HP: Dance of the Veela

Chapter 53: Chapter 23 Challengers (Part 2)

Coruscant Safe House, Three Hours Later…

When Fives regained consciousness, he was completely disorientated, not sure where he was or what might be happening at first. The last he remembered was the wall of the transport blowing out and then nothing.

It was then that he discovered when he tried to move that he was tied quite securely to the chair, he struggled but whoever had secured him knew what they had been doing. The bindings were firm and unmoving, leaving him wondering if maybe this was whoever was behind the chips. That they had removed him before he could talk. A sound at other end of the room made him look up and see a figure in the shadows. Fives strained but couldn't see who it was.

"CT-5555." The deep voice said, obviously disguised for extra security. "I heard that you have some information that I require. About clone control chips."

"I have a mission to complete." Fives said while continuing to struggle. "It's too big for one clone or even a thousand…it's about the whole Republic. Now please let me go, I have to warn the Jedi." Fives demanded desperately. The deep voice seemed unmoved and asked.

"Then tell me what it is you have discovered and I may allow you to continue your mission."

Fives honestly was thinking this guy was just playing with him but with the bindings not budging and the chair fixed firmly to the floor he had no option so he explained just what he had learned so far.

Deep Voice listened patiently and asked him after Fives finally finished.

"Do you want to help the Jedi? Will you warn them of this plot?"

"It's a matter of honour." Fives said, nodding quickly with worry at the scale of the scheme. "They have served so long and I know they risk their lives for not just the Republic but us Clones too every day. Being down in the thick of it with us or working to save us when many would just abandon us." Fives told him, thinking of not just Skywalker or Kenobi, but Tano and a few others he had met as well. They were good people and didn't deserve to be killed!

Deep Voice seemed to think about that, Fives was not aware that the man was studying him with the force to make sure he was telling the truth and that his intentions were what he said.

"I do believe you." Deep Voice said before stepping forward and removing a mouth piece of some kind. Fives looked up and saw to his surprise that Field Marshal Ordo was standing in front of him in his full armour. He was shocked to see the highest-ranking member of the Republic Military outside of the Chancellor himself there. Moreso when Ordo nodded to someone behind him and briefly Fives wondered if he was about to be shot in the head only for his restraints to release and he managed to get to his feet and free of the chair.

"You managed to find the missing piece Fives." Ordo told him with an impressed look in his eyes. "Over the war I too have noticed signs of a conspiracy to destroy the Jedi and overthrow the Senate eventually but I didn't know how the Sith were going to get rid of the Jedi until you provided me with this information."

"So, you will let me warn the Jedi?" Fives asked, now wondering just what did the Mandalorians know? Haron nodded.

"I will not just let you do it Captain." Haron said with a slight smile. "I am going to help you do it. But if you are going to do this then we have to be careful as the true mastermind will shut this down if he learns what we are trying to do and likely we both end up dead." Haron said knowing Sidious would likely turn the entire planet against them if he caught them doing this.

So, if they were going to get the message out, they had to be very careful about this.

"We have a list of Jedi frequencies." Haron said with a thoughtful look in his eye. "There are only a handful of transmitters that can broadcast on them all though and most of them are heavily protected. I will look for one that we can use while you prerecord your message, if we just have it as a recording and broadcast it over the network. Save having to do it while all the clones on Coruscant converge on our position." Haron said creating a plan that such allow them to get the news out without being pinned down and likely killed.

"We can warn all the Jedi at once?" Fives said looking suddenly hopeful and smiling eagerly. Haron nodded although he knew it wasn't going to be easy.

"We can but hope, at least the Jedi would know of the danger. So go record a message, I need to find a transmitter powerful enough to do the job." Haron said with a frown.

Despite what he said, he knew he wasn't likely to find any transmitters they could use on this planet that wouldn't be shut down before the message could be sent. The only one that Sidious might not have immediate power to shut down was the one in the Jedi Temple.

Haron wondered if maybe Anakin might be willing to hear him out and let him do it there but a strong shiver in the force made him abandon the plan. Despite all their work so far to undermine that relationship Palpatine still had a lot of influence over Anakin and he wasn't sure if he could trust Anakin not to reveal anything.

