I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1155 Approaching the Island Part 1

However, when I suggest the new plan to Lin she proceeds to smack me on the head. She doesn't like the idea of using magic to destroy an area the size of an empire. Although, she can't argue that doing so would save a lot of lives and end the demons.

"I don't see why you are so against it."

Lin says "Are you kidding? It would turn all the land between the peninsula and the empires into a complete wasteland!"

"Only for now. It would recover in a few decades, or a few centuries. It is not permanent, mother nature would eventually fix it."

Lin says "What you say makes sense, but for some reason the very idea makes me nervous. I tell you what, get the goddesses to agree to the idea and I will go along with it."


Lin just smiles when she realizes that I have no way to argue with her anymore. Considering that the demon territory used to be the empire that worshiped them, I doubt the goddesses want to see it destroyed. I will ask them about it, but I don't hold much hope of being able to convince them.

That is also something that I will worry about later, it is too soon to take that step. After all, I can't be sure how well the crystals are going to work just yet. I need to make sure they will fully charge and that they work properly after that.

I also need to make sure that the crystals will be stable when they are fully loaded with mana. Until I verify all of that, there is no need to upset the goddesses and get myself in trouble. So, for now I forget all about it, finish my lunch, and go back to playing with the kids.

Lin joins in as well and we have a fun, relaxing time until everyone gets hungry. For a change of pace, I move the TV closer and play a movie to watch while we eat dinner. I kind of miss the normal chatter of the kids, but this is also kind of nice.

I think I will keep this for days off and leave the rest of the days as conversation. I don't want to repeat the mistakes of my world and let the kids get too addicted to technology. I also don't want to ban them from doing what they want, I need to find a balance.

Since we are watching TV during dinner, I decide to not let them watch cartoons after dinner. Instead, I read them a story instead from one of the manga Lin got for me. It is a book of short stories, so it works perfectly for a bedtime story.

I actually end up reading four complete stories and am working on the fifth before the kids fall asleep. Lin left after dinner and went upstairs, she probably went to read in the library. However, when I go upstairs after the kids are asleep I find her meditating on the bed.

It looks like she decided to try out working on her core instead of reading. Considering how she is with new things, I am not surprised at all that she couldn't wait. To avoid disturbing her at the wrong time, I let out a gentle pulse of mental energy.

Lin opens her eyes and says "Are the kids asleep already?"

"Yep. Were you working on your core? How did it go?"

Lin says "Yes, I was, but it wasn't going very well. I think I just need to get used to it."

"Possibly. Or the technique you tried doesn't really suit you. I would suggest trying all of them and figuring out which ones suit you best."

Lin says "Alright. I will do that tomorrow. Right now, I want to see what my new physical abilities are like."

"So do I!"

Lin starts laughing at me, but I end her laughter by sealing her lips with a kiss. We proceed to completely test out Lin's new body and I have a great time doing so. Her new body is much stronger and I don't have to hold back as much to avoid hurting her.

Lin wants to test her limits, so we go for a full four rounds before she cries for mercy. After that, she quickly falls asleep in my arms and I am worn out enough to sleep as well. However, I only sleep for a few hours before I wake up with Lin still in my arms.

Luckily, she doesn't wake up as I disentangle myself from her and get up. Since my mana is full, I head downstairs to take a bath and work on my core.

Core Upgrade Progress: 80%

It looks like I should be able to rank up again before we reach the island. I just need to wait for my mana to refill one more time and I should be able to do it. I can't wait, I am really curious to see what is going to happen with the next rank.

I am also really curious to see what is waiting for us on the Island of Agardia. It is an island just off the coast of the beast lands, between the peninsula and the demon lands. Its location is a perfect staging ground for the demons, so I am expecting a hostile reception.

From what I learned while I was in Illium, the island is an independent nation. They only ever had trade with the empire, which makes it perfect for the demons. Using the island it would have been easy for them to infiltrate the empire.

Considering how close the island is to the beast lands, it would also be a good staging ground. If the demons attack from the island and the land bridge at the same time, it will be trouble. That is why I want to stop there, I want to make sure the island is secured.

If there are no demons there, I want to form friendly relations with the inhabitants. If possible I would also like to open up trade with them, but that will depend on them. However, I am pretty confident in my theory about the demon's movements.

If I am right and the demons have taken over the island, I will destroy them. I will then secure the island and use it as a base for the ship from now on. I am hoping that the demons didn't completely wipe out the locals, but it is possible.

I will just have to wait and see when we get there, but waiting isn't my strong suit. I am tempted to fly ahead and take a look, but Lin would not be happy with me. Besides, if there are a lot of demons, it will be a good chance for the elves to fight.

After soaking and thinking for a while, I get out of the bath and head upstairs. I get myself a small snack and head to my workshop to continue my experiments. I still have quite a few materials that I want to test out and find a better ink.

I happily conduct my experiments until it is time to wake up Lin for breakfast. After breakfast, Lin gives the kids a lesson on magic and I leave the castle. First, I wander around and visit with some of the elves for a bit, then I check on the crystals.

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