Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

99 - Second Evolution_1

Muffled honking and bellowing faded into the background as David soared over the undulating sea of grass, leaving the chaos of the herd far behind. The taste of victory, and Herd Lord, lingered on his tongue, a primal satisfaction settling in his gut. He'd been desperate to get the taste of Gloom out of his mouth, and ravenous after a night of near-constant aerial acrobatics following a long day of savaging the local wildlife.

Nothing like a multi-ton pile of meat to hit the spot. Even if it did taste a bit like magic dust and regret.

His snack had been conveniently available, sprawled out beneath him like the world's largest, scaliest buffet. The lingering Gloom had detracted from the flavor somewhat, but hunger had a way of making even Gloom-seasoned dino-steak palatable.

David's wings cut through the cool air rhythmically, each powerful beat propelling him further from the battlefield and closer to the distant Observatory. The wind rushed past his ears, carrying away the last echoes of the herd's confused bellows and leaving behind a peaceful silence broken only by the soft whoosh of his wings.

From dino-slayer to Cuddlebug airbus. All in a day's work for David Fisher, apocalypse survivor extraordinaire. Little pigs are all too stuffed to fly, I'm surprised they all made it. Must have been too small to notice other than, ‘Ow what the hell is stinging me?’

As he flew, David couldn't help but marvel at how natural it felt now, gliding from gust to gust, an endless sea of bright stars above him. It was a far cry from his first awkward, terrifying attempts at flight after hatching. Now, he sliced through the air with the grace of a creature born to the skies, even if his form was more 'nightmare fuel' than 'majestic eagle'.

Who needs feathers when you've got leather wings and a face only Claire and the Cuddlebugs could tolerate? Fuckin Kai is probably going to look like some mythical creature when he evolves…I'm probably going to look like something that eats nightmares after inflicting them. Ugh. If there's a Cuteness Mutagen I'm getting it.

Climbing higher into the sky as he surfed the night winds, David couldn't shake a growing sense of unease. The thrill of the hunt, the rush of taking down such massive prey, it all felt a bit too good. Residual adrenaline and whips of prey drive lingered at the edges of his mind, a constant purr of approval that set his teeth on edge.

Alright, Spooky, enough. We won, great. No need for a victory lap in my head. Wait, why the hell am I talking to you like you even exist? Maybe naming you was a bad idea. David, get a fucking grip. You're not a fucking animal, stop acting like it. Use your brain, you're backsliding.

But even as he tried to push away the feeling, David knew it wasn't that simple. He'd given in to his predatory instincts as a safety net during the Owl’s ambush, reveled in how easy it made everything sometimes. Leaned into it more than he really needed to. The line between necessity and bloodlust was blurring, and that scared him just as much as Omega’s implied threat.

I'm over here doing exactly what Big Red wants me to do, without even failing the Quest first. Man, I was just so caught up in it all. I got that shard, the fancy bloodline, fuckin’ magic even. Getting a little cocky again, I need to…be better about that.

The landscape below shifted slowly, trampled grasslands giving way to scattered trees. David's mind wandered as he settled into the long flight ahead. He thought about how far he'd come since that first night after hatching, when flight itself was a terrifying novelty. Now, he was soaring effortlessly, having just taken down a creature straight out of a paleontologist's fever dream. His thoughts drifted to the Evolution waiting for him. More power, finally within reach. But at what cost? How much of himself would he lose in the process? The idea of becoming stronger was gratifying, especially with Omega's quest looming over him. But the way he had behaved in the moments before the was concerning, to say the least.

Time for some real talk, brain. We've got to get a handle on this 'inner demon' situation before we turn into something Claire has to put down.

David banked slightly, adjusting his course as he spotted a familiar landmark in the distance. He was making good time, but there were still a few hours of flight ahead. Plenty of time to wrestle with his conscience and try to figure out how to move forward without losing his humanity.