Ahsoka wasn't really able to do it since her security clearance was revoked and he wasn't friendly enough with any other Jedi. Haron even though of sending Fives in a disguise but security at the Temple had been tightened greatly since the bombing and chances are he would be caught.

That didn't leave them many options, only the larger corporations had them outside of governments and many guarded them just as readily.

It wasn't looking good Haron thought and wondered if it was worth giving up his own cover to do this but then realised the security at the military ship docks here on Coruscant was tough but not as tough giving all the coming and going that was happening all the time.

And it had one of the transmitters they needed, to co-ordinate all the coming and goings. A plan started forming in his mind and he realised he needed to make a call on a droid shop.

It seems he needed a new pair of astromechs.

- x -

Military Docks, Coruscant…Two Days Later…

Astromech droids were a common sight on nearly every planet in the galaxy, their utility and usefulness were so wide that they could be found everywhere doing every sort of job you could imagine.

The military docks were no exception, astromechs worked in the ships held there and within the docks themselves so no one would bat an eye at a pair of them wandering around the area. They split up and one went to the auxiliary control room while another made a trip down to the fuel storage tanks.

Once in position, the droid in the fuel storage areas went up to one of the tanks and stood still for a moment before activating its thrusters and blasting dome first into the tank at full speed. Made of materials meant for insulation rather than resilience the tank ruptured and the flames from the droid's thrusters ignited the now spilling fuel with ease.

The fire sensors in the storage area immediately detected the fire and sounded the emergency stations, loud klaxons rang out throughout the complex to let everyone know a fuel fire had broken out and everyone went to their emergency duties.

In the auxiliary control room, everyone was so busy working on containing the fire that no one noticed an astromech coming in and plugging itself into the mainframe, uploading a program to the entire datanet. The droid did its job quickly and then left, its mind would be wiped and it sold on within an hour.

Later that day when the fire had been dealt with and everything settling down, the program activated and locked the emitter controls before broadcasting on all Jedi frequencies.

All over the galaxy and within the Jedi Temple itself the Jedi stopped as they received Fives' message, a hologram appeared of Fives.

"To all Jedi Knights and Masters. You don't know me but I need to warn you all. There is a plot to destroy your order to corrupt the Republic from within. By now you must have learned of the events on the Ringo Vinda Space Station." Fives said quickly as if in a great hurry.

While the Jedi listened agents of Sidious rushed furiously to cut off the transmission before anything potentially dangerous could be revealed but the program was sending out false relay points to prevent them pinning down just where it was coming from. All the while Fives continued speaking as the Jedi including the council who had been in the middle of a session.

"The murder of Jedi Master Tiplar was caused not by a tumour but a control chip that has been planted inside the brain of every clone from birth! The Kaminoans claim these chips are meant to prevent aggressive behaviour but that isn't true. Instead, they are there to force us to carry out a command, the degrading of his chip made Tup carry out this order earlier than was planned. I discovered this truth and that the chips can be removed safely which the Kaminoans claimed was impossible. The Clone Army is being prepared to attack the Jedi Order and kill you all! So, the mastermind behind this can corrupt the Republic! I implore you to listen to this warning and to save yourselves! Save my brothers from this slavery!" Fives begged but unfortunately whatever else he might have said was cut off as the transmission was ended by Palpatine's agents blowing up the transmitter.

The Jedi who had heard the transmission were confused at what they had just heard, not sure what to think but a mounting sense of dread soon followed it as they felt a resonance within the force.

- x -

The Jedi Council Room, Coruscant…One Hour Later…

"I have the reports from the Kaminoans that say removing the chip from his brain likely caused great and terrible delusions within his mind. The poor soldier had not idea just what he was saying." Palpatine told the Jedi Council with a sad look on his face.

"Is there any proof as to what the clone said?" Ki-Adi-Mundi said with a scowl on his face.

"None from what I have been told. The cloners have sworn that they will keep investigating to find the source of the problem." Palpatine assured the Jedi Council. Many of whom seemed to accept his words readily, sure that no plot such as this could have been hatched without them known about it. Palpatine's hologram disappeared a moment after.

