Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Good-Hearted People

I slept until seven o’clock.

Su Yehao smelled the aroma of the food and was still confused when he woke up.

After returning to his senses for a moment, he got up and opened the curtains. The dark clouds outside weighed down, and there was thunder and lightning in the distance.

Hearing the movement, Yin Liuli, who was wearing a nightdress, came over with a smile on her face and said, “Morning, hurry up to brush your teeth and wash your face, I’ll fry you a poached egg.”

Su Yehao asked her to go shopping tomorrow night.


The progress of practicing traditional fonts is a bit slow.

For English, mathematics, and general education classes, the learning progress is relatively smooth.

Time to enter May.

The local four-school joint entrance examination in Las Vegas is just around the corner, and schools in Hong Kong have also launched new year’s admissions policies.

Forced to do nothing by the rotten traditional characters, Su Yehao found many admissions brochures and called them one by one to ask if he could write in simplified Chinese for the exam.

It is estimated that the teacher in charge of admissions has not heard of this question.

Either he hesitated for a long time and couldn’t answer, or refused outright, and some schools didn’t care, and replied that they could understand traditional Chinese characters. Anyway, most of them were English courses and homework.

There are many high school courses.

Although the atmosphere is relaxed, sitting all day is exhausting.

Su Yehao looked around and picked a Gangcheng school called “Nanling University”. It clearly stated that it could write in simplified form, and the admission score was still low.

The key is the low admission score.

There is still cooperation with Donghuang Rose Middle School, and it is very easy to be admitted.

There is too little time for review. Even if his brain is relatively easy to use and he has previous experience, Su Yehao still can’t do the students who have been studying hard for many years and are at their peak.

Most of the knowledge from the early years was returned to the school.

Where to mess around is not a mess.

With all these conditions, he himself doesn’t care about academic qualifications, and only hopes to get out as soon as possible.

The fun of going back to campus has been exhausted for more than a month. It is better to go to university as soon as possible. It is different from the “university preparatory class” that Nangong Tian is studying. If you choose Nanling University, you can go to report directly in the second half of the year, and you can save a day. Years is equivalent to one less senior year.

From the results of trying to enter the business world, it can be seen that many things Su Yehao said don’t count, only what his parents said.

Especially with Mama Tang.

No matter what trick Su Yehao has, her mother can always solve it logically, and find a reason as iron evidence to prove that she is right.

A typical example is Yahoo stock.

Yahoo’s share price has risen to US$34. If he had followed his idea, more than 60 million yuan had put all the money on Yahoo, and the overall increase would have been as high as 23%. Su Yehao would have earned nearly 10 million Hong Kong dollars more.

While it’s still profitable, it’s not that much.

He was on the wrong side and bumped into a big bull market. Now that he wants to buy Yahoo, it is even more impossible for him to pass. The reason is that if it rises too much, it may fall.

The more stubbornly he will copy his own experience to Su Yehao, the only son.

His small achievements are still not enough to make his parents choose to let go.

So he clearly chose the school, but this time Su Yehao didn’t plan to tell his parents. The same is true of taking a mortgage on a house. He only had to pay the last step, and then he directly bought Yahoo stock.

The market value is only one billion US dollars.

Even if it has risen sharply recently, it is still very fragrant.

As for the plan to go to the mainland to study at a university, Su Yehao was temporarily used as an alternative, mainly because he was afraid that the life would not be easy.

If you go to Hong Kong City.

Without delaying my current life, I can still live in a mansion in the middle of the mountain.

Buck Yajun, Zhugan, and He Shaofan discussed in advance that they would join hands with the University of Hong Kong.


Once again, I have the same music class as the next class.

Worried about being held high by Mr. Figo, Su Yehao skipped class and stayed in the class.

When she came back from the toilet, she unexpectedly found that Jiang Yu also didn’t go to music class. She was putting a towel on her head, and there was a pile of tissues in front of her.

Went around in front of Jiang Yu.

Su Yehao gloated at the misfortune and joked, “Good craftsmanship, it would be a pity not to include wontons.”

Jiang Yu opened his eyes and looked at spoke in a nasal voice, pointed at the tissue and muttered, “I’ll cook these for you, I cook them myself, the puppies won’t eat them.”

“It’s a real dog who eats me.”

Su Yehao asked, “What’s the matter with you, you have a fever?”

“I have a cold and a fever. Is there anyone kind-hearted to help me go to the infirmary and get some antipyretics?”

As soon as Jiang Yu finished speaking, he found that his face was pinched by Su Yehao’s hand, looking like a little pufferfish, his mouth pouted.

He was about to express his anger.

I just heard Su Yehao say: “It’s already so hot, let’s go to the infirmary. There are no good people who can help you get the medicine, but I can help you to go, and you can carry it on your back. Anyway, you don’t have to worry about being taken advantage of.”

I didn’t respond at first.

Waiting for Jiang Yu to follow Su Yehao’s eyes and look down, the worse the situation, he couldn’t hold back all of a sudden… His eyes were red.

Not all Su Yehao could be blamed.

Jiang Yu was already uncomfortable, so he used the topic to express himself. After being ill, he was emotionally fragile. Jiang Yu would not be like this in normal times. After all, he was used to it.

I can’t see the girl crying, and she’s still a small fry in her own pond.

Moment is a bit square.

This is how to move forward steadily.

“If I get sick, I immediately seize the opportunity to ask for leave, and you come to school even though you have a fever?” Su Yehao complained.

I hate that iron can’t become steel, I can’t take care of myself.

——From the heart of a righteous fish pond owner.

Jiang Yu’s attention was completely off it at the moment.

It was the first time in my life that I was hugged by a man other than my father, a princess. Her face turned even redder, although she was unreasonable… but she was a bit domineering.

“…It was fine in the morning. Maybe the wind was blowing during school. My dad had a dispute with the neighbors upstairs. The glass of the car was smashed and it has not been repaired.”

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