Chapter 97: The Encounter Begins

Immediately after lunch, they set off for the Holy Tower. Chang Yi, accompanied only by Gao Junyi and a driver, arrived at the base of the towering structure. As he gazed up at its imposing height, his vision momentarily blurred. A fragment of information seemed to pierce through his mind, leaving a lingering echo.

Chang Yi concentrated, trying to decipher the cryptic message. After several minutes, he returned to his senses.

Gao Junyi, who had been anxiously observing Chang Yi’s reaction, quickly inquired, “Mr. Chang, how is it?”

Chang Yi narrowed his eyes, deep in thought. “Your speculation is indeed correct,” he finally said. “I triggered a reaction from the tower.”

“As I approached, a piece of information appeared in my mind,” he continued, a hint of excitement in his voice. “It said that if I wanted to gain stronger power, if I wanted to escape from this dire situation, I should touch it.”

“Stronger power... danger zone...” Gao Junyi repeated the words, his brow furrowed in concern.

“Don’t ask me,” Chang Yi interjected. “I don’t know what ‘danger zone’ refers to either. However, there’s a high chance it’s referring to the Black Mist circle we’re currently in.”

The memory of his harrowing experience within the Black Mist sent a shiver down his spine. He had a few theories about what the “danger zone” might entail, but he saw no reason to share them with Gao Junyi.

A troubled frown creased Chang Yi’s brow. He turned away from the tower and walked toward the waiting car. “Let’s go back first,” he announced. “I need to think about this matter carefully.”

Back at the official shelter, Chang Yi lay on the bed, ignoring the alluring woman beside him. His mind was consumed by the information he had received from the Holy Tower.

Stronger power... he mused. I could obtain that from the Black Mist, too. There are Tier 5 monsters in there, offering Tier 5 zombie crystals and the possibility of breaking through to Level 6.

But the memory of the dangers he had faced within the mist made him hesitate.

The risk is too great... a hundred times more dangerous than being trapped in a zombie wave!

He concluded that the “stronger power” mentioned by the Holy Tower must refer to a safer path, a path less fraught with peril than the treacherous Black Mist.

Power was a universal desire, and Chang Yi was no exception. But there were limits to what he was willing to risk for it. The path to the Holy Tower, though shrouded in mystery, represented a potential alternative to the life-threatening dangers of the Black Mist.

I need to weigh my options carefully. The Holy Tower might hold the key to my future.

No one knew what would happen when a Level 5 Awakened came into contact with the Holy Tower. The uncertainty of it all filled Chang Yi with a sense of unease.

“And the danger zone...” he muttered, a thoughtful look on his face. “Nanxiang City is currently enveloped in Black Mist, and the officials say it’s shrinking, gradually squeezing the territory of both humans and zombies.”

He shuddered, recalling the horrors he had witnessed within the Black Mist. “If one day the Black Mist completely covers Nanxiang, won’t the entire city become a danger zone?”

His musings were interrupted by the gentle touch of Qiao Luo, who nestled into his arms, her sweet scent washing over him.

“Brother Chang...” she cooed, her voice dripping with seductive allure.

Chang Yi’s eyes softened as he embraced her. The warmth of her body, the intoxicating scent of her perfume, and the promise of pleasure momentarily banished his worries.

Love can erase a thousand worries, he thought, a contented smile spreading across his face.

Three days passed in a whirlwind of indulgence.

Day 101 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Tuesday.

At lunchtime, Chang Yi sat at the familiar table, his appetite insatiable as he devoured the food before him. Gao Junyi, ever the observant host, marveled at the Level 5 Awakened’s impressive consumption while engaging him in light conversation.

Day after day, Chang Yi lived a life of carefree indulgence, his imperial desires seemingly insatiable. Yet, beneath the facade of hedonistic pleasure, a growing impatience simmered.

“Another three days,” Chang Yi remarked at lunch on the third day, his voice laced with irritation. “Don’t tell me there’s still no response from Brother Lu?”

Three days had turned into six, and still, he had not met this elusive figure. His initial curiosity had morphed into a burning obsession.

During those three days, Chang Yi had finally come to a conclusion regarding the Holy Tower: responding to its call was out of the question, at least for now. There would be time for that later, when all other options were exhausted.

For now, he wanted to enjoy the fruits of his power. Eat, drink, play, revel—that was his mantra.

After I’ve had enough fun, we can talk about other things.

But to truly indulge his desires, he needed to conquer the official shelter. Only then would he have unlimited access to food, drink, and women.

Yet, the legendary Brother Lu remained a thorn in his side, a potential obstacle to his plans.

Chang Yi sensed his patience wearing thin. If Gao Junyi didn’t grant his request this time, he was prepared to unleash his fury upon the official shelter, consequences be damned.

However, Gao Junyi surprised him with a cheerful smile. “Brother Chang, Brother Lu has replied. He has time to meet you now. Shall we leave?”

Chang Yi was taken aback. “Can’t he come to meet me instead?” he asked, his pride slightly wounded.

Gao Junyi feigned a troubled expression. “Brother Chang, do you know the kind of status and strength Brother Lu possesses? Ordinary people can’t even meet him if they want to. He’s doing you a great favor by making time for you... What do you think...”

Chang Yi felt a surge of annoyance. However, it also fueled his competitive spirit.

“All right,” he conceded with a snort. “Since your Brother Lu is so awesome, I’ll go and see what kind of character he really is!”

That afternoon, the Guangping Street gathering place was deserted. Lu Ming sat alone in front of his house, contemplating his earlier conversation with Huo Sheng.

Chang Yi? he thought to himself. And Huo Sheng wants me to deal with him? How, exactly?

Huo Sheng had been vague on the details, only mentioning that Chang Yi seemed like trouble and was insistent on meeting Lu Ming. The officials were unable to dissuade him.

Lu Ming scratched his head in frustration.

I just want to train in peace. Why do I have to deal with these headaches?

Huo Sheng had left the decision of how to handle the meeting entirely up to Lu Ming. It was no secret that Lu Ming preferred to avoid unnecessary trouble, especially with strangers—two boxes that Chang Yi ticked with ease. Lu Ming’s initial impression of the man was less than favorable.

The rumble of an approaching vehicle interrupted his thoughts. A military jeep pulled into the gathering place, coming to a stop a short distance away. Two figures emerged from the back seat: one short and stout, the other tall and thin.

“Hello, Brother Lu!” the stout man greeted Lu Ming with a respectful bow.

Lu Ming nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze shifting to the thin man beside him. Compared to Lu Ming’s imposing stature, the man seemed diminutive, but his meticulously groomed mustache and confident demeanor exuded an undeniable aura of self-importance.

There was a glint in the man’s eyes, a spark that Lu Ming couldn’t quite decipher. It was a mixture of ambition, pride, and something else, something vaguely dangerous.

“Are you the legendary Brother Lu?” the man inquired, his voice smooth and self-assured.

Chang Yi had arrived.

End of Chapter 97

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