"Efforts will be made to find this errant clone before he can cause any more damage." Shaak Ti said, not wanting to be reminded that the clone had escaped on her watch.

However, some of the Jedi on the Council felt differently, from their seats in the room Mace Windu who distrusted the Chancellor completely could feel there was more to this. Depa Billaba, Obi-Wan, Plo Koon and Tholme felt that too and Kit Fisto looked very uncertain, as if weighing up in his head what to think.

Yoda however was the most uncertain of all, he could feel that the clone had been telling the truth and if he was right about Palpatine then listening to anything he said was the very last thing the Jedi Order should do. He was now more convinced than ever in fact and could feel in the force that the time for the Sith Lord to reveal himself was soon.

"Perhaps, consider the warning more closely we should. And act as we see fit." Yoda said with a worried look in his eyes.

"But surely one defective clone is no cause for concern." Mundi said with arrogance but Obi-Wan who was far more familiar with Fives knew the man was not going to go to these lengths unless something was really wrong.

"Assuming that he is delusional as the Chancellor says but I did not see many signs of that in his transmission and he clearly was able to plan this well enough to avoid detection, so his mind is clearly still rather sharp." Obi-Wan said calmly. "We should take individually whatever action we see fit if it concerns us. Especially as if he was telling the truth, the Order could be facing the greatest threat in its history." He said with a worried frown, something that was copied by several members of the council while others looked at him dismissively.

- x -

Elsewhere on Coruscant…

"We failed." Fives said looking despondent as he was publicly labelled as a 'defective' and nothing being done to stop this plot.

"Maybe…maybe not." Haron said feeling rather worried himself that they ha lost the best chance they had of stopping the rise of the Empire but at the same time he could feel something shift in the force that let him know they had made some kind of impact. "But we got the message out and the Jedi heard it. They have the information, and we can only hope that some of them act on it. In life Fives we can only do what we can and hope for the best." He told the soldier, trying to lift his spirits before getting to an important point. "But now we must get you off Coruscant and let you lie low somewhere for now. I have a team on the way to transport you there."

Fives nodded and told him.

"Thank you, Duke Ordo." Fives said with a sad smile. "I think I would likely be dead if not for you."

"Then we can be thankful for small blessings." Haron told him and the door opened to reveal Kento Marek and Luna enter.

"Luna." Haron said with a smile, happy to see one of his closest friends and they eagerly exchanged a warm hug before he turned to Kento and gave him a much more sedate nod which was duly returned.

"You're troubled." Luna said, feeling it in his body and in his face. Years together letting them know each other well enough to know the signs. After Kento took Fives away so they could have a private moment Haron responded with a look of worry on his face.

"I just worry that we may have lost our best chance to stop the worst possible future." Haron said with a frown. Luna understood his concerns and shared many of them but she told him.

"No, I can sense something in the force. Something has changed and the impact I can feel is huge but…" Luna stopped, wishing for once that the future was clearer so she could see whether they were making progress or not.

"Not whether it is good or bad." Haron finished for her. She nodded and then told him.

"Like you told Fives, we can only do what we can and hope for the best. You planted the seed, now we just have to hope it grows." Luna told him with a smile before adding. "I will be taking my graduate students on a trip soon. See if they are up to actual combat."

"With you as their teacher, I wouldn't expect anything less than exemplary performances." Haron said and Luna just smiled before she went to join Kento and Fives on the ship.

- x -

Little did Haron and Fives know though, some Jedi were not able to dismiss the warning so easily.

Aayla Secura, on her cruiser on the way back to Coruscant and still enjoying her new connection to the force felt it almost surge, like it was desperate for her to believe it.

She honestly had never felt such a thing before and she knew in the moment not to ignore it, so she walked down to the med bay with Bly and their personal squad of clones and had the chips removed.

Plo Koon was hardly one to ignore a threat when it was presented to him and so he had Commander Wolffe and his personal squadron of clone pilots remove their chips.

