Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

100 - Second Evolution_2

Neverending fog billowed all around David as his floaty, disembodied consciousness grappled with the only thing it could. Choices. The Ravager and Sentinel options had been dismissed almost immediately, one for its potential to feed his issues, the other for being unnecessary given his current needs. Now, he found himself staring blankly into the glowing panel, torn between the latter two options.

Alright, brain. Deceiver or Mender? Tricky bastard or one trick pony? Both sound pretty damn good when you're constantly one bad day away from being something's dinner, honestly.

He focused on the Gloomshade Deceiver first, mulling over its potential as his focus wandered back to the description. The ‘advanced camouflage’ and creating short-lived decoys was interesting. But more than that, it was offered by Xi. David wasn't entirely willing to trust in the altruism of any Overseer, especially one that spoke entirely in riddles.

…buuuut, Xi did stick her neck out for me...I think. Unless, and I'm just being realistic here, this is all part of some cosmic long con. Wouldn't put it past an Overseer to play the long game. Then again whoever that fuckin’ Owl is involved with basically tried to delete me by way of greeting… Is this a rare case of the evil I know also being the lesser evil? Oof. Dammit, David, focus!

The Deceiver's stealthy nature and misdirection abilities could be incredibly useful, and even aligned with a lot of his current strengths. But there was a nagging worry in the back of David's mind.

You know, I've been relying on brute force a lot lately. When did I stop being sneaky? I guess I just wanted fights over quickly so I could pretend things were normal again. But that strategy's gonna get me a one way ticket to an early grave if I keep it up. The Deceiver, though...that could really play to my strengths. My Mutagens and Abilities would work great with all that stealth and misdirection.

His consideration eventually turned to the final option. Healing capabilities and high regeneration were tempting, especially given how often he and Claire ended up battered and bruised. Plus, it might make him less terrifying to look at.

Maybe I could finally ditch the 'murderbat' aesthetic. Though knowing my luck, it'd interact with Ancestral Terror somehow and make me straight up uncanny valley. Like one of those creepy antique dolls come to life, all glowing and 'angelic', but still with a mouthful of nightmare fangs and solid black eyes. The kind of thing that you'd be equally scared of asking for healing as you are of bleeding out.

But the Mender was offered by an unknown quantity in the game David found himself unwillingly playing. Was it wise to accept a gift from an Overseer he knew nothing about? For all he knew, they could be the Overseer of Evolutionary Dead Ends. Maybe there was a reason healing abilities were so rare. What if healing had side effects in the long term? Or worse, what if healing others meant taking on their injuries himself?

David shuddered at the thought. He could just imagine it now:

Hey Claire, let me fix that broken leg for you. Oh, by the way, my wing seems to have exploded, can you pick me up? Thanks, you're a real pal.

Still, the potential benefits were hard to ignore. Being able to patch up himself and his friends in the middle of a fight could be the difference between life and death, and that was before the Restorative Afflictions. Even if all it did was make Gloom give someone a general pick-me-up instead of horrible waking nightmares, it'd open up a lot of options. And if he was being honest with himself, the idea of not looking like something that crawled out of a nightmare and into a Lovecraft novel was pretty appealing.

David's non-existent talons would have been tapping against the ethereal floor if he'd had a physical form in this strange, foggy landscape. Both options offered unique advantages, and with 46 Pts, plus the potential to sell his stored Tokens, he could significantly enhance either form.

Dammit, why can't I just pick both? Is there a combo option? Deceptive Mender? Mending Deceiver? Trick reality into thinking nobody got hurt? ...No? Worth a shot.

He metaphorically took a deep breath, knowing his choice would shape not just his abilities, but his entire role in the fights to come. With Claire and the others depending on him, he couldn't afford to choose wrong. Not to mention the impact this choice would have on the whole, ‘Solo Boss Kill's requirement Omega had shackled him with.

Okay, David. Decision time. Do you want to be the ultimate trickster or the team medic? And how many of those Tokens are you willing to cash in on your new form? All of them, honestly, but only because this is a rare opportunity to get my greedy little claws on that Cube again. Does that thing count as a Shop? I guess technically…

As he mulled over his options, David couldn't help but think about everything that lay ahead. The world was getting weirder and more dangerous by the day; dark stars, crazy ass owls, trickster foxes, Omega in general, Shards of Supremacy, and Wildsoul magic? Whatever he chose, he'd need to be ready for anything.

The infinite grey fog seemed to pulse around him, as if eager to hear his decision, and for a moment he swore he saw enormous shapes observing through the fog.

