Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 41: Robbery

Mia hummed to herself as she walked down the sunny street, enjoying the pleasant weather. As she approached the bank, she noticed a commotion in the distance. Police cars and barricades surrounded what looked like a superhero battling some diabolical villain.

The dramatic scene made Mia think of James and how he was out there now fighting dangerous foes as Lilia. She wondered if someday she too could fight by his side and defend the city. But first, she needed to quickly master her own blossoming magical talents. She had raw potential, but still had a long way to go before she'd be battle-ready.

Drawing her eyes away from the distant conflict, Mia refocused on her original errand - stopping by the bank to withdraw some cash. She made her way to the ATM nestled against the stately brick building.

Just as Mia stepped up to the machine and took out her bank card, loud shouts rang out from inside the bank. Whipping around, she saw a group of men in dark clothing and masks storming through the entrance, weapons drawn.

"Everyone down on the ground, now!" the apparent leader barked.

Mia quickly realized the robbers thought that superhero battle was a great distraction for this bank robbery. With the police occupied blocks away, the criminals were taking advantage of the opened opportunity.

As terrified customers and employees dropped to the floor inside the bank, Mia swiftly hid herself behind the ATM, peeking out carefully. Should she try to stop the robbers herself? She considered the defensive spells she knew, but taking on a whole gang was well beyond her current abilities.

 Mia watched with bated breath as the situation inside the bank escalated dangerously. One of the masked robbers grabbed a trembling clerk from behind the counter, jamming his gun against the man's temple.

"Open the vault, or your buddy here gets a bullet in his brain!" the robber shouted. The poor clerk nodded frantically, inputting codes with shaking hands as the barrel pressed harder into his skin.

Mia's heart hammered, her mind racing. She had to do something before someone got killed! Gripping her messenger bag tightly, she considered her options. She was still a novice spellcaster, only able to manage a handful of basic spells. Taking on multiple armed robbers was suicide.

Yet as the thief's finger tightened on the trigger, Mia knew she couldn't simply stand by. With a flick of a wrist, she formed a shard of crystalline ice in her palm and flung it at the robber holding the clerk hostage. Her aim was true, the conjured spear piercing the man's wrist in a spray of blood.

Howling in pain, the robber dropped his gun, releasing the clerk who instantly fled for cover. Mia stood frozen, horrified she had intentionally harmed someone, even if it was to save a life.

In her moment of hesitation, the other thieves spotted her. "Shoot the bitch!" one yelled, taking aim with his pistol. Desperately, Mia tried to summon a shielding ward, but in her panic, she made the magic fizzle uselessly.

This was it. She was going to die. Mia squeezed her eyes shut as gunshots rang out...yet no bullets tore into her. Instead, a powerful gust of wind nearly blew her over, and she felt herself swooped up into a pair of arms.

When Mia's feet touched ground again, she found herself standing well away from the bank's entrance, shielded behind the brick corner. Whipping around, she came face to face with a muscular man clad in a skintight blue costume, stylised white lightning bolts adorning his outfit.

"Stay here, miss. I'll wrap this up quickly," the hero said in a reassuring tone before vanishing in a blur, leaving only swirling dust in his wake.

Peering cautiously around the corner, Mia watched in awe as the speedster zipped about faster than her eye could track, disarming the robbers in the blink of an eye. Before they could even react, he had trussed them all up neatly with plastic cuffs, securing them to a bike rack out front. It was over in seconds.

With the threat neutralized, the hero jogged back over to Mia at a normal human pace. Up close, she noted he had friendly green eyes and short brown hair peeking out from under his mask.

"Apologies for the swooping rescue," he said sheepishly. "I know that can be a bit disorienting if you aren't used to high speeds. The name's Lightning, fastest hero in New Atlantis," he introduced himself, offering a gloved hand to shake.

Mia managed a shaky smile, still processing her close brush with death. "Th-thank you," she stammered. "I'm not sure what came over me, trying to intervene like that."

Lightning patted her shoulder reassuringly. "Hey, your bravery back there was impressive. Not everyone would have the guts to stand up to armed baddies."

He glanced over at the impaled robber being treated by paramedics and gave an approving nod. "That was clever thinking, using your powers to disarm him. Maybe with more training, you could make a real difference out there."

"Heh, yeah...I guess I still have a ways to go before I can call myself a real hero," she replied awkwardly.

Lightning flashed her an encouraging grin. "Well, keep working at it! Us supers gotta stick together. But maybe leave the work to us pros for now." He winked playfully to soften the gentle admonishment.