Obi-Wan was fast to have Commander Cody to the same as was Anakin with Rex and some of the other more wiser members of the 501st that they could trust. A course of action that many of Anakin's small group of Jedi followed themselves.

Even members of the Jedi Council heeded the message; Mace Windu, Tsui Choi and Kit Fisto all had their own personal squads at least secretly remove their chips.

Depa Billaba had Commander Grey, Captain Styles and a number of other clones under her command remove their chips for not only her safety but that of her apprentice Caleb.

While they and a few others like them did have their clones remove the chips, others either out of concern for the clones' health or simply not fully believing the threat didn't do the same.

But at the same time, suspicion reminded and as they were around clones, they would distance themselves a little…just in case.

Reijar, Ordo System…A Month Later…

"At least he's a hard worker." Ara said quietly aloud as she regarded the clone that they seemed to have taken in.

Fives as he was named had arrived a month ago and was working in their spaceport, hard transition for a soldier she supposed but it was only because he had helped them that he was able to stay here. To keep him safe from Sidious or at least as safe as he could be.

She meanwhile was busy watching the younger members of their families along with Hannah and Grahuur at their side.

Din was starting to learn the Wookiee language along with Huttese and doing well, he would be fluent soon enough not to mention he was starting a growth spurt and seemed to be growing an inch a day. Lelia and Frank were now training with Mallie in force techniques and basic magic while Markus, Astoria, Corridan, Galen, Mila, Alexander and Li'anne were all too young yet although all were receiving beginner's lessons.

But when they finally took a break, they all started playing together and with Grahuur's sons and daughter. Ara smiled with Hannah as she considered their large, expanded family.

She remembered herself growing up with her sister Astoria on Earth, their home had been stern but still they were a family. Hannah too had grown up in a caring home. Luna, Neville and Harry hadn't been so lucky she thought with a grimace at the homelife they had growing up.

Yet now they were all part of a much larger family. Ara honestly could say that she loved not only her own children but all her unofficial nieces and nephews and wanted to keep them all safe. Even better Ursa had finally consented to allow occasional visits of her own children to Reijar soon.

- x -

Separatist Monitoring Station, Gorrog…

Like the Republic the Separatists had a network of surveillance stations that allowed them to pinpoint incursions into their territory although they had been far more disorganised in where they were placed given the rapid shifts in territory control since the war began.

Gorrog, a moon orbiting an unremarkable gas giant was a barren and near lifeless world despite having a breathable atmosphere. Hardly of any strategic importance but it was also one of the closest positions to both the Republic and Mandalorian borders and was put there to detect any potential fleet action from either space, but nothing had ever come from either direction.

But there was a problem with its sophisticated sensor arrays however, one that had been encountered by the Republic earlier in the war. While it could detect the movement of large starships and especially fleets at long range, smaller ships were far harder to keep track of and worse if the enemy was using a stealth ship, then they wouldn't see it coming even if it was right on top of them.

The small shuttle dropped out of hyperspace and made its way down to the surface of the moon. Specially modified for stealth insertion the shuttle was fast and nimble, only big enough to carry a group of six. One pilot, five passengers.

The shuttle landed behind a nearby hill and the rear door opened and let Luna out of the shuttle with her four top students just behind her. All were fully kitted out in Mandalorian armour and all their standard field gear and weapons not to mention their newly constructed lightsabers.

They followed Luna as she quietly made her way to edge of the small outpost. There were five droids on sentry duty and likely around fifteen more inside. The outer door was made a reasonably thick door and there were no defensive turrets.

With nonverbal signals, Luna directed each of her students to go after one specific droid in particular. Caz, Roon, Makla and Reli all showed their training was worthwhile as they moved silently and quickly into position before moving on a five count.

While each of them used a blasting curse to take out each droid, Luna grabbed hers with telekinesis and crushed it with a single effortless gesture before they all moved onto the small landing pad. Luna waved her hand and cast the unlocking charm and then the door opened. The small team moved forward, and the four new graduates ignited their lightsabers and charged straight at the ten droids ahead. Only now did the droids realise they were under attack.

