Evil Break

Chapter 510 - : Personnel connection and so-called free thinking

The **** voyage from the Lianhebao space station to the Ashali star Selana was smooth sailing, and there was no trouble.

The collectors along the way were extremely silent, and the words were like gold. They wanted to talk to them and tried to communicate with each other. The Ashali girls were embarrassed.

“That asteroid warship is a flying coffin! That group of collectors have been transformed into fools by the reaper, don’t you speak!”

Salen’s words are quite a lot, and from time to time, he flirted with the crew of the Ashali Fleet from time to time. I don’t know if he was also transformed into a steel form together. Where did he secrete androgens?

The mother star of the Ashali is an extremely large azure blue planet, the size of which is similar to that of Venus in the solar system, and it is regarded as a super-large earth.

As a first-class race in the prosperous star district, the galaxy where the parent star is located is naturally extremely prosperous, and the ships coming and going around the parent star are like the long car traffic in the international metropolis on the main world earth.

The planet is surrounded by a circle of artificial satellite orbit rings. The main color is dark gold. The overall shape is very streamlined. The architectural style above is also extremely smooth and smooth. There is no sharp coldness like the sharp people, which highlights the Arab Sally, the race of the nation’s sisters, pursues art and beauty.

Officially, Ashali did not let the collector stop at the home star, but completed the handover of a military shuttle outside the orbit.

Massani has rushed back to the parent star Selana from the Quiley Wandering Fleet. At the moment, she is on the military shuttle. She is responsible for teaching and preventing the collectors from secretly teaching Napol.

Now, in addition to being responsible for her elite fleet in Virtue, Masani is also responsible for guiding a group of special power pioneers. These power pioneers are all carefully selected in Ashali society and can be sensed. Special talents cultivated by the reaper, and Masani, who has the most experience in this field, naturally became their mentors and instructors, training this targeted ability.

Strictly speaking, Asari and the collector are still in a state of war, so it is very entangled with the asteroid warship that is turning its direction and preparing to sail towards the repeater.

In the end, Asha Li officially sent a thank-you message and a farewell message awkwardly, expressing A Shali’s attitude towards this incident.

“Thank you for your justice, Captain Salen, please tell your lord, if the reaper is willing to join the Star Alliance and live in peace, Ashali is willing to help.”

Salen sneered a few times. “The supreme harvest is bound to take place. You should pay more attention to the hourglass countdown. Do you think that the relay that blows up the Sfar star can block the harvesting army? It’s ridiculous … Oh, and, Lord Lord said, we only have contact and communication with Senator Napol of the Star Alliance Council, but now it seems that your cancers have cut off the communication channels, which is a pity. “

Officially began to hurt Ashali (although they didn’t have any eggs), the harvester made it clear that he was going to plug the Star Alliance!

Only contacts Napol, and must also be Senator Napol of Parliament. . .

This horseman, didn’t you put Star Alliance and Ashali official on the fire?

At present, the public has greatly reversed the senses of the reaper, and even produced a group of spiritual reaper. Every day, if the business is not doing anything, they will frantically wash the ground for the reaper.

In the battle of the harvest of the horizon planet, the reaper killed and took prisoners in a row, and took away at least hundreds of thousands of people. This is a real hammer, can’t it run away?

Sorry, the spiritual harvesters can still wash.

You know how to fart! The reaper is to purify the planet, look, look! The original nature and beauty of Horizon Planet was that the colonists wreaked havoc on the balance of nature, causing so many animals to lose their habitat and become extinct!

Also, those who died are monopolistic chaebols! This is for purification! understand!

No way, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, everyone has it.

Even if he had been vindicated for the traitor Salon, the habit would be just fine.

Is not only a spiritual reaper, but the sane ordinary people now also want to have peaceful contact and exchanges with the reaper, open a dialogue window, and everyone makes peace with each other.

Then everyone worked together to kill the gorillas of “Vasaran’s thoughts” and threw the gene bomb on themselves.

Oh, when it comes to gene bombs, in fact, the angels also got a shot, but the angels are originally war machines, fully immune to this kind of destruction from the gene chain.

But these Holy Light Birdmen were angry at that time, and they all changed back to the body form of a few hundred meters, just like a Gundam covered with golden light, and hunted the “Vasaran Thought” commando in their own galaxy. .

How to say that people are also playing magic, and finally successfully caught the gorilla trying to escape, and then all hung up, came to a public purification execution, and burned it into gray with the flame of the holy light.

But compared to the gene bomb, everyone still pays more attention to the body shape of angels. Many people suspect that they are a group of free artificial intelligence AI, but strictly speaking they are right.

The angels do n’t have much ambition. The purifiers Lasha and Apocalypse only guard their own one-third of an acre and concentrate on spreading the doctrine and gospel of the Holy Light in the galaxy. Now the people of the galaxy from which the Holy Light originated are basically all Is a group of fanatical religious lunatics, there are all races, no longer recognize the race and country they once were, fighting for the Holy Light wholeheartedly.

Star Alliance has completely abandoned this severely affected area, just like the Red Tide Dominion, only asking you not to spread outward.

As for the free angels of Aletya, they have no more ambitions, nor do they have the intention to spread the doctrine of the Holy Light, they are nestled in the distant galaxy all day long, and they love each other with the boss Hu of Virtue and Hu Chihai. Drink, very chic in a small life.

The human side may be remote because of the remote location, so the reaper and collector haven’t visited it a few times ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The biggest one was the incident of the avant-garde space station of the solar system, so it is basically a group of qualified People eating melons, watching the messy internal galaxies.

However, there is an unscrupulous young man on the human side.

The collectors annihilated the red tide dominance of the main fleet. After this period of licking wounds and rejuvenating, they are now struggling again. A large and heavy main fleet is sailing again. There is only one goal: to seek revenge from the collector avenge.

Because the asteroid warship of Asari ’s mother star who just left was transitioned in the normal way, the Red Tide Dominion has begun to negotiate with the Ashali people, hoping to get a record of the transition of the collector warship.

Ashali people are unwilling, how can I help them, so that the front foot just walked, and the back foot sold others, it’s kind.

Let’s talk about it again, Asari is busy with the internal discussions at the Star Alliance, where can you take care of your revolutionary fanatics?

But Red Tide never gave up, and continued to harass Ashali officials, a posture that would never stop without information.

Anyway, the chaotic and prosperous star district is still moving forward.

And in the remote curtain of the constellation of the Andromeda Galaxy, super-large fleets are constantly gathering.

Quilli’s campaign plan to counterattack his mother star is getting closer and closer.

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