Glancing over his shoulder, Lightning gave a start. "Ah damn, Thunder Fist is still tangling with those goons across town. I better go back him up."

Turning back to Mia, the speedster held out a fist. "Stay safe, rookie. And remember - with great responsibility, comes great power. Or something like that," he quipped before dashing off in a blur, leaving only his breezy laughter hanging in the air.

Mia watched Lightning race away, heart still pounding as she processed her harrowing experience. She had acted on instinct to protect that innocent clerk, but the attempt had nearly gotten her killed. Clearly, she still had much to learn. But the famed hero's words rekindled a flicker of determination within her. Someday, if she honed her abilities, perhaps she too could face darkness head-on.

Buoyed by newfound resolve, Mia headed home with a fresh sense of purpose. She would push herself harder than ever in her mystical studies. Next time trouble arose, she would be ready.


The walk home gave Mia time to process the day’s harrowing events. While still shaken by her near-death experience at the bank, determination now burned within her. She would not be caught helpless like that again. It was time to push herself harder and master her budding magical abilities.

As Mia approached the modest two-story house her parents had purchased years ago despite owning a lavish mansion, she took a deep steadying breath. Gathering her resolve, she walked inside, only to find both her mother Emma and father Adam sitting at the kitchen table, a rare occurrence. They were usually away on business trips for the insurance company they ran.

“Mia! This is a pleasant surprise. Your father and I managed to align our schedules to have dinner as a family tonight,” her mother said with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Though not cruel, Mia’s parents had always been rather detached and preoccupied with work.

Mia slid into a chair across from them, exchanging stiff pleasantries about her day at school and their latest business dealings. As the stilted small talk continued, Mia wrestled with how to broach the pivotal subject she had come to discuss. There would never be a perfect time. She just had to take the plunge.

“Mom, Dad...there’s something important I need to tell you,” Mia began nervously. Her parents glanced at each other before looking back at her expectantly.

Taking a deep breath, Mia met their gazes. “I’ve decided that after high school, I’m going to become a professional hero and help protect this city.”

A pregnant pause followed before both her parents suddenly burst into laughter.

“Oh Mia, what an imagination you have!” her father chuckled, wiping his eyes. “I suppose all teens go through this phase of wanting to be a superhero.”

Mia clenched her fists under the table, irritation flaring. “This isn’t just some silly fantasy,” she insisted, keeping her tone level. “I have powers I’ve been training. I helped stop a bank robbery today. Well, mostly helped at least."

Her proclamation gave her parents pause as they exchanged troubled looks. The light mood evaporated.

“What do you mean you have...powers, Mia?” Emma asked carefully, a crease between her brows.

Taking a deep breath, Mia replied “I recently discovered I can manipulate water to create shapes and freeze it. I’ve been practicing with a friend who also has special abilities. Just watch.”

Focusing intently, Mia extended a palm and formed a delicate rosebud made of crystalline ice in her hand, frosted vines winding around her wrist. Her parents gaped at the display, stunned to silence.

Setting the frozen flower on the tabletop where it glinted under the kitchen lights, Mia met her parents’ uneasy expressions resolutely.

“Like I said, I have powers now, and I plan to use them to make a difference as a professional hero.” Saying the words out loud cemented Mia’s decision and resolve.

Adam was the first to find his voice again. “Mia, be reasonable,” he implored. “You’re still in high school. Becoming some vigilante is far too dangerous.”

Her mother nodded hurriedly. “Your father’s right. With your grades and potential, you’re destined for great things academically. Leave hero work to... more common people.”

“There are so many safer, better ways you could apply yourself that live up to your full potential,” her father added.

Mia frowned. “This isn’t just some passing flight of fancy,” she insisted, an edge creeping into her voice. “I’ve thought hard about this decision. I want to help protect our home and do good with the gifts I’ve been given.”

Her parents shared a worried look, her mother wringing her hands. “Please Mia, be sensible. You’re still so young, and we only want what’s best for you. This hero nonsense will only lead to harm.”

Tempers were beginning to rise as Mia shot back “It’s my choice what I do with my future! I know you’re concerned, but I won’t stand by while others are out there fighting and risking their lives.”

Adam’s expression hardened. “Do not use that tone with us, young lady. As your parents, it is our duty to steer you down the proper path, especially when you clearly are being irresponsible.”

Curtly, he demanded “Who put these reckless ideas about heroics in your head anyway?”

His accusatory tone made Mia bristle. “No one! I told you, this is my own decision.” She hesitated before admitting softly “But...I want to help my friend. He’s out there battling threats, and I can’t stand the thought of not doing everything I can to support him.”