Right. Because that's a totally normal and achievable goal. Just your average, everyday struggle between man and beast. No big deal. Wait a second... What was it Xi said? 'The path you walk, both old and new.' And then something about jesters? Oh yeah, 'Where reason falters, jesters reign.' Dammit, Xi. Would it kill you to speak plainly? Great. The tricksy fox probably gave me the cheat codes to this whole 'man vs. beast' thing, and I'm too dense to– I bet Claire or Gideon could figure it out. Hrm…

As the flight wore on, David continued his heading as the Cuddlebugs let out the occasional tired peep, the two empowered specimens doggedly keeping pace to either side of him. The landscape below gradually transformed, scattered trees coalescing into a dense forest canopy. The moonlight painted the treetops in shades of silver and shadow, creating an otherworldly look to the forest beneath him.

His keen eyes caught sight of a sparkle of light from the landmark he had spotted earlier, a winding river that cut through the forest like a serpent as it wove through the landscape.

Ah, there's my wiggly water. Time for a course correction. I wonder what makes them do that, looks cool from up here though.

He banked slightly, adjusting his trajectory towards Claire's presence in the distance. Even from miles away, he could sense her, a comforting beacon guiding him home.

Claire-dar, never fails. Kind of lucky we unlocked the Pack System so early, I can't even imagine how many times we would have gotten lost without it.

As he flew, David decided to take a peek at something he hadn't considered in a long time. He called up his Status, the familiar panel materializing before him as he kept half his attention on his peripherals, wary of owls with grudges.

Species: Twilight Corruptor Ω

Rank: E

Health: 250/250

Stamina: 535/535 (++)

Level: 15

Exp: 1172/1750

Special: Echolocation D

Pts: 46

Storage: 2 Mutagen Token, 4 Ability Token

Traits: 4/4

Nocturnal E: +12% Damage, Stam Regen, Exp Gain at night.


Echolocation D: Manipulate high-frequency sound waves to see with more than just your eyes. Multi-stage ability: Repeated uses against the same enemy builds Combat Expertise, and may trigger an Echo.


Flight E: Allows for flight and gliding. Mild Stamina drain. (stam+)


Small: Your form is small, weighing no more than 115lbs. (stam+)


Abilities: 5/5

Screech E: You emit a loud screech, damaging enemies in a cone. Low chance to inflict Stun, Deafened.

(20 Stamina, +X Overcharge, Ranged) Offense/Control.


Moonsong F: A soothing melody that adds a greatly increased Regeneration rate to yourself and your allies for a short time.(50 Stamina, 100% Increased Regeneration, 5 minute duration.)



Gloom C: Your wingbeats spread Dusk powder with every flap. Enemies under the effect of Gloom are inflicted with visual hallucinations. Stacks up to 8 times.

(Physical Passive) Control.


Nocturnal Strike C: A quick, lunging attack that steals a small percentage of the target's Stamina.

(-3% Target Max Stamina on hit, 4’ Range.) Offense/Control.


Nightshade Swarm F: Call a swarm of tiny, nocturnal creatures that flit about, distracting enemies and spreading minor afflictions. Swarm size and debuff potency increase with Ability rank.


Mutagens: 6/6

Ancestral Terror Mutagen C: Your body deepens its primal bond, fortifying your strength and weakening the resolve of enemies that can perceive you. Your gaze may trap enemies in instinctive Terror.

Blood Memory: Inflicts Terror, causing enemies to hesitate, cower, or flee.(+Offense, +Defense, +Control, Passive.)


Soporalytic Mutagen E: Your attacks have a moderate chance to inflict paralytic sedation, inducing muscle spasms and rendering targets unconscious.(++Control, Physical Passive.)


Secretive Mutagen E: You become more elusive, making you harder to track and detect.(-20% Detection Range, Physical Passive.)


Apical Mutagen C: Assert your dominance, add bonus effects to Abilities dictated by Ability Type. [Control: Drain a small percentage of Enemy Health and Stamina] [Offense: Sunders a percentage of Enemy Defenses](+4 Health/Stamina, Control Passive. 10% Defense Penetration, Offense Passive.)


Corruptor Bloodline A: Ancestral memory of venomous shadow-stalkers that move with preternatural swiftness, unseen. Afflictions you inflict fester and intensify. Provides intrinsic control of affliction delivery.

Corruptor’s Touch: Release a small dart of liquid, inflicting applicable Status Effects on contact.(+Speed, +++Control, Physical Passive.)