"Intruders." The Commander B1 droid in charge said but ten of his droids found themselves under attack by lightsaber wielding Mandalorians. This confused its logic circuits for a moment, not sure if it was Jedi or Mandalorians they were facing, which was far too long against them.

With speed and brutality, they carved a path through the droids to the control centre, but the remaining five droids had no chance to take up their blasters as Luna who was shielding her warriors with a shielding charm then blasted the five remaining droids with Ionize, the anti-droid variant of force lightning. The five droids had no protection against it and fried within a second or two leaving them in charge of the control centre.

"Begin the upload." Luna commanded. So, she and the others guarded the entrance in case there were any droids they'd missed, Roon went to the control console and connected the virus drive to the computers.

The upload began quickly and took only a minute to complete. From there it went to work on their security and opened up their communication frequencies, stole the tracker beacon information that all CIS ships had and relayed the information to the Aden which was waiting nearby on the other side of the border.

Aboard the large ship, Hannah was in the Combat Information Centre and reviewed the information they were receiving, smirking as she they got exactly what they wanted. Information on all the Separatist communication frequencies which would allow them to track all their ships at once regardless of where they were in the galaxy in real time. She wasn't sure why they hadn't done this earlier, but it was hopefully going to useful.

When the data was secure and the all-clear signal had been hardwired on, she turned to the captain and gave the nod. He then had the navigator who engaged the hyperdrive for the short-range jump. It took less than ten minutes for the large but fast ship to reach Gorrog. The shuttle was already on its way back to the ship and docked only a couple of minutes later. With Luna and her team on board Hannah turned to the captain and gave the order.

"Target the outpost with a full turbolaser bombardment, destroy any evidence we were here." She told him coldly and he nodded. Turning to the ship's gunnery control officer who relayed the order to the ship's gun crews.

The ship orientated itself into the best position and large turbolaser batteries of the ship moved into position themselves before powerful whitish-yellow bolts erupted from large cannons. They reached the surface extremely fast and blasted huge chunks out of the surface and the outpost, tearing the entire outpost apart and leaving nothing but blackened earth and some scorched rumble.

The moment this was done the ship jumped back into Mandalorian Space before the Separatist Fleet could arrive to investigate.

Dark Temple Ruins, Dromuud Kaas…

Mother Talzin, now finally restored to her physical form smirked as she felt all the dark side energy here. It was such a rich feeding ground. The Scepter of Marka Ragnos had soaked up so much power that she honestly had never been so strong and was finally ready to take her revenge on those that took her sons and sisters from her. But there was no harm in getting a little bit more Talzin thought to herself as she used the scepter to collect the dark side energy from the ruined temple.

With this power she would finally be able to show the Sith and the Jedi the real power of their magic and remove them both as obstacles to her becoming the greatest power in the galaxy.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant…

"It is a great day for the Jedi Order." Mace Windu said to a gathered audience of Jedi, present both physically and in holographic form. Mace continued to speak. "While this war is terrible for the people of the galaxy, the Jedi have risen to the occasion and defended the Republic. Some have grown to be made stronger for their trials. Becoming the heroes and legends of this age. Today, we recognise these achievements and name three of the Order to a rank deserving of their skill and achievement."

There were excited looks shared between those present, wondering just who was going to be promoted. Anakin, Ahsoka and Tuwan stood with their own allies watching proceedings with some interest.

"The first is a Jedi that is reaching knighthood…Lexia Ginorra." Mace said and the nervous looking woman stepped forward. She almost tripped on the steps up to Master Windu and knelt before him. He ignited his lightsaber. There was a frisson of fear that ran through Lexia for a moment like Master Windu was going to cut her head off but instead he moved his saber's violet blade around her shoulders while saying.

"By the right of the Council. By the will of the Force. I name you, Lexia Ginorra a knight of the Jedi Order. You may rise." Windu said and with great care cut her padawan braid off.

It fell the ground and hit with a soft thump, but Lexia was so overcome with emotion that she actually had tears in her eyes. She had dreamt of this for so long, finally reaching Knighthood after so many years, years lost in the dark and then years rediscovering herself in the light.

She was a Jedi Knight.

