Martial Doctor Supreme

Chapter 580

Chapter 580: The Island Forgot10 By Time Under The Sea

Chapter 580 The Island Forgotten By Time Under the Sea

In the depths of the dark seabed, the submarine, which is about 10 meters long, is like a big fish, swimming almost straight to the depth.

“The signal is interrupted.”

Long Qi glanced at the phone, then put it away.

Right now, they are located on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, beyond a certain depth, even the specially made mobile phone of Nantianmen has completely cut off the signal.

She turned to look at Yang Mu beside her:

“Ji Yantian has been safely sent back to Ji’s house.

Also, in Mormon Island before, the amount of thank-you fees that those guys transferred to you was too great. We opened a special account for you, and all the money was deposited into that account for you. ”

Yang Mu nodded, not too interested in this huge sum of money.

In the cabin, in addition to Yang Mu and Long Qi, there were Andorph, Xiao Yuru, Tuyumen Xuezi, Zeus and others.

Yang Mu had dug out what he wanted to know from Andorf’s mouth.

As he guessed, Andorf’s chance was a relic of an ancient civilization.

The ruins of this ancient civilization were actually located deep in the seabed, and now led by Andolph, the group went there.

“Good brother, is it possible that this guy is lying to us?

Is there really a sunken island at a depth of more than 7,000 meters under the sea?

It always feels a little unreliable. ”

Xiao Yuru looked at Yang Mu with a worried look on her face.

Yang Mu understands her concerns, after all, be careful sailing the boat for ten thousand years!

But no matter how worried you are, is it necessary to wrap your arms around yourself and desperately squeeze your chest against yourself?

It’s not that he feels bad, or that Yang Mu is some kind of eminent monk who is not close to women, but Long Qi’s expression on the side is normal, but his eyes are like two sharp swords. prostitute” pierced through.

Yang Mu coughed dryly and glanced at Andorph who was pale:

“If he didn’t want to go through the previous experience again, he wouldn’t have done that stupid thing.”

Andolf’s instinctual body trembled.

After falling into Yang Mu’s hands, he originally planned to be tougher, but he surrendered after a while.

In his opinion today, the most intimidating weapon on Yang Mu’s body is not the Scarlet Firmament Sword, but the silver needle that doesn’t look very conspicuous.

“My life is still in your hands, and lying to you will not do me any good!”

Andolph hurriedly said.

The submarine shot out lights in all directions, barely illuminating the dark seabed.

Yang Mu and the others looked outside and could see all kinds of strange-looking deep-sea creatures.

“The ocean occupies about 70% of the earth’s area, and the secrets hidden in the depths of the sea may be much more than those on land.”

Yang Mu looked at the underwater world outside, full of curiosity.

The so-called science is a field that human beings have mastered, and outside of science, Yang Mu is very clear that there are still too many mysteries.

“Arriving at the destination soon!”

After more than half an hour, Zeus in front said.

This submarine was provided by “The Kingdom of the Gods of No Fall”, with Zeus as the pilot.

What made Yang Mu speechless was that when Zeus knew that he could not drive such a submarine, he was just as proud as Long Qi, who was proud that he could drive a warship before, and suggested that he should drive it.

Hearing Zeus’ words, everyone’s body was almost close to the special glass window, looking down.

Zeus cooperated very well and controlled all the lights of the submarine to shine downward. Soon, everyone saw a scene that shocked them!

“Really…there really is a sunken island.

Moreover, there seems to be a transparent glass cover that isolates the sea water!

what! Did you notice that there seems to be a lot of glowing things on the island, it looks like the whole island is glowing under the sea! ”

Xiao Yuru’s face was full of excitement, like a little girl who got a new toy, holding Yang Mu’s clothes tightly.

Yang Mu glanced at her, not expecting her to have such a side.

Then, his eyes turned cold and he looked at Andorph.

Andolph hurriedly said: “It’s not a glass cover! It’s an energy cover, whether it goes in or out, it will not be affected, but it can isolate the sea water.

Although the buildings on the island are old and dilapidated, they are all inlaid with gems that emit light. Because of those gems, the island will not be completely dark. ”

Hearing this, Long Qi, Xiao Yuru and the others looked surprised and curious.

“Enchantment, aura cover?


But it should be something like that…”

Yang Mu whispered.

He guessed that this should be a method similar to enchantment.

After different paths, the things that are beyond common sense on the earth basically make use of “reiki”.

Of course, just like turning a spirit stone into an energy stone, “aura” in their mouths should be called something else.

Since the source is the same, it is not surprising that similar means have been developed.

For example, the Innate Astral Qi in the ancient martial artist’s body and the real energy in Yang Mu’s body can be said to be similar, but they are different from cloud and mud.

As Andorph said, the “energy shield” did not bring any obstacles.

The submarine changed shape, and wheels appeared at the bottom, which made it easy to enter it and stop on the island.

Opening the hatch, Xiao Yuru said in surprise, “It’s amazing! There really is oxygen on this island, and the oxygen equipment we brought is useless.”

She excitedly walked out of the cabin door and looked curiously at this underwater island that seemed to be forgotten by time.

“Is this really an ancient island?

The buildings inside, in addition to looking a little old, are much more spectacular than the high-rise buildings in the metropolis outside! ”

As the leader of the Hong Sect, Xiao Yuru had seen all kinds of big scenes, but at this moment, she still couldn’t help but admire her again and again.

Zeus walked over to her and nodded in agreement:

“These buildings don’t seem to use cement, the main material seems to be some kind of metal, which seems to be more technological.

It’s hard to imagine that this is really an ancient building? ”

“If you are curious, just stroll around on this island, and I will take this guy to the temple in the middle to take a look?”

Yang Mu said.

According to Andolph’s account, the previous giant beast and the potion that brought great changes to his body were obtained in the huge temple in the middle.

What interested Yang Mu even more was that at the bottom of the temple, there was a metal secret room with a large area, and even Andolph didn’t know what was inside.

Andolph immediately understood that Yang Mu couldn’t wait to see what secrets were hidden in the stone room.

He sneered to himself, this kid thinks things too simply!

There must be some secrets hidden in the secret room, but how could it be so easy to open!

He tried all kinds of methods, and even used the specially developed explosives, but there was no way.

I don’t believe it, this kid didn’t bring anything, just relying on an ancient Chinese sword, he can really break through the door!

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