Corrosive Mutagen C: Your bodily fluids become acidic, weakening enemy defenses, and dissolving unprotected flesh.


David's eyes fixed on the Omega symbol next to his Species name. It seemed to pulse slightly, as if aware of his attention, though David knew it was just his imagination. The avatar of Omega usually lounging at the bottom of his screen was awake this time, just standing there. Menacingly.

Is that where it all started to go sideways? When I became Omega's little science project or whatever? What would have happened if I picked Alpha? Or Xi’s option? Would I be obsessed with riddles and tricking people for no reason?

He couldn't help but wonder if that symbol was the reason for Omega's continued interest in him. Had it marked him as something special, or just as a particularly amusing data point?

Great. I'm either nuts or the court jester. Neither option seems particularly appealing right now.

The more he thought about it, the more David realized how much had changed since that symbol appeared. His powers had grown exponentially, sure, but so had his tendency to default to basic violence. The predatory instincts, the bloodlust, the ease with which he now dispatched enemies, it all traced back to that moment. He had wanted to be a predator, to be able to defend himself against the creatures that had almost effortlessly slapped his Hatchling form around.

David shook his head, trying to clear the gloomy thoughts. He had to focus on the positives. He was stronger now, better equipped to protect himself and his friends.

And yet…

The questions swirled in his mind like the Gloom he so liberally dispensed. There were no easy answers, no clear path forward. All he knew was that he had to find a way to balance his new nature with his old self, and quickly.

Easier said than done when you're naming your issues like a pet dog.

As David winged his way through the final leg of his journey, his mind bounced between two persistent thoughts: Claire's reaction to his latest adventure and the looming Evolution. He chuckled to himself, imagining her almost assuredly deadpan delivery. But the humor faded as his thoughts turned to the Menu’s waiting for him.

Please don't let me turn into something with tentacles. Or extra eyes. Or both. I really hope the Slug boss didn't give me an option, I don't even want to read it. Yech.

The sky had begun to lighten as David glided slowly past the immense dish that dominated the top of the mountain he’d grown fairly fond of in the last few days, Omega's guest appearance notwithstanding. He touched down silently, kicking up only a small cloud of dust as he landed, eyes wide and staring in the comfortable pre-dawn twilight. The makeshift camp was quiet, save for the occasional snore.

Home sweet home.

He spotted Claire's massive scaly silhouette, sprawled out beneath the lean-to. And there, flopped up against a crate with a dirty cushion discarded several feet away, was Wally. The wolf-man was on his back, all four legs in the air, lips flapping with every exhalation.

Oh man, that's priceless. I wish I had a camera. Again.

Stifling a laugh, David slithered into the lean-to. With practiced ease, he bounced up onto Claire's back, settling into his usual spot. The familiar warmth and gentle rise and fall of her breathing was instantly soothing. David had to consciously strangle a repeat appearance of his oddly shrill, discordant purring before it woke anyone up.

Evolution can wait. Right now, I need a power nap more than I need to taste the rainbow.

As he got comfortable, David noticed the regular Cuddlebugs already scampering happily over Claire's scales. But the two new, empowered ones were conspicuously absent. Curious, he poked his head around Claire's bulk.

The sight that greeted him was almost too much. The two transformed Cuddlebugs stood just outside the lean-to, their tiny jaws agape as they stared at Claire. Through their mental connection, David could feel their awe and admiration washing over him, their mental impressions a jumble of reverence and sheer intimidation. David couldn't help but grin.

Oh, if you only knew. Wait till you see her eat something. Now that will put hair on your chest…er…well, more.

As if sensing his amusement, the Cuddlebugs turned to him. Their eyes widened even further as they realized he was casually lounging on the back of the terrifying creature in front of them. David felt a surge of respect emanating from them, tinged with a hint of 'how is he not dead?'

That's right, boys. Your boss sleeps on the big bad lizard. Be impressed.

He gave them a little wave before settling back down, chuckling to himself as he felt them eventually snuggle into his side when they thought he was already out. As sleep began to claim him, David's last coherent thought was a mixture of amusement and pride. He finally drifted off, the sounds of the waking world fading away as he finally got some well-earned rest.

At least, a few solid hours of sleep.

