I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 101 Emmy's Adventure Part 3

The next three days are the longest of my entire life! No teacher or trainer I have ever had is as demanding as Mother Wolf, she has had me doing exercise and other things constantly. From the time I wake up until I pass out from exhaustion it has been non stop.

And for the entire three days she hasn't once said anything about contracts! But I have done everything she has asked of me, no questions, no complaints! Honestly I am quite proud of myself, not once did giving up even cross my mind.

That I blame on the little one, she is so beautiful, she has already stolen my heart completely. At this point I can't think of anything I wouldn't do for her. Well, except to betray my friends, I'd never do that, but other than that she is the most important thing to me.

Come to think of it, it's morning, my training should have started by now. A quick look around shows Mother Wolf isn't in the den with us, it is just me and her daughter. Where could she be?

Deciding I should go look, I nudge daughter to wake her up, her only response is to roll over. So I start tickling her belly, which wakes her up, but starts a wrestling match. After a few minutes of playing I end up pinned with her licking my face.

"Alright, alright, I surrender. You win!"

She gets off me and runs outside while I pull my last clean set of clothes out of my inventory and get changed. When I walk out of the den I see her bouncing around trying to get Mother Wolf to play with her. I walk over and sit cross legged before Mother Wolf.

"Good morning, Mother Wolf!"

Mother Wolf says "Good morning, little Emmy."

"I am ready to start today's training."

Mother Wolf says "Training is done, today I will teach you how to make a contract and you will attempt it. Tomorrow you will be back with your friends, if you survive."

"Oh! Am I ready?"

Mother Wolf says "As ready as I can make you in a limited time, yes."

"Okay, how do we start?"

Mother Wolf says "First, there are two types of contracts, magic contracts and soul contracts. Because my daughter is a sacred beast, only a soul contract will work."

"Okay, how do I create a soul contract?"

Mother Wolf says "I will teach you soon, but first you should know it involves using a part of your soul to create. This is exceedingly painful and if you are not strong enough it will kill you."

"Is it painful for her as well?"

Mother Wolf says "No, only the creator suffers the pain. My daughter simply has to accept it once it is created. There is no risk to her at all."

"Good, that is a relief."

Mother Wolf spends the next several hours teaching me how to create the contract. The actual process isn't all that complicated, but doing it while in agony is the hard part. Unfortunately, there is no way to practice ahead of time so it will be an all or nothing deal.

Mother Wolf says "That is all I can teach you, now it is up to your strength of will."

"Alright, I am ready."

Mother Wolf says "Then begin."

As Mother Wolf taught me I turn my focus inward until I can see the energy that makes up my soul. Imagining the contract and the wording that Mother Wolf taught me is also easy. The hard part comes when I start taking energy from my soul to create the contract.

As soon as I start the pain hits me like a truck, it feels like I am being submerged in boiling water. Once started this process cannot stop, I either succeed or die. The pain continues getting worse and worse as I work on making the contract, it soon feels like I am dying.

"ARGH!! It hurts so much!!"

Mother Wolf says "Keep going little one you are almost there!"

Distantly I feel her daughter licking my face, this is all so that we can be together! I made it through the training, I don't want to be a burden to everyone anymore! I can do this, I must do this!

Mother Wolf says "There it is! You've done it little one!"

As the contract completes I collapse to my side panting for breath. It takes a few minutes before I can open my eyes to see the contract floating in the air above me. I try to sit up but my strength fails me, it feels like someone has been beating me with a baseball bat.

Mother Wolf says "Take your time, the pain and soreness will fade soon."

"Ugh, I don't ever want to do that again!"

Mother Wolf says "Most people wouldn't even be able to do it once. You are a special little human for sure."

Finally I am able to sit up, everything still hurts but quite a bit less. With a thought the contract floats over to the daughter and unrolls in front of her. She seems to read it and then solemnly places her paw on the bottom of it, with a flash it disappears.


Congratulations!! You have successfully created a Soul Bond!

+5 all stats, +100 HP, +100 MP

Immediately I feel a burning sensation on my chest, I pull my shirt open so I can take a look. A tattoo has appeared on my chest, but from this angle I cannot see what it is.

Mother Wolf says "That is the mark of your bond, in an emergency my daughter will be able to take shelter inside the tattoo."

"So, it is a magical tattoo, cool!"


Congratulations!! Your class Tamer has evolved into Contractor!!

+200 HP, +200 MP

Available contracts remaining: 3

"Woah! My class evolved?!?"

Mother Wolf says "I am not surprised, a soul bond can change many things."

"I feel happiness, but it's not mine?"

Mother Wolf says "You are feeling what my daughter is feeling. Eventually you will be able to speak to each other telepathically as well."


Apparently, daughter agrees because she bowls me over and starts licking my face again. I can feel how excited and happy she is. This is even better than I hoped it would be, and Mother Wolf said it will get better!

"Oh, that reminds me, I don't feel comfortable calling her daughter all the time. Is it okay if I come up with a name for her?"

Mother Wolf says "Beasts are not supposed to have names, but it might be possible if you are strong enough."

"Wait, why can't beasts have names? Will naming her do something to her?"

Mother Wolf says "Naming a beast, especially a sacred beast, will give that beast the ability to become more."

"More? More what?"

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