Marvel: I can summon heroes from League of Legends

Chapter 42. Noah’s Reminder

The bright pillar of rainbow light faded, leaving behind a mysterious mark on the once dirty field.

As the light dispersed, the people gathered nearby began to approach the spot. They gazed in amazement at Noah, who stood with lightning in his hand, and at the enigmatic symbol on the ground.

"What was that?" Jane asked. She had noticed flashes of lightning from the window and had stepped out with Thor to see what was happening. As soon as they went outside, they saw the bright pillar of the Bifrost, though Jane had no idea what it was. However, she found the light beautiful and unusually unscientific.

"It's the Bifrost, Jane. I've told you about it before," Thor replied, looking at the mark left by the bridge with sadness. It was a tool that could return him home, but now he knew he couldn't go back.

Shaking his head, Thor pushed away the dark thoughts and focused on the lightning in Noah's hand. He could feel that it was a powerful weapon, similar in nature to his Mjolnir and the force of thunder.

"What? That's really the Bifrost? So everything you've told me is true?" Jane asked in disbelief.

"Of course it's true. Why would I lie to you?"

Coulson, overhearing Thor's words, looked at him and then approached Noah. He studied the lightning in Noah's hand carefully and asked a few questions:

"Noah, what happened here? What is that item? Were you fighting someone?"

Coulson was taking the situation seriously, but Noah didn't rush to answer. He put the Statikk Shiv back into his backpack and turned to Thor.

"Did your brother come here looking for you?"

The others also looked at Thor.

"Yes, my brother Loki just came to visit me."

"What?! He infiltrated our camp, and we didn't even notice?" Coulson exclaimed, shocked by the thought that an enemy had slipped into their base undetected. He automatically assumed Loki was a foe, especially since he had just fought with Noah.

"Loki can turn invisible, which is why you didn't notice him," Noah explained.

Coulson nodded. He hadn't expected an opponent capable of invisibility. He wondered whether this was a superpower or magic.

"Why were you fighting him, Noah?" Coulson asked, glancing around at the chaos: cut fences and signs of the recent battle.

"I just ran into him and thought we could spar a little, exchange experiences between our worlds," Noah replied seriously. Coulson didn't fully believe him, but Thor seemed convinced.

"Noah, you're a good man. I think you and my brother could be friends."

Noah smirked to himself, knowing full well that Loki hated him.

Coulson, after organizing his men to restore order, left Noah and Thor, who returned to the room.

"Thor, are you still unable to lift your hammer?" Noah asked, sitting across from him. Jane, sitting next to Thor, was also interested. She had learned about the existence of a new world, and both Thor and Noah were part of it.

"Yes, I was too arrogant and started a war. My father banished me to Midgard. I am no longer the Prince of Asgard, and... I also killed my father," Thor lowered his head, filled with pain. Jane comforted him.

Noah scratched his chin, pondering how Thor could have believed every word of his brother. Thor's father was too powerful to simply die.

"Thor, was it your brother who told you about your father's death?" Noah asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" Thor asked, raising his head in surprise.

"You didn't even doubt him? Your brother is the God of Mischief, and his favorite pastime is lying. Besides, I suspect your father isn't dead at all but has entered the Odin Sleep," Noah said.

"The Odin Sleep? What's that? I've never heard my father mention it," Thor was puzzled. Now, he began to understand that it wasn't wise to trust his brother's words blindly, given Loki's habit of deceiving and playing tricks.

"According to legends, the Odin Sleep is a state that Allfather Odin enters to balance his growing divine power," Noah explained. He knew that not many were aware of the Odin Sleep, as Asgard's enemies could exploit such a moment to attack. But he hoped Thor wouldn't ask too many questions about how he knew these details.

"Really? So my father is alive!" Thor exclaimed joyfully. He didn't even stop to wonder why Noah knew about the Odin Sleep, and Jane, sitting next to him, was also happy for him.

"But you still can't lift your hammer, so don't celebrate just yet," Noah said, trying to cool Thor's enthusiasm.

Those words quickly dampened Thor's excitement. He began recounting how, in his pride, he had started a war, causing his friends to suffer, disturbing the peace in the Nine Realms, and leading his father to exile him to Earth.