David slowly drifted back to consciousness after a rather sturdy nap, the familiar warmth of Claire's armored back beneath him a comforting constant. He kept his eyes closed, savoring the moment of peace before fully waking, as he stretched languidly, barely moving at all. After his brain booted up enough, he finally processed the hushed voices nearby.

"...rarely sleeps during the day like he should," Claire was saying, her voice a low rumble. "We'd been traveling so much, I think he's forcing himself to stay awake."

"That can't be good for him," Gideon's squeaky voice chimed in. "Bats are supposed to be nocturnal, right?"

"He used to complain about eye strain and headaches from the light," Claire replied. "But I think he's mostly forced himself to acclimate. Stubborn little furball."

David decided it was time to join the conversation. He cracked one eye open, wincing slightly at the aforementioned daylight.

"You know," he drawled, "it's rude to talk about someone when they're sleeping right on top of you."

Claire's neck twisted around, her massive head coming into view through the opening of the lean-to. "Look who's finally awake. Have a nice nap, sleeping beauty?"

"I'll have you know I'm always beautiful, thank you very much," David retorted, stretching his wings while casting a no-doubt hideous shadow on the patchwork canvas. "And for the record, light still hurts my eyes and gives me headaches sometimes. I'm just used to it now. Moonsong helps when it gets bad."

He hopped down from Claire's back, landing with a soft thud. "Besides, unless you're cool with me just being a fancy hat seventy percent of the time you're awake, I've gotta be up during daylight a lot."

Gideon, perched on a nearby crate, looked concerned. "Still, you should try to get more rest when you can. Your body needs-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," David interrupted. "But hey, speaking of body changes, guess what? I can Evolve again."

The statement hung in the air for a moment before Claire broke the silence. "You what now?"

David grinned, his fangs glinting in the sunlight. "Oh yeah, big news. Found a whole herd of dinosaur things out there migrating into some grasslands. Beat down a 'Veggie-Clairesaurus' sized creature with a little help from my Wildsoul."

Gideon's jaw dropped. "A whole herd? …they migrate in herds?"

"Yep," David said, popping the 'p' with great difficulty due to the shape of his snout. "Big ol' thing with spikes and attitude. Made Claire look like a cuddly kitten."

Claire snorted, a puff of warm air ruffling David's fur. "I'll show you a cuddly kitten, you overgrown mosquito."

"Aw, you say the sweetest things," David cooed, patting her snout with his talons before she snapped at him playfully. He quickly snatched his wing away with dramatic reproach before turning back to Gideon. "So yeah, Evolution's on the table. Thought you guys might want to know before I potentially sprout extra wings or whatever."

Kozlov, silently observing from off to the side, finally spoke up. "This is... significant. We should discuss the implications before you proceed."

David jumped as his mane poofed out in surprise, his expression sobering slightly as he realized Kozlov had just heard all of his sass while he was still groggy and waking up. "Yeah, I know. Trust me, I've been thinking about it the whole flight back. It's not a decision I'm taking lightly."

David settled into a more comfortable position, his wings wrapping around him like a leathery cloak. "Alright, so here's the deal," he began, his voice serious despite his casual posture. "I've got some options for this Evolution, but I'm worried about how it might affect... well, me."

He glanced at Claire, then back to Kozlov and Gideon. "Ever since Omega showed up and gave me that Quest, my instincts have been going haywire. I'm concerned about losing myself to the whole 'apex predator' thing."

Kozlov nodded gravely. "A valid concern considering... What's your strategy?"

David's ears twitched as he considered. "I'm thinking of focusing on control, or something. Maybe find a way to balance out the more aggressive aspects with a path that has a little more brainpower. I don't want to end up as just another mindless monster, you know?"

"Smart," Gideon squeaked, his tiny paws gesticulating wildly. "Perhaps look for options that enhance your existing abilities rather than drastic changes?"

Claire rumbled in agreement. "Just don't turn into something I can't recognize, alright? I've gotten used to your ugly mug."

David grinned, about to retort when he paused, a serious look crossing his face. "Actually, before I do this, Claire, could you keep an eye on me? Just in case something goes wrong."

Claire nodded, her massive head dipping slightly. "Of course. I've got your back, furball."

