Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 724 Seal? Treasure!

Huge pressure came from the sky.



The entire ruins were shaken.

Densely packed rubble and ferocious steel monsters quickly gathered around Matthew and Mozi.

Various data and patterns were continuously uploaded from the combat assistance system and entered Matthew's eyes.

One after another, the ferocious monsters broke through the tombs piled with rubble and steel, and howled out.

It was obvious that the very angry Spark of Sin no longer concealed its power.

He would break the seal at all costs and keep Matthew and Mozi who had ruined the plan here completely.

Unfortunately, the various auras He exerted did not have any impact on Matthew and Mozi.

The Thunder Warriors who noticed this situation in the distance immediately launched long-range attacks on various mechanical monsters that had just awakened to support the retreat of Matthew and Mozi.

Matthew evacuated very quickly, and what surprised him even more was that the burning light of divine power that kept surging from Mozi's body kept repelling various huge machines that came out along the way.

Naturally, Matthew did not speak to stop it, because the burning of divine power is a process that cannot be stopped.

At least for non-gods, divine burning is a desperate move that hurts oneself first and then the enemy.

This move by Mozi meant that all his accumulation over the years would be wiped out.

Soon, Matthew and Mozi withdrew from the Titan Cemetery.

The various steel monsters that were constantly chasing after them encountered the backhand prepared by the Thunder Warriors.

A large number of fixed-point alchemy bombs!


The raging fire and flames blasted the passages behind one after another.

The accumulated rubble fell down, densely blocking the pursuit channel.

Even though those steel monsters were extremely powerful and their attacks could break mountains and rubble, they were pushed further and further away by Matthew and the Thunder Warriors.

However, the anger of Guilty Spark cannot be dealt with so easily.

The war dog Titan, who was fighting with Fang, suddenly emitted a twisted red light.

The originally clumsy and sluggish body suddenly exploded with astonishing speed.

He ignored Fang's attack on the joints and smashed the surrounding ruins passages, trying to block the retreat path of Matthew and the Thunder Warriors.

But from the moment it suddenly changed, Yaya had already informed Matthew of the situation.

"Choose channel 3!"

The clear voice spread to everyone's ears.

The constantly shaking stone walls and steel passages around them put a lot of pressure on the quickly retreating Thunder Warriors.

However, after they heard Matthew's order, they chose to execute it without hesitation.

Click! Click! Click!

Huge steel arms emerged from all over the passage.

Matthew and Elio stepped forward quickly, waving the flickering sword energy and splitting its rusty arms and body.

Thousands of years ago, they had an indestructible body.

Now, they are just a pile of scrap metal crawling out of the ruins, controlled by the Spark of Sin, acting as vicious dogs blocking the way.


The extremely sharp sword energy, combined with the chain-toothed giant sword, sliced ​​through their armor and chopped off their entire limbs.

Matthew and Elio didn't stop, running forward quickly.

Behind them, the thunder warriors moved in an orderly manner and quickly completed their respective tasks.

Some of them launched attacks with great accuracy.

Some were running forward with their heads down.

Some immediately stood still and then fired decisively.

They followed up in an orderly manner according to their respective division of labor and action routes.

Mozi, who kept his body intact, silently watched the tacit cooperation of the Thunder warriors from the Gulf Territory.

Mozi never expected that the cooperation of the soldiers fighting in the Gulf Territory could be so outstanding and brilliant.

Mozi, known as the Hexagonal Warrior, was also extremely proficient in combat.

It was precisely because he saw through the power and danger of the Spark of Sin that he cooperated with Matthew and the Gulf Territory.

Complete such a thousands-mile attack and a fatal beheading operation!

Originally, after solving the clone of Guilty Spark, Mozi would go further and cause more fatal damage to Guilty Spark.

But with the decisive outbreak of the Guilty Spark clone, the first idea has failed.

The performance of Matthew and the Thunder Warriors made Mozi, who had temporarily recovered his thinking ability, feel very surprised and interesting.

"True execution of orders and prohibitions, bravery without fear of death, the perfect combination of personal strength and equipment, it is really pleasing to the eye!"