David's consciousness wavered for a moment, then solidified with resolve.

Alright, Xi. Let's see what tricks you've got up your sleeve.

"Gloomshade Deceiver," David intoned, his non-existent voice echoing through the fog.

As soon as the words left his metaphysical lips, David felt a strange sensation, like knowledge being poured directly into his mind. Before he could process it, the world around him shifted. The grey fog swirled and coalesced, forming into a moonlit forest scene.

David found himself observing from an impossible vantage point, both everywhere and nowhere at once.

What the... Is this some kind of demo reel? No fucking way. Why would they bother–

His attention was drawn to a massive saber-toothed cat prowling through the dense undergrowth, its muscles rippling beneath a sleek coat. The predator moved with deadly grace, unaware it was on tonight's menu.

High in the canopy above, a Gloomshade Deceiver clung to a branch, its fur shifting to match the dappled moonlight so perfectly it was nearly invisible in its stillness. David watched in fascination as the creature's ears twitched, a barely perceptible pulse of Echolocation mapping out the forest floor below.

Okay, that's a pretty slick, narrow pulse there. Wonder if I could pull that off with my current Echolocation...

The Deceiver dropped from its perch, silent as a falling leaf. As it plummeted, its form blurred for a heartbeat. David blinked, and suddenly there were two identical creatures falling through the air, moving in opposite directions. Just as quickly, one vanished like smoke in the wind. The saber-tooth's ears pricked forward, its eyes tracking the flickering movement with clear confusion.

Holy shit, that's trippy. Now you see me… That's gotta be the decoy thing, right?

Landing without so much as disturbing a blade of grass, the Deceiver melted into the shadows at the base of a nearby tree as its fur rippled and shifted once again. A soft, eerie melody drifted through the air – Moonsong, David realized with a start. The notes were barely audible, but the saber-tooth's ears twitched nervously, obviously able to detect it but not where it was coming from.

Without warning, Gloom erupted around the predator. The silvery mist, thicker than anything David had generated, billowed outward. He could almost see the hallucinogenic hairs and soporalytic toxins swirling within, ready to play havoc with the saber-tooth's senses.

Damn, that's some industrial-strength Gloom. Makes my stuff look like a cheap fog machine. Doesn't spread out as much though, maybe because it's heavier?

The Deceiver struck. One moment it was hidden, the next it was a blur of motion. David watched in awe as the Deceiver slammed to a halt, an afterimage peeling away from its body, charging directly at the saber-tooth's face. The cat's eyes locked onto this apparent threat, muscles bunching as it prepared to defend itself.

In that critical moment of distraction, the real Deceiver, now practically invisible in the Gloom, spat a glob of acid. It arced through the air, sizzling as it struck the predator's flank. The saber-tooth roared, more in confusion than pain, its mind reeling from the Gloom's effects and the phantom attacker that had vanished mid-lunge, only a few heartbeats after appearing.

David winced sympathetically as the great cat lashed out, its claws slicing through empty air. "Damn," he muttered, surprised to hear his own voice in this strange vision. "That's gotta be frustrating. Like trying to swat a fly while drunk and blindfolded."

As if on cue, Cuddlebugs swarmed from the mist. Their tiny forms darted through the air, finding every gap in the saber-tooth's defenses. Needle-sharp teeth nipped into flesh, drawing yowls of pain and confusion from the once-mighty predator before they flapped away again.

Death by a thousand cute, fuzzy cuts. Nature's got a twisted sense of humor sometimes. Or would that be the System? At least the team is having fun.

The Deceiver circled its prey as it lurked through the Gloom, movements fluid and calculated. With each feinted lunge, an afterimage peeled away, sometimes darting in for an attack, sometimes hanging back as if preparing to spit acid while the real Deceiver struck with Nocturnal Strike. The saber-tooth's head swiveled frantically, unable to distinguish real threats from illusions. Several times it struck out at nothing, warding off hallucinations and suffering opportunistic strikes from the Deceiver.

Seizing an opening, the Deceiver pounced towards the saber-tooth's back. Simultaneously, an afterimage split off, appearing to hang back and spit acid. The cat, its Gloom-addled mind fixating on the apparent ranged attack, left itself wide open. Razor-sharp claws dug into its back as the Deceiver landed.

"Oh, come on!" David exclaimed, caught up in the moment. "That's just not fair. It's like playing chess with a toddler. A very large, very bitey toddler."