With a deep breath, David closed his eyes and mentally nudged the Evolution menu into action. As the familiar sensation began to wash over him, he felt a sudden rush of air. His eyes snapped open to see his two new Cuddlebugs materializing beside him, their bodies tense and alert. They positioned themselves protectively on either side, their crimson-streaked eyes darting nervously between David and Claire.

As the world started to fade around him, David caught sight of Claire's expression morphing from concern to horror. Her eyes widened, fixating on the Cuddlebugs' newly prominent rat-like tails.

"Wait, what's this about flying rats?" Claire's voice rose in pitch, a note of panic creeping in. "David, you better explain those... those things with rat tails when you get back!"

Suddenly, the world around him froze. The grass ceased its gentle sway, and all sound abruptly cut off, plunging David into an eerie silence. He felt his body lock in place, unable to move as a familiar bubbling sensation began to fill his skull like cold water. This time, however, he recognized it as his Wildsoul surging with immense power.

The last thing David saw before the Evolution menu fully engulfed him was Claire rearing back, her massive form trembling as she hissed in fear and disgust. The Cuddlebugs stood their ground, torn between their duty to protect David and their terror of the enormous, clearly phobic reptile looming over them.

Oh shit, that's going to be one hell of a conversation when I get back.

After a few moments, everything settled down. An infinity of grey fog stretched off in every direction, broken only by a single blue window that hovered immediately in front of him.

Advanced User access granted.

At any time during the Evolution process, the User may sell Tokens in storage.

Beginning Advanced Evolution.

You have 46 points available.

As the blue window materialized before him, David felt a strange sense of déjà vu. The infinity of grey fog stretched out in all directions, just as it had during his first evolution. He couldn't help but wonder if this was some sort of Overseer waiting room, a liminal space between what he was and what he would become.

Here we go again. Let's see what kind of bat-monster I can turn into this time.

As if responding to his thoughts, text began to appear on the screen:

Evolution System Initializing

Collecting LifeStage Data…

Analysing LifeStage Data…





|Duskscourge Ravager| Ω

|Twilight Sentinel| Α

|Gloomshade Deceiver| Ξ

|Lunar Mender| Φ

Continue →

Well, lets see what ol' Scratch has for me this time I guess. Duskscourge Ravager.

|Duskscourge Ravager| Ω

Some Twilight Seekers develop an insatiable hunger for inflicting pain, honing their abilities to cripple and devour their prey. These sadistic specimens often evolve into the Duskscourge Ravager.

The Duskscourge Ravager excels in prolonged combat, wearing down opponents through a combination of potent toxins and draining attacks. Their bodies produce a variety of debilitating substances, which can be delivered through bite, claw, or even exhalation.

Bloodline Bonus: Enhanced Toxin Production, Improved Drain Efficiency

Offense: *****

Defense: ***

Speed: ****

Regeneration: ***

As he read through the description, his brow furrowed. Suddenly, a vivid image flashed in his mind:

He saw himself, but changed. His form was leaner, more predatory, with corded muscles visible beneath his sleek fur. Razor-sharp spines protruded from his wings, glinting menacingly in the dim light. His fur had taken on a rusty hue, still absorbing what little light there was. Venomous barbs lined a long ratlike tail, each one glistening with a deadly toxin. His eyes glowed with an eerie, hunger-filled light, pupils narrowed to predatory slits. The vision-David opened its mouth, revealing rows of needle-like teeth dripping with a toxic substance that sizzled as it hit the ground. Its claws seemed longer, wickedly curved, perfect for tearing into prey.

Jeez, talk about leaning into the whole 'apex predator' thing. This is exactly what I was worried about. Sure, it's powerful, but at what cost? I don't want to lose myself to bloodlust.

He moved on to the second option, curious what something on offer from Alpha would be.

Twilight Sentinel.

|Twilight Sentinel| Α

In rare cases, Twilight Seekers with strong Pack Bonds may develop defensive adaptations, evolving into the vigilant Twilight Sentinel.

The Twilight Sentinel possesses reinforced hide and vastly enhanced sensory capabilities. Their wings develop a unique structure that allows them to create intense blasts of condensed air, useful for both defense and controlling the battlefield.