Such thoughts echoed in Mozi's mind.

This ancestral spirit who had shone brightly thousands of years ago raised his hand with some pity and punched the giant steel monster that had its head lowered down to blast it.

Parts were constantly scattered, falling apart and flying everywhere.

After noticing this, Ji Fan, the commander of the Thunder Warriors, immediately made corresponding arrangements:

"Prepare Team 2, pay attention to the movement above and on the ground, and dodge in advance."

"Prepare Team 4 and place blocking devices."

"Stay focused and be ready to switch to the heavy shotgun at a moment's notice."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The unique sound of heavy shotguns echoed in the ruins passage in an orderly manner.

The specially modified heavy shotgun has better lethality and knockback effect.

Every time they fire, they can smash or push away the mechanical arms that sweep over.

The Thunder Warriors cooperated with each other and followed Matthew and Alio through dangerous obstacles one after another.

Just a few minutes.

The Thunder Warriors had already faced hundreds of steel monsters and retreated upwards unharmed.

All kinds of crises and dangers were solved with the strong strength, professionalism and exquisite cooperation of the Thunder Warriors.

On the contrary, the continuous falling gravel can easily block the ruins passage for everyone to retreat, which has become the biggest trouble that needs to be solved urgently.

In this regard, even Mozi didn't have a good solution.

With his current body, he is unable to cast various spells and spells as skillfully as before.

However, the Thunder Warriors of the Gulf Territory soon showed him another kind of extraordinary power.

"Fossils to mud!"

Matthew marked their location, and the Thunder Warriors used various magic devices to process it.

If you can't break through the pile of rocks, it is still very simple to solve the accumulation of soil.

Whether it is various tools or the attribute blessings of Thunder Magic Armor, they can help Thunder Warriors achieve their goals easily.

Matthew and the Thunder Warriors narrowly escaped from the most critical area, and with the help of Yaya, they avoided the encirclement of the War Dog Titan.

As they gradually approached the ground, the various steel monsters they encountered gradually turned into smaller renegade machines.

The mutinous machinery was in very average condition, and could barely hold on against ordinary Gulf Territory warriors.

But against the Thunder Warriors led by Matthew, and in such a narrow terrain, they would be killed instantly in just one encounter.

The violently surging thunder has unique extra lethality against rebellious machines.

About ten minutes later.

Accompanied by the roar of thunder.

Matthew was the first to rush out of the cave.

The Thunder Warriors who fell behind him rushed out of the cave based on the intelligence and information provided by Matthew.

Amidst the explosions one after another from behind, they quickly escaped from this heart-stopping ruins.

As soon as they left, cracks began to appear throughout the ground.

The swaying of landslides and ground cracks gave people an unspeakable sense of terror.

A huge arm emerged from the crack comparable to an abyss.

The huge arm, which was full of gaps and broken marks, was about 20 meters high. It hit the ground with heavy hammers, directly smashing a large area of ​​the ground.

Many of the renegade machines that approached fell into the cracked gaps and abyss in the violent turmoil.

Similarly, there were also some ferocious and twisted steel monsters that struggled to climb out and attack in the direction of Matthew and Bay Leader.

All kinds of automatic artillery bombarded them immediately.

The newly awakened steel monster was quickly shattered into pieces under the powerful artillery fire.

The renegade machines swarming in like a wave are laying siege to the temporary camps built in the Gulf Territory.

The Gulf Territory soldiers who had completed their replacement were evacuating through the teleportation array one after another.

That huge arm emerged from the abyss below and was attacking the surroundings wantonly, trying to cause greater damage.

"A mechanical monster of this level is truly amazing."

"It's a pity that we can't get a glimpse of its heyday. It didn't even fight."

"Sure enough, if you cultivate the outside without refining the inside, there is a high probability that disaster will occur."

When Mozi said this, his body was already on the verge of collapse.

However, Matthew saw that Mozi's "expression" was very calm. He did not have too deep feelings about his body being destroyed. Instead, he continued to say to Matthew:

"This is because the improvement of goblin's individual strength can only rely on external objects. It can only be promoted by increasing firepower and improving defense."

