the Erinys


"Shut up! I'll have you on the ground begging for your life soon." said Yoko coldly


Yoko shifted her shadow rapier into a spear that was made of shadow and ice. She then formed orbs of dark tide and readied herself as the Erinys rushed at her. With a flap of her wings, Yoko dodged to the side causing the Erinys attack to miss and Yoko stabbed her spear at the Erinys who dodged but received a cut on her left arm. The Erinys backed off but Yoko chased after her, froze a dark tide orb, and launched it at the Erinys who destroyed it with her flame spear. This instance created an opening that Yoko took advantage of and attacked. Yoko's strike sent the Erinys flying into a wall.


The Erinys emerged from the wall her helmet had fallen off to reveal a gorgeous blond-haired green-eyed woman. She had a smile on her face as she formed orbs of holy flames to match Yoko. She flies at Yoko launching a flame orb at Yoko causing her to use a dark tide orb to defend herself. The Erinys spread her holy flame orbs around limiting Yoko's mobility and rushed her. She struck with her flame spear and Yoko used her ice spear to block but the force of the attack caused Yoko's spear to shatter.


Yoko quickly formed a new one to block another oncoming attack but right before the attack landed the flaming spear disappeared. The Erinys had reformed the holy flames into a rapier again and stabbed at Yoko's defenseless throat.

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