She rose to her feet and bowed to Master Windu who returned it and gestured for her to stand to next to Master Cin Drallig which she did, feeling so excited that at last she was free to pursue her career as a Jedi.

She had no idea that some of the Council had reservations as to whether she was ready for this but the need for knights pushed her promotion forward not to mention she had been training for long enough, it was time to see if she could manage as a Jedi on her own.

"Aayla Secura." Master Windu called out and the surprised Jedi knight blinked before at the urging of her peers and the proud and expectant looks of Master Tholme and Vos stepping up in front of Master Windu. She knelt and he spoke with a rare smile on his face as this was a responsibility he enjoyed. "Your triumph over Sora Bulq and the conquering of your own doubts and fears has proven that you are finally ready to take the rank of Jedi Master with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities it brings."

Aayla was so surprised that she didn't know what to think, unable to grasp what she was being told but the proud smiles of Master Tholme and Master Vos made her smile too. She couldn't see it but Master Tuwan was smiling also, glad that the young woman had at last come to terms with her past and was ready to embrace the future.

That made everyone else in the crowd wonder who else was getting promoted as there was one last person to be addressed and some wondered if it would be them. So, when Master Windu called out the last name it came as a shock to some.

"Anakin Skywalker."

Anakin who had been watching with some pride for Aayla was stunned at first to hear his own name being called out. Many were surprised too as they knew while Anakin was popular in the Republic and its people, they had known the Council had their concerns about him. Tuwan seeing Anakin's confusion was stopping him gave him a gentle push forward and Anakin made his way to the stairs and knelt next to Aayla who gave him an encouraging smile as did Ahsoka and Obi-Wan from where they were standing.

"Anakin Skywalker." Mace Windu said with a serious voice. "Despite concerns over your age when you were inducted into the Jedi Order and some of your decisions over the years, your conduct since the war began has been nothing short of remarkable." Windu said before starting to smile slowly. "You have shown talent and dedication beyond any expectations the Council may have had and have grown to become one of the greatest Jedi of your generation. Such performance and dedication cannot go unrecognised. Hence forth you will carry the rank…of Jedi Master."

Anakin could hardly believe this was happening, he had never thought this would happen, given his troubles with the Council. He had been content to be a knight, it suited him far more perhaps to be out in the galaxy doing things then staying in the Temple.

But now…he was a master. The youngest in the current Order too he realised with some pride and rose to his feet and was now face to face with Master Windu who smiled and gave him a nod of respect which again was a big surprise but Anakin returned it.

Applause broke out, directed at all three of the Jedi who had been called up. Anakin could see Tuwan proudly clapping alongside Ahsoka and Obi-Wan who stood with the rest of the Council.

Obi-Wan had a small twinkle in his eyes as he dearly hoped that Master Qui-Gon could see this, he had been right about Anakin. However, he was also worried about what the Jedi Council were about to force on Anakin in exchange for this rank. He was fairly certain Anakin would accept but he was worried about it all the same. He hadn't been happy the last time they had done this too him, not at first anyway his eyes turning to Ahsoka.

Anakin and Aayla went over to Master Tuwan along with Obi-Wan, Tholme and Vos. Followed slowly by Master Windu.

"Congrats. You more than earned it." Vos said to them both but more towards Aayla who smiled and suddenly threw her arms around his shoulders and gave him a hug.

Like she had when they had been master and apprentice.

Vos seemed surprised for a moment but soon hugged her back, everyone seemed a little surprised at Aayla being affectionate in public but her new emotional freedom was something she was still coming to terms with and had to find her feet again.

"It is well deserved. Both of you." Tuwan said with pride. "While I personally disagree with calling anyone a master you are both worthy of it. I only wish I could have seen my last padawan become a Master." He said with a wistful look in his eye. Ahsoka who was standing there with Kalifa asked him with genuine curiosity, wondering if she might had heard of this padawan.

"And who was that padawan Master Tuwan?" Still calling him master as a sign of respect. Everyone looked on, now interested themselves. Tuwan frowned for a moment before giving them an answer.