Noah recalled the beginning of the movie, where Thor constantly talked about war, which enraged Odin. Odin had planned to pass the throne to him, but with such a temper, Thor could have plunged the Nine Realms into chaos. That's why Odin sent him to Earth, to humble his spirit.

And it worked: the days Thor spent on Earth with Jane and her friends had made him more restrained. Noah thought that maybe this was the power of love.

"So Loki is currently fighting Thor for the throne of Asgard? That sounds like the intrigues of ancient Earth kingdoms! I didn't expect Asgard to be involved in such affairs too," Coulson remarked, chatting with Noah in one of the secret rooms. Clint Barton stood by the wall, listening attentively.

"More or less. But right now, Thor is temporarily deprived of his powers due to certain circumstances," Noah explained.

"And what was the real reason for your conflict with Loki? It didn't seem like a simple sparring match, as you told Thor," Coulson continued.

"Well, you've caught me. Actually, it all started when Loki tried to lift Thor's hammer but failed, and it looked quite comical. I laughed at him, and he got angry and tried to attack me. But, unable to land a blow, he fled. That's all," Noah explained, causing Coulson to react silently. Rubbing his forehead, Coulson realized that the cause of the conflict was rather trivial and personal.

From what he heard, Coulson understood that Loki was a very proud and aggressive character.

At that moment, Barton interjected, "Noah, do you know what that pillar of light was?"

The question piqued Coulson's interest as well. He also wanted to know if Noah had the answer.

After the light pillar disappeared, a strange image remained. Their researchers discovered that it was some kind of ancient inscription, but they couldn't make any further progress.

"That was the Bifrost Bridge. The Asgardians use it to travel between the Nine Realms," Noah explained. The Bifrost was not only a transportation device but also a powerful weapon capable of destroying Jotunheim, the realm of the Frost Giants.

"So, are Asgard's advanced technologies capable of creating something like that? Or is it just powerful magic?" Coulson probed, trying to understand Asgard's nature better.

"You could say it's a mix of technology and magic. The Asgardians use technological advancements combined with magical forces," Noah replied. Asgardian technology appeared like medieval artifacts: glowing swords, ancient armor, and flying ships.

Mentioning the fusion of magic and technology, Noah remembered Hextech, the technology from the world of Runeterra.

"Is this all from your knowledge of the future?" Coulson suddenly asked, noticing how much Noah knew.

"Um, yes, and some from Valoran's archives," Noah answered, improvising.

Then, Noah shared a bit more about Asgardian life. For example, they live very long lives: Thor is around 1,500 years old, and Loki claimed that some of their race could live up to 5,000 years.

"Are they all gods? Living that long is incredible," Coulson marveled.

"You can think of them as powerful aliens. Besides their longevity and physical prowess, they're not too different from humans. Additionally, some of them, after death, can end up in Valhalla and continue their lives there," Noah continued.

In the Thor movies, the Asgardians seemed more like powerful extraterrestrials, but in the later parts, they started to be portrayed as actual gods.

To Noah, it didn't matter much, but Coulson carefully took note of all the details to later report to Nick Fury.

Finishing the conversation, Noah left the room, leaving Barton and Coulson to discuss their perspectives on Asgard. After that, they called Nick Fury and began reporting what had happened.

"Aliens? Gods?"

Nick Fury, after listening to Coulson's report, was shocked, but what surprised him the most was the news of a powerful alien civilization located so close to Earth.

Technically, Asgard was at a great distance from Earth, but from Coulson's report, he learned that the Asgardians possessed technology that allowed them to traverse the universe and arrive on Earth at any moment. This deeply concerned him, as he always anticipated the worst in order to better prepare for potential threats.

"You said Loki is currently the first in line for the throne of Asgard?"

Noah hadn't told Coulson that Loki was temporarily acting as the king of Asgard, so they assumed that Loki's chances of ascending the throne had increased due to Thor's exile.

"How would you assess Thor, Coulson?" Fury asked, wanting to hear his subordinate's opinion.

"Thor seems like a rather straightforward and honest person. Plus, he has a good relationship with a woman named Jane. She was the first person he met on Earth," Coulson answered, recalling Thor's behavior and Noah's information. He hadn't interacted much with Thor, so his conclusions were mostly speculative.