Her parents shared a dark look. “Ah, so someone did influence you down this wayward path,” her father declared.

Emma shook her head, looking distressed. “I knew enrolling you in public school was a mistake. If we’d kept you in private tutelage, this never would have happened.”

“Maybe it’s not too late. We’ll pull you from that school immediately and get you proper private instruction again for your final semester,” her father decided.

Mia shot to her feet, fists trembling with outrage. “You can’t just control my life on a whim like that!” She glared at them accusingly. “If you paid any attention to me rather than being gone all the time, you’d know this is important to me!”

“How dare you use that tone with us!” her mother snapped, rising as well. “You clearly lack the maturity to make these decisions rationally. This conversation is over.”

Her father pointed sharply down the hall. “Go to your room this instant. We need time to consider how to handle your appalling behaviour and dangerous delusions.”

With an inarticulate cry of frustration, Mia whirled away from the table and stormed off to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Throwing herself on the plush bed, angry tears stung her eyes.

She had hoped her parents would at least try to understand her newfound passion. Instead, they immediately rejected her aspirations, asserting their authority in an attempt to regain control. They didn’t even really see her as a person, just an asset to be positioned as they saw fit.

Well, Mia refused to have her life charted out for her. She would become a hero on her own terms, with or without parental approval. As her tears slowly dried, her resolve only hardened further. One way or another, she would prove herself and gain the strength to stand beside her friends.

For now though, she was trapped under this roof, forced to abide by her parents’ rules. But someday soon, she would break free and find her true path. Hugging a pillow close, Mia silently repeated this promise to herself like a mantra until her swirling emotions finally calmed. Exhausted, she eventually drifted off to sleep with a weary but dogged determination.



Tristan hummed an upbeat tune as he triple-checked his equipment in preparation for the night's heist. It was to be a rather mundane job - breaking into the Private Collection of a plutocrat to steal a priceless jade elephant statue. But even routine missions required meticulous planning and care.

"I still don't get why we're bothering with some random knickknack," Tina complained, sprawled lazily across an armchair. "Shouldn't we be going after more of those ancient artifacts?"

Tristan shot her an indulgent smile. "All in due time, my dear. We can't make every job about hunting relics, or it would draw too much suspicion."

He carefully inspected the mechanisms of his grappling hook gun. "The occasional mundane heist maintains our cover as gentleman thieves out for fame and fortune. Wouldn't want the authorities realizing we're really only after certain dangerous artifacts now, would we?"

Tina shrugged, conceding his point. Just then, the door to their temporary safehouse swung open to admit a tall, powerfully built man with dark skin and close-cropped hair.

"Evening, folks," Zymir greeted in his deep, smooth voice. As the crew's logistics expert, he was responsible for tracking down promising heist targets and planning getaway strategies.

"Zymir, my good man! Your timing is impeccable as always," Tristan said amiably as he secured the grapple gun to his belt. "I trust all the arrangements are in order for tonight's mission?"

Zymir nodded, handing Tristan a dossier. "Just finished the final scouting. Security's tight, but nothing you can't handle." He clapped Tristan on the back. "Try not to get too flashy out there. We're gonna have to do this quick and clean."

"No need to worry, I'll be in and out before they know it!" Tristan declared confidently, giving his signature roguish grin.

Tina snickered, kicking her feet up. "Yeah, you just want to impress that demon chick by showing off your skills again."

Tristan shot her a withering look. "Come now Tina, you know the theatrics are simply part of my gentleman thief persona. I assure you, I harbour no actual romantic feelings toward our mysterious Lilia."

"Yeah right," Tina retorted, clearly unconvinced. "I saw the way you were drooling over her last time. You totally have the hots for her!"

"I'll admit she certainly has exotic charms," he allowed. "But beyond appreciating a beautiful woman, I've no personal investment there."

Tristan leaned in conspiratorially. "Truth be told, I wouldn't turn down a casual one-night stand. But anything more serious with a demoness?" He shook his head ruefully. "Let's just say I prefer keeping my soul intact, thank you very much."

Tina made a face, sticking out her tongue. "Ugh, tell me you did not just imply what I think you did."

Tristan laughed good-naturedly. "Come now, I thought we're all adults here." He gave her a playful nudge before turning back to his final gear checks.

Tina just grumbled under her breath about lecherous old perverts as she fiddled with a half-disassembled gadget. The good-natured ribbing helped keep spirits light before the night's serious endeavour. Soon, the Phantom Thief would be on his way, ready to put his skills to the test once more.

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