I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 106: A City Within A City Part 1

The time was midday. The third exploration team has traveled in this town for nearly four hours. They finally arrived at the destination of this trip - Chlamydia town cemetery.

Although the exploration squad did not engage in combat, marching in such a crisis-ridden situation was also very physically demanding. With Zhang Jue's suggestion, Jeffrey told the team to take a quick rest and energize up.

Half an hour later, the exploration team began a full search of the entire area. The cemetery was built on a mountain with complex terrain that could not be seen at a glance. Jeffrey divided his team into three groups, skimming through the area forward. A way to explore the area, although it will reduce its efficiency, but the safety factor is greatly increased.

Because the first two teams disappeared for unknown reasons, indicating that the cemetery is not as calm as it seems, and there is a hidden danger lurking, that kind of counter measurement is very necessary.

Even Zhang Jue nodded secretly. Those who could be the captain of MFT must have their own set of unique strategies. Jeffrey's military experience made him comfortable in command.

The three squads moved forward in different angles while Zhang Jue watched their back. He could sense that the infected he had cleared out of the cemetery had gathered in the area again since they arrived.

Two hours later, the entire team had completed their first round of searching and found nothing. Zhang Jue felt a little strange, the whole cemetery was very quiet, and they did not encounter any danger.

After a short rest, the exploration team launched the second round of exploration from back to front. This time, the team searched even more carefully. Refusing to let go of any details, almost breaking down the tombstones piece by piece. But still, just like the first time, nothing was found.

It was almost dusk. According to the plan, if there are no more valuable clues, they should return from the expedition. Once the sun goes down, those infected will no longer care, and this will become their paradise.

Jeffrey had to make a choice, whether to continue searching here or retreat immediately. He looked at Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue spread his hands, "Captain Jeffrey, it's not that I don't want to help you. But my knowledge is limited, and I simply can't assist you in analyzing the current situation."

For some unknown reason, the Foundation had not released all the information to Zhang Jue and had only allowed him to accompany them. But in this situation now, it would be unjustifiable to still keep it a secret from him.

Jeffrey sighed, "Lord Lei Shui has instructed that I can reveal some useful information to you when it comes to this situation. What do you want to know?"

"The exploration process of the first two exploration squads." Zhang Jue said, "I know you have the detailed records."

Jeffrey nodded and took out a tablet from his backpack, obviously prepared. With Jeffrey's authority, there was no way he could carry such a thing around with him, and he didn't have to think about it to know that it must be the handwork of Lei Shui, who had known that Zhang Jue would use it.

Zhang Jue held the tablet in his hands and carefully watched the missing reports of the two exploration teams. Five minutes later, he handed the tablet back to Jeffrey.

"There are a few oddities here." Zhang Jue looked at Jeffrey.

"According to the report, after the outbreak. The town was covered by a special magnetic field that made it impossible to use long-range communication technology such as radio. The helicopter planes couldn't get close to the area. So, the only information the Foundation had was the routes of the two squads' movements, and their last positioning all disappeared in this C3 area. So, you decided that there was something wrong with the C3 area. "

"But have you ever thought that GPS positioning has very big limitations, and they might not be accurate?"

When Jue Zhang finished speaking, Jeffrey tapped his head, "Advisor Zhang. Are you saying that they weren't in this cemetery when they disappeared, but down it's said-" Jeffrey's words were only halfway through, "Then how did they get down there? We searched the place twice and didn't find a downward passage."

"Because the entrance isn't even here." Zhang Jue said, "The two exploration teams didn't search with a clear purpose as we did. Their routes were chaotic, but there was a section that overlapped at the end. They were both walking from the C1 area to the C3 area."

"So, they were most likely off the ground when they were in the C1 area?"

Zhang Jue nodded, "Of course, that's just my guess."

With the situation analyzed to this point, Zhang Jue shut up and let Jeffrey make this crucial choice. Do they continue to head towards C1 to find the entrance that perhaps didn't exist, or do they retreat there and come back tomorrow?

Jeffrey looked at Zhang Jue again. Zhang Jue stretched out his hand. He said what he should say. As for the final choice, he does not care.

Jeffrey was pondering, seemingly evaluating the pros and cons. While he was hesitating, a long black sword suddenly appeared in Zhang Jue's hand and swung upward violently, splitting a boulder falling from the air into two halves.

The two halves of the boulder fell separately, making a crumbling sound and stirring up a cloud of dust. If Zhang Jue hadn't sensed the danger, he and Jeffrey would have been smashed to a pulp.

"On guard!" Jeffrey shouted.

The MTF was MTF after all, although they didn't know what was happening. The team's response to orders was engraved into their bones. Everyone contracted their formation and took cover from each other, holding submachine guns and looking around vigilantly.

"Over there!" A team member shouted, pointing to the sky.

The crowd looked, only to see a winged infected looking down at them from above. Obviously, the big stone was just thrown down by him from the sky.

The infected man was flying so high that the team was hesitant to shoot at him when another team member called out, "Look over there!"

Zhang Jue looked in the direction he was pointing and saw an uncountable number of flying infected toward them. Hundreds of thousands of them covered the sky while carrying a huge rock in their hands.

Jeffrey immediately shouted, "Take cover!"

The entire exploration team, Zhang Jue, and the other ten personnel faced many enemies. Their only option is to retreat. They quickly withdrew from the cemetery and found the nearest administrative building as a cover. But there was a group of infected waiting for them inside the building, and the exploration team was ambushed as soon as they entered.

The team was well-equipped and relied on firepower suppression to hold out and hide in one of the storage rooms. What was strange to Zhang Jue was that he seemed to be the first target of all the enemy attacks.

Hundreds of infected swarmed around him outside the building, and Zhang Jue wields a long black sword to cut through one batch after another like a leek.

"Captain Jeffrey, we're too defensive. I'll draw them while you and the team retreat from this area." Zhang Jue said.

"No way!" Jeffrey said, "Advisor Zhang, we can't leave you here alone."

Seeing that the plot seemed to be developing like the plot of a TV Show drama, Zhang Jue waved his long black sword in his hand and said, "Don't be a bitch. Your presence here will only limit my ability to play! Captain Jeffrey, in this emergency situation, you will listen to me and obey orders!"

After Zhang Jue finished speaking, he smashed the glass of a window with the handle of his sword and jumped out. Just a moment after Zhang Jue slipped away, the infected outside the door seemed to sense something and chased after him in the direction of his escape.

The pressure on the exploration team plummeted. Five minutes later, the exploration team cleared out the remaining infected. Jeffrey looked at the corpses on the ground and sighed. He took out the special walkie-talkie from his backpack and adjusted the frequency.

"My lord, just as you predicted. Advisor Zhang found out the secret of the C1 area and then broke away from our team."

On the other side of the walkie-talkie, Lei Shui's icy voice came, "I know, tell the others to retreat."

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