Infinite Anime: Legacy Of Fujitora Smiles At The Beginning

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

“What should I eat today~”

Lin Yu took Chanahu’s hand, Ganlu Temple Mili with a bright smile on her face, looking at the storefronts on the street, her eyes full of expectation.

Since coming to Asakusa, every day’s meal time has been the time that Kanroji Miri and Chanahu most look forward to.

“Whether to eat cake or taiyaki or dorayaki…”

Ganlu Temple Mili swallowed, chanting constantly in her mouth.

Lin Yu lightly slashed the head of Ganlu Temple Mi Li with a hand knife. The girl who was suddenly attacked turned around in confusion, clutching her head, and looked at Lin Yu in confusion.

“Just eat well for dinner. Those are snacks that can’t fill your stomach, right Chanel?”

Seeing that Mili of Ganlu Temple was taught, Chanel smiled quietly beside her, with two small tiger teeth slightly exposed, extraordinarily cute.

“Hmm! Yes, Brother Lin Yu is right!”

Ganlu Temple Mili saw Chanahu’s conscience, and even laughed at herself, deliberately pretending to be angry, ran to Chanahu’s side, and started a tickling “up and down”.

The two people’s laughter like silver bells was exceptionally crisp and sweet.

Lin Yu originally wanted to stop it. After all, it’s not safe on the road, but when he thinks it’s hard to see any steam cars in this era, he just smiled.

The two of them were laughing and playing while walking down the street.

Lin Yu followed behind with a little smile. Unfortunately, Ganlu Temple Mili and Chanahu had just walked through a corner of the street, but they collided with a slightly petite figure.

“you guys…”


Through seeing and hearing the domineering sense that they might collide with others, Lin Yu, who was about to speak to remind, was interrupted by an exclamation.

“It’s really unnerving.”

Lin Yu walked forward quickly, although she accidentally bumped into it, but because of the fact that Ganlu Temple Mili walked relatively forward, there was nothing to do with Chanel behind him.

Regardless of the slender figure of Ganlu Temple Mili, she looks like a girl with a better figure, but her body density is different from ordinary people, but it can make her have a stronger body than an ordinary strong man.

So even if it was an unintentional collision, it was not affected at all.

On the contrary, it was that petite figure, obviously inferior to Ganlu Temple Mili in this respect, and was directly knocked to the ground. In Lin Yu’s perception, he was in a daze at the moment.

“Isn’t hurt 〃々?”

Lin Yu reached out to the figure on the ground, making a gesture to pull him up.

Ganlu Temple Mili, a somewhat natural girl, apparently realized that she had done something wrong, and rushed over to apologize with Chanahu.

“Sorry, sorry, but we didn’t pay attention when it was difficult to walk…”

The figure on the ground, listening to the apology of Ganlu Temple Mi Li, and Lin Yu’s outstretched palm in front of him, hesitated slightly, stretched out his hand and handed it over.(Read more @

“No… it’s okay, I’m distracted by myself…”

It was a slightly tender young girl’s voice, which should sound about the same age as Chanel.

Lin Yu thought silently, holding the palm of the girl’s hand, and pulling her up from the ground.

But when he touched the palm of his hand, Lin Yu was slightly surprised, because the girl in front of him was obviously not too old.

But when he touched his palms, Lin Yu could clearly feel that there were a thick layer of cocoons in several places.

As a person who has made some achievements in swordsmanship, Lin Yu is very clear that these places are definitely the cocoons produced by long-term friction with the hilt of swordsmanship.

And even though Lin Yu was blinded by the laces, he could hear the sound of the long knife colliding with the scabbard from the opponent, obviously carrying the knife.

“Girl Swordsman? ’

Lin Yu was a little curious, but the aura on the opponent was pure and there was no murderous aura, obviously different from those of the ghost killing team.

After pulling the other party up, Lin Yu released his hand. From the previous words, he could hear the other party’s restraint.

I’m a bit embarrassed, so I checked again.

“Are you sure you are not injured? Tell us if you are injured, don’t be embarrassed…”

“No, no, it really doesn’t matter… I’m leaving now..”

I don’t know if it was because of the crowd of people around that made the girl a little nervous, or for other reasons, the girl hurriedly interrupted Lin Yu’s words and ran away all the way.

“That kid, what the hell is going on, he seems to be very cautious.”

“Well, it feels a bit like Miri when you first came to Asakusa.”

Chanel nodded his chin and put on a thoughtful expression.

“Where am I being restrained, am I obviously very happy?”

Ganlu Temple Mili pulled La Channahu’s face and did not agree.

“I don’t mean you are cautious, I mean you have never seen the world…”

“` ‖ Chanel!”

The two people who had just stopped, started to quarrel again.

Lin Yu stepped forward with a hand knife alone, and finally stopped.

“Stop making trouble, you two will have no desserts for this afternoon.”

Hearing Lin Yu’s words, Ganlu Temple Mili and Chanahu immediately closed their mouths and followed Lin Yu honestly.

For their dessert in the afternoon, the two began to perform well in front of Lin Yu.

Taking the two of them along the street, watching Lin Yu’s domineering look a little bit, the figure that was gradually drifting away among the crowd shook his head.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“Hiccup… Ah, I’m so full, is this really heaven?”

Ganlu Temple Mili stroked her flat belly and leaned on the chair contentedly.

I don’t know how to stuff so much food on the table, and I can’t see it at all.

For her (Is it?), this place is really heaven compared to the house where she has always had no food before.

Not only can I eat every day, but also some uneaten delicacies, which is really satisfying and creative.

“Are you full, Chanel?”

Lin Yu took a sip of tea and asked Chanel.

“Well, I’m full!”

With a smile on her face, Chanel responded softly.

“That’s good, we are ready to return…”

Lin Yu was about to take the two back home, when he saw and heard the domineering perception suddenly appeared a breath of his own impression.

“Hey, that kid, didn’t you meet it on the street before?”

Ganlu Temple Mili looked curiously at the street outside the window. The girl who had hit the corner before, was like a little beast abandoned by people, squatting on the side of the street, her face buried deep in her knees.

“It seems that something happened to her…”.

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