Bloodline Bonus: Reinforced Physiology, Strong Wings

Offense: ***

Defense: *****

Speed: **

Regeneration: ****

This time, he saw a bulkier version of himself. His wings had thickened, looking more like shields than flying appendages, with a tough, leather-like texture. His fur had taken on a metallic sheen, reflecting light in mesmerizing patterns. Intricate markings resembling armor plates covered his body, particularly dense around vital areas. The vision-David's eyes were alert, constantly scanning its surroundings, with an intensity that suggested enhanced perception. It lurked protectively over shadowy figures that might have been his friends, its posture radiating an aura of safety and security. Despite its increased bulk, there was a grace to its movements, suggesting hidden agility.

Now this is interesting. Definitely more defensive than I'm used to, but maybe that's not a bad thing. Could be useful for protecting the others. Though I'm not sure how I feel about being slower.

David's attention shifted to the third option, and a new image formed alongside the description:

Gloomshade Deceiver

|Gloomshade Deceiver| Ξ

Occasionally, Twilight Seekers develop an uncanny ability to manipulate their battlefields, often evolving into the enigmatic Gloomshade Deceiver.

The Gloomshade Deceiver's body undergoes subtle changes that allow it to blend seamlessly with shadows. This subspecies develops specialized glands that produce a variety of compounds, enabling them to alter their scent and even create short-lived decoys that may lure or repulse other creatures.

Bloodline Bonus: Advanced Camouflage, Pheromone Manipulation

Offense: ***

Defense: ***

Speed: *****

Regeneration: ***

The David in this vision was sleek and shadowy, its form seeming to ripple and shift. His fur seemed to shift and change colors, blending perfectly with the background, making it hard to discern where he ended and the environment began. The vision-David's eyes sparkled with mischief as it vanished and reappeared into the darkness at will, leaving behind wisps of shadow. Its wings seemed almost fluid and seemed to be much larger than they should be for a creature its size. A faint, shimmering aura surrounded it, distorting the air and making it difficult to focus on any one part of its body.

Huh, stealth and trickery. That could be fun. Might help me avoid some fights altogether. But is it enough to take on the tougher challenges? Not sure about the lack of regeneration for a pure hit-and-run Evolution.

Finally, he examined the new option, eyeing the newer symbol curiously. He couldn't quite place the name, but he felt as though he'd seen it before, during the brief moments before he had absorbed the Shard of Supremacy.

Lunar Mender.

|Lunar Mender| Φ

Some Twilight Seekers of mild temperament may develop a unique affinity for manipulating their own life force, evolving the ability to mend wounds and bolster allies. These rare specimens often evolve into the Lunar Mender.

The Lunar Mender's body undergoes significant internal changes, developing specialized organs that produce regenerative compounds. They can transfer portions of their own vitality to heal others, and their affliction takes on restorative properties when used on allies.

Bloodline Bonus: Vitality Manipulation, Restorative Afflictions

Offense: **

Defense: ****

Speed: ***

Regeneration: *****

This version of David had an otherworldly glow about it, as if lit from within by a soft, silvery light. Its fur was a soothing silver, with a texture that seemed almost fluid, rippling gently even without wind. Intricate patterns that looked like flowing water covered its wings, pulsing gently with a rhythmic, calming bioluminescence. The vision-David's eyes were filled with compassion and wisdom beyond their years, glowing with a gentle, green eyeshine. Its paws seemed to emit a soothing radiance, leaving trails of restorative energy in the air as it moved. As it exhaled, a mist of restorative Gloom swirled around it, visibly mending small injuries and rejuvenating plant life it touched. Despite its peaceful appearance, there was a underlying sense of strength, as if its healing abilities could be turned to lethally offensive purposes if needed.

A healer? That's... unexpected. Could be incredibly useful, especially for the group. But can I afford to focus on support when I've got Omega's quest hanging over my head?

David blinked, the visions fading away. He leaned back, or at least, he felt like he did in this strange void, mulling over his options. Each had its appeal, and each its drawbacks. He couldn't help but feel that this choice would shape not just his abilities, but his very nature moving forward.

No pressure or anything. Just deciding the course of my entire future. Piece of cake.

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