The battle raged on, an efficient dance of feints and strikes. David watched, equal parts impressed and unnerved, as the Deceiver systematically dismantled its larger opponent. Twice it vanished entirely, disappearing into the darkness only to reemerge the instant its quarry began to even slightly relax. Every move was calculated, every illusion perfectly timed to maximize disorientation.

Finally, the Deceiver prepared for its coup de grâce. It created a pair of afterimages, the effort seeming to strain it greatly. The saber-tooth, overwhelmed and disoriented, tried to defend against both of them at once.

And now, the grand finale. Exit stage left, pursued by a bat. Shakespeare, eat your heart out.

In that crucial moment of distraction, the real Deceiver struck right down the middle. It pounced, fangs aimed for the jugular. The cat, focused on dodging the decoys, never even saw the real attack coming.

Fangs sank deep. The saber-tooth's fight ended not with a roar, but with a confused whimper. As Gloom dissipated, the Deceiver hunched triumphantly over its fallen prey. It panted heavily, clearly exhausted from the sheer amount of decoys it had deployed, but seemed quite pleased with itself as it paused to sniff at the fallen cat hungrily. Cuddlebugs chittered excitedly in the darkness, their tiny faces sticky with blood as they gathered around their master.

David let out a low whistle as the vision began to fade. "Well," he muttered, "that's one way to climb the food chain."

Nice little demonstration, Big Red. Actually quite helpful for once, what's the catc- Ah, fuck it. Let me know what to expect, that's more fair than last time. I wonder how it'll affect my instincts, Omega’s option last time made me trend toward being bitey. I wonder if I'll still be me, or just a really convincing illusion of David? …Oh my god brain stop being so dramatic. You'll always be you, you're the one being bitey, stop blaming other shit.

As the world dissolved around him, he found himself once again surrounded by the endless grey fog. Before he could fully process what he'd just witnessed, a new menu materialized before him, glowing softly in the ethereal mist.

|Twilight Corruptor| Ω → |Gloomshade Deceiver| Ξ


Offense: ***

Defense: ***

Speed: *****

Regeneration: ***

You have 46 Pts.

Users may spend Pts to purchase Teratogenic Enhancements before finalizing Evolutionary Path selection.

A 1 * increase may be purchased for 4 Pts at Sub-Adult.

Limit: 3 *, Maximum 6* Rating at Sub-Adult.

Do you wish to purchase Teratogenic Enhancement?

David eyed the menu, his non-existent brow furrowing in concentration. The increased cost and higher star limit didn't escape his notice.

Alright, time to soup this bad boy up. Let's see... Offense and Regeneration could use a boost. And might as well max out that Speed while we're at it. I already have Control at 7 stars, and my Control is gnarly. I bet Speed will be just as good. Defense is definitely a little low, but let's be honest, I'm not built for taking a lot of hits anyway, I think we've proved that by now.

Without hesitation, David focused his will, pouring 4 Pts into Offense, 4 into Regeneration, and another 4 into Speed. The stars filled in one by one, a soft chime accompanying each increase. As the final star lit up, David felt a surge of anticipation.

That's more like it. Now we're cooking with Gloom.

The menu adjusted, reflecting his choices:

You have selected:

|Gloomshade Deceiver| Ξ

Bloodline Bonus: Advanced Camouflage, Pheromone Manipulation

Offense: ****

Defense: ***

Speed: *

Regeneration: ****

You have 34 Pts remaining.

David paused, considering his options.

With Speed maxed out and boosts to Offense and Regeneration, I should be able to hit hard, move fast, and bounce back quickly. If I actually sneak around right, I don't have to worry about getting hit as much.

He nodded to himself, a gesture that would have been more impressive if he currently had a physical form.

Alright, I think we're good here. Let's lock this in and see what happens.

"I accept," David intoned, his non-existent voice echoing through the fog. The menu flickered, then dissolved into motes of light that swirled around him. As they settled, a new menu materialized, accompanied by a life-sized depiction that hovered above the nothingness close by.

Advanced User Access Granted.

User may spend Pts directly to enhance specific aspects of your evolved form.

As the projection flickered to life, revealing a larger, more imposing version of David's Gloomshade Deceiver form. It stood at about 180 pounds, its sleek body a perfect blend of power and agility. The fur was a deep, pure black, absorbing light in a way that seemed almost unnatural and made it slightly hard to focus on. The creature's wings were larger and more intricate, with delicate membranes that looked both tough and flexible. Its claws were longer and sharper, and its fangs...well, they were nothing short of nightmare fuel.

What caught David's attention most were the eyes. Solid black, just like his current form, but with an eerie, dark red eyeshine that seemed to pulse along with his heartbeat.