"He was a Neti like myself, he had great potential even if he was a slow learner at first. His name was Ood Bnar." Tuwan said with a proud smile as he remembered his old apprentice.

All those present stopped still in surprise at hearing that name, even Master Windu who was approaching with two younglings at his side.

"Ood Bnar?" Tru Veld said with astonishment. "He's one of the most legendary Jedi of all time. Easily one of the finest the Order has ever produced. A truly amazing master and scholar." Tru told Tuwan while they all stayed silent in reverence for the ancient master.

Tuwan smiled at the sound of that, glad to hear his old student had been recognised for his great wisdom and learning. He would now he realised have to look up his old apprentice's achievements and see for himself but it was a great relief to see he had survived the Great Hyperspace War.

Anakin himself was in awe too, never having imagined that he was being taught by the same master that had trained one of their greatest members.

"Fascinating Master Tuwan, I had no idea you had such an illustrious student under your wing." Windu said interrupting as he approached before telling them. "And congratulations again, your promotions were well deserved." He told them while thinking on some of the reservations that the council had about this.

Aayla Secura had been changed by her experience and her training with them but there was a new vibrancy about her now, like she had suddenly come alive after a long time in stasis. Her promotion had been debated but passed fairly quickly.

Skywalker on the other hand, he thought still not sure if this wasn't a dangerous move that would only make his following increase but even Mace had to admit the young man deserved it. He had accomplished so much and done much good for the Jedi and the galaxy at large. He had even overcome much of his own shortcomings in the process and was a much calmer and more balanced person these days.

Although he didn't fully trust him, he respected him.

"However, the Jedi Council does have a request of both you now that you are Jedi Masters. That you pass on your knowledge to the next generation by taking a padawan." Windu said knowing this was likely to cause trouble with at least one of the new masters.

Aayla and Anakin both looked surprised at the idea of taking padawans or in Anakin's case a new padawan. He was instantly about to say no as to him Ahsoka was still his apprentice and would always be, he didn't want or need another.

"We know this is a considerable task but we are assigning you both a very promising student. Master Secura you will be taking on Lali Oyun as your apprentice." Windu said and a Lethan Twi'lek girl stepped forward, she looked nervous they all saw but Windu told them. "She is one of the brightest students of her clan, she just passed the Padawan trials a year early and we feel needs a master that will understand the challenges she will be facing as a Jedi and as a Twi'lek in this galaxy. Not only that but a master that will challenge her. Allara meanwhile has shown a remarkably headstrong attitude and good promise if she can harness it, so she will be assigned to you Master Skywalker."

Aayla looked at the young girl who was very nervous but gave her hopeful looks and Aayla smiled, not sure if she was really ready for a padawan or wanted one if she was but she just couldn't find it in her to let the young girl down and nodded.

"Of course, Master Windu, I would be honoured." Aayla said with a smile before telling the young girl. "Come. Let us get to know each other over some food. I have a lesson with Master Anari to learn some Form 7 fighting tonight so I have some time at least." Aayla then led the young girl away who was now smiling too.

Windu was surprised to hear that Secura was learning Form 7, he was alarmed to be honest but as a Battlemaster Anari could authorise it.

Anakin however looking at the girl still stood by Windu's side with uncertainty. He wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of having another young padawan as his responsibility. By the Force Anakin thought remembering those early days with Ahsoka…oh boy he thought with exasperation and wondered if they were coming round again.

"Master, I…" Anakin said about to turn her down but felt a nudge in his side from Ahsoka who just smiled and spoke.

"You should take her." Ahsoka told him which surprised Anakin a little. "She needs a good teacher and you are the greatest I have ever known. Besides, you shouldn't be alone master." She told him with a smile.

Tuwan nodded in agreement.

"The best way to learn is to teach. You learned almost as much teaching Ahsoka as she did from you. Allara will do well under you and if you are to be a better Jedi and a better man then the only way is to take the responsibility seriously." Tuwan told him and Anakin was torn as he respected both of them a great deal but he wasn't sure.

He took a look at the girl; she was human with dark hair and pale skin. Allara was a little younger than Ahsoka had been when he had chosen her, maybe twelve or thirteen. She had a lightsaber so at least she had completed the Gathering he thought but then noticed the stubborn look on her face.