"In love with a human? That might be good news," Fury mused. If Thor and Jane stayed together, it could mean the beginning of diplomatic relations between Asgard and Earth.

After Coulson's report, Fury spent some time in deep thought. Today, he had received a wealth of new information. First, he learned about the powerful technologies Noah and his allies possessed. Then, he discovered the existence of Asgard, the Asgardians, and their enemies—the Frost Giants from Norse mythology, who, it turned out, could also visit Earth. This made him ponder whether other figures from Norse mythology might be real and pose a threat to Earth.

Fury fiddled with his pager—his secret weapon. However, he felt it wasn't the right time to use it. Instead, he decided to activate his plan: "The Avengers," a project designed to counter extraterrestrial threats.

Earlier, Noah had informed him that Captain America might still be alive. He had already sent people to search for him. He hoped that soon they would find the soldier. Including Iron Man and possibly Noah in his team, Fury felt his plan was beginning to take shape.

For a while, Fury drummed his fingers on the table before making a decision. He planned to personally visit the site of the events the next day and wanted to take someone along.

"What? Nick? Are you out of your mind? What are you even talking about? Thor? Odin? Are you serious right now?" Tony Stark was bewildered. Nick Fury had called him and started talking about Norse mythology, claiming that Thor and his hammer were currently on Earth, and suggested they meet.

Nick quickly ended the conversation, assuring Tony that everything he said was true, knowing Tony's curiosity would get the better of him and he would join in.

Left alone, Tony pondered, stroking his chin. As a scientific genius, he was skeptical about magic and gods, but…

On the screen in front of him, news reports were displayed about a meteorite that had landed in a small town in New Mexico. The footage showed many people and machines trying to pull a hammer out of a crater.

"What the hell? Could Nick be telling the truth?"

Doubts began creeping into his mind. Tony had already checked the videos using J.A.R.V.I.S.—there were no signs of editing, everything was real.

"But why does Nick Fury want me to go there? Is something dangerous about to happen?"

Watching the videos, Tony started believing Fury's words, but he still doubted the true motives behind his invitation. Perhaps Nick wanted to use his skills for joint research? Or maybe the place was truly dangerous, and he wouldn't manage on his own?

Nevertheless, Tony decided he would find out the answer when he arrived the next day. He looked at his Mark VI armor. He hadn't yet created a new suit, but he had upgraded the reactor in his chest, and his armor now had more power and strength.

The moonlight spread across the desert like a thin veil. A recent rain had added moisture to the air, making the already cold atmosphere even more piercing.

A few hundred meters away from the S.H.I.E.L.D. temporary camp around the crater, Noah sat on a large rock. Magical energy surrounded him, the green power of the Resolve Rune enveloping his body.

Because of the large number of people in the camp, he couldn't train peacefully, so he went further away, to where there were fewer people. Only the desert sands stretched around him, making it an ideal place for training.

"Ha~ hu~"

With each inhale and exhale, the magical energy circulated through his body. At that moment, Noah felt he had established a new connection with the Resolve Rune before him.

"It seems like I'm beginning to understand the power of the rune more deeply."

Noah stopped training and looked at the green rune floating before him.

He could feel that his control over the rune had significantly improved. And now, this progress wasn't due to summoned heroes, but to his own efforts in training and deepening his connection with the rune.

Noah saw this as a great start. If he continued at this pace, he would soon be able to fully master the power of this rune.

The powerful life magic of the Resolve Rune permeated everything around him. Small green sprouts began to appear on the ground beneath him, young plants pushing their way up from the soil. Under the influence of the rune's magic, life began to spread from Noah as its center. The power of this rune, the power of life, was said to even have the ability to resurrect the dead.

Back at the camp.

"Sir, we've detected high-energy readings nearby," one of the agents said, looking at the data from the surveillance equipment.

"Don't worry about it," Coulson replied, knowing it was Noah's doing. Noah had warned him that he would step out for a while but hadn't specified why.

"Understood, sir."

Having received the response, the agent didn't ask any more questions, though as he looked at the screen, he noticed that the area of high-energy reactions seemed to be expanding.


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