The effect was unsettling, to say the least.

Well, hello there, you handsome devil. Looks like I won't be winning any beauty pageants anytime soon. But damn, do I look ready to fuck shit up. Crazy how you can see the way my Mutagens and Bloodline affect how it looks.

A new prompt appeared:

Choose a Bonus to emphasize (10 Pts):

- Decoy Enhancement

- Camouflage Mastery

As David's focus shifted between the options, the holographic form began to change.

When he zeroed in on Decoy Enhancement, the creature's face underwent a startling transformation. The fur receded, revealing a mostly bald face with pale, almost translucent skin stretched taut over pronounced bone structure. The effect was decidedly skull-like, creating a stark contrast with the thick, black fur covering the rest of the body. The eyes seemed to sink deeper into their sockets, enhancing the ghostly appearance.

Well, that's... unsettling as fuck. Bet it makes the decoys pop out faster or something?. I can see why that works for once, tricks things into looking right where you want them to. That particular face on a decoy is clearly designed to make people shit themselves and swing at it. Huh. Guess I'm getting better at this whole monster thing. Figured that out pretty quick. Won't know for sure until I give it a whirl, but hey, a bat can dream.

Switching gears to Camouflage Mastery, the projection’s fur transformed dramatically. It became noticeably longer and denser, particularly around the mane and along the back. It demonstrated an increased ability to control this thicker coat, raising and lowering sections of fur with precise control. This varying texture created subtle shadows and altered the creature's silhouette in ways that could easily blend with natural surroundings.

Now that's interesting. Not invisible, but definitely more adaptable. Could make a big difference with the way the fur seems to…be hard to look at like that. That's so weird, it's like the hairs are transparent, but not at the same time. Actually it looks a lot like what Xi’s fur had going on, just with way less purple and more black.

David mulled over his options, weighing how these changes could impact his survival and hunting strategies.

Damn, both of these are tempting as hell. Decoy enhancements could make my illusions scarier than Claire on an empty stomach, while the camouflage might actually let me avoid a fight for once. Like choosing between pseudo-invisibility and better jump scares. Honestly the baseline fur is already pretty good, and those Decoys are clearly Wildsoul Magic of some kind sooooo…

He had 34 Pts left in the bank, more than enough to make this choice and still have a hefty reserve for future upgrades or when Murphy's Law inevitably kicked in. David stared at the hologram, his non-existent eyes darting between the two options. After what felt like an eternity of deliberation, he let out a resigned sigh.

Alright, universe. You win. Clearly, subtlety isn't in the cards for me. Might as well lean into the whole 'snarly' schtick. Claire's gonna love this...or have a heart attack. Maybe both.

"Decoy Enhancement," David declared, his voice echoing through the foggy void. As soon as the words left his metaphysical lips, the hologram shifted, solidifying into the skull-faced, nightmare-inducing form.

Great. I've gone from 'adorably ugly' to 'they mostly come at night’ in two evolutions flat. At this rate, I'll be the boogeyman by next week.

Before David could really lament the implications of his choice, the fog around him began to swirl and churn. He felt an inexorable pull, dragging him towards the next stage of the evolution process at impossible speed.

Here we go again. Wonder if that cube's got a Cuteness Mutagen hidden away somewhere. Might need it if I don't want to give Claire a heart attack every time I wake her up.

As David was drawn deeper into the fog, his thoughts turned to the Tokens in his storage. He would have greedily rubbed his hands together if he had any, instead settling on an anticipatory cackle.

You know, I could probably snag something pretty damn impressive if I cashed these in. Maybe pick up a fancy new Ability or a top-shelf Mutagen. Something to give me that extra oompf against a boss. Buy, like, one or two high grade things maybe?

The fog parted for a moment as he was drawn into the distance, revealing a sight that made David's non-existent eyes widen. A familiar enormous cube materialized before him, its edges sharp and distinct against the misty backdrop. Its surface was a dizzying array of constantly shifting icons, all moving with exacting precision. Colors flickered across its faces, some familiar, others slightly off, like shades he'd never quite seen before. Some symbols he recognized from his previous evolution, while others were completely new.

The cube hovered in the distance, massive and implacable, like a monolith of pure potential. The icons nearest to him seemed to slow their movement slightly, almost as if it somehow sensed his approach.

As the fog began to envelop him once more, David took one last look at the construct. He’d be arriving any minute now, by his estimate.

Well, David, you wanted to be a badass predator. Looks like you're getting your wish... whether you like it or not. Time to go shopping for some high-end monster upgrades.

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