"You know training under me is going to be hard Allara. I don't tolerate people who don't pull their weight." Anakin warned her and Allara rather than acting intimidated like he had expected looked him straight in the eye and told him.

"I faced down General Grievous. I can handle anything you throw at me." Allara spoke without any filter or awe in her voice, looking at him almost challengingly.

Oh boy, she's worse than Ahsoka was Anakin thought with dismay but also amusement as he saw a little of himself in Allara. She was fairly strong in the force and had the confidence to use it. He found himself a little eager to see just whether she could harness that and make something of herself, which made up his mind.

"Very well Allara we will see." Anakin said, making no plans to go easy on her. Ahsoka winced as she remembered how tough Anakin would likely be to the girl and wished her well, knowing she had no idea just what she was in for.

Ahsoka then noticed Kalifa looked down about something and so she asked her.

"What's wrong?"

Kalifa didn't answer for a moment, looking down at the floor with indecision before Ahsoka took a hold of her shoulder and asked her again. "What's wrong?"

"Master Mundi said that if I'm not picked soon, I'll being sent to the Service Corps." Kalifa told her with sadness.

Ahsoka immediately felt a great deal of resentment at the asshole of a master. She knew how much Kalifa wanted to be a Jedi Knight and if she was sent to the Service Corps where all the 'rejects' as they unfairly thought of went then it would be the end of that dream.

She wished she could take the younger girl as a padawan herself but she wasn't a Jedi anymore and even if she were you can't take a padawan as a padawan.

She wondered if maybe one of their group of Jedi might be willing to take her on but that would take time and some were as reluctant to take students as Anakin himself. Her eyes tightened with worry as she put a comforting arm around Kalifa's shoulders before her eyes caught Obi-Wan and grimaced as she considered the great favour that she was about to ask of him. She bit her lip before asking.

"Master Kenobi…would you take Kalifa as your padawan?"

Obi-Wan looked surprised at the question as did many around them including Anakin and Master Windu. Kalifa was right on the edge of acceptability, while she had passed the trials to be a padawan no Jedi Master or Knight had chosen her and she was now older and would only be given another month or so be chosen before being passed over into the corps.

Obi-Wan was shocked as after training Anakin he had never intended to take another apprentice; teaching Anakin hadn't been easy and there had been many times he and his student had felt nothing but animosity for each other. He had kept his vow to Qui-Gon and trained him but it wasn't until Anakin had become a Knight himself that their relationship had really improved. There had been some rather difficult times and he wasn't exactly eager to go through that again Obi-Wan thought with a bit of resentment.

But at the same time, he had once been where Kalifa was now. Passed over as an apprentice by masters and was only saved from the Service Corps himself by Qui-Gon's kindness. Others had dismissed him and he had so much wanted to be a Jedi, he knew the fear that was in Kalifa's heart.

Frowning he looked to Master Windu who merely stared, not willing to involve himself in this since it was Obi-Wan's own decision as to whether he was going to spend years training the girl or not. He saw the Master Tuwan, Ahsoka and even Anakin were all looking at him expectantly and the wide hopeful eyes of Kalifa finally broke his resolve.

"Very well." Obi-Wan said with a small resigned smile. "I will take her as a padawan."

That immediately brought a smile to most of their faces, Kalifa being no exception. She suddenly started beaming with happiness and almost looked like she was going to start jumping up and down with joy.

"Thank you master! Thank you!" Kalifa said with almost in a squeak which made Anakin smirk as if he was going to have to go through this, then Obi-Wan would too.

Master Yoda stood nearby watching as events unfolded and smiled, seeing the future of the Order was in good hands but at the same time he was getting worried as Palpatine had now gained control of the Banking Clan and all its finances after events there. Yoda frowned as he felt in the force that some great shifts were moving around them but couldn't tell if something good was happening or not. Things were still far too much in flux and he could feel in the force that the crucial point would soon be upon them.

Very soon, he thought with worry as their Order would face either its greatest triumph or its worse tragedy.

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