"The Goblin Empire has taken the wrong path. It relies too much on external objects instead of focusing on improving its own potential."

"Although their physical combat effectiveness is average, their intelligence is also unique."

“Only by making up for deficiencies, improving strengths, continuously developing, and summarizing and improving can individuals and civilization progress together.”

Mozi seemed to be talking about the Goblin Empire, but Matthew understood that he was reminding him in a subtle way.

Mo Zi was obviously so strong, yet he was still willing to fight so hard.

Is it because he has a grudge against Guilty Spark?

Or don’t you want the clone of the ancient evil to continue to be so rampant?

"This is just a clone. Even if its divine power collapses, it will not cause substantial harm to the ancient evil object. It will only damage its power."

"Why is Mr. Mozi so impatient?"

Matthew asked without thinking, not only because of doubts in his heart, but also because Mozi's body was running out of time.

Once this body is destroyed and Mozi's divine power is exhausted, it is very likely that his strength will be greatly reduced.

Even if it maintains its divinity and supports its return to the machine city, it is estimated that it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years to wake up again.

Maybe, the future will be completely silent, and we will fall into eternal sleep.

Is paying such a high price really just to deal with the clone of Guilty Spark?

Or does Mozi have other ideas and knows something about the Spark of Sin?

There were cracks on the Knight Titan that stood still.

Various parts fell down, and the parts that cracked due to being washed away by a large amount of energy emitted a strange firelight.

Mozi did not maintain it and allowed it to continue to break apart and destroy. He just continued to speak in a calm tone and tone.

"The Spark of Sin has great potential, its origin is strange and dangerous, and the better the development of mechanical and intelligent technology, the greater the destructive power it will cause."

"The most important thing is that it will greatly hinder the development of intelligent creatures and civilization, posing a very big threat."

"Therefore, if its clone cannot be temporarily destroyed, its control and influence on the mechanical demiplane can be suppressed."

“In the following elemental tide period, as the mechanical plane and the material plane get closer, the Spark of Sin will be able to obtain more and more resources and create more and more renegade machines that are influenced by it. "

"The renegade machines that were contaminated and affected by the Spark of Sin and were born through various changes are not as spiritual as ordinary intelligent creatures."

"But as long as there are enough of them, and the larger the original worship of the sinful spark is, he will be able to obtain a steady stream of divine power and divinity."

"As He gradually devours kingdoms and civilizations one by one, he will gradually acquire more rare godhood through such acts of destruction."

"At that time, the Spark of Sin will be able to transform from a powerful ancient evil into a truly immortal existence - Abomination!"

"In the East, we call them - natural disasters, divine evils, and demonic disasters!"

"I look forward to the roads and rules of the Gulf Territory, but unfortunately I can't wait until then."

After saying this, the light of divine power belonging to Mozi gradually dimmed, and the Knight Titan controlled by him quickly fell apart and turned into tiny pieces.

It was obvious that the Knight Titan's body was no longer supported by Mozi's strength. After experiencing this series of tragic battles, it came to its final end.

Matthew gathered up all his remains and put them into a storage space filled with purifying holy water.

Then, Matthew watched Mozi's dark green aura slowly disappearing in this area in a sudden dim change.

Matthew recalled the situation in the Eastern Continent, and felt quite yearning and emotion that a figure like Mozi could be born.

"It's a pity that the Gulf Territory is the foundation..."

"Besides, blank paper is easy to draw on."

Matthew is already looking forward to the development and future of the Gulf Territory.

The reason is simple. The constant changes and impacts of the real world are more vivid and real than the games in memory.

This is why Matthew is still very confident even though he feels tremendous pressure.

The Gulf Territory's rapid development and strong development potential have reached an astonishing level.


The huge arm hammered the ground hard, opening larger cracks.

Densely packed renegade machines emerged one after another.

Their shapes and bodies have undergone extremely obvious changes.

They are changing!

The power of the Spark of Sin is still being released continuously.

However, Mozi, who had lost his body, laughed out loud with emotion: "This seal can last at least 50 years."

Matthew looked away from the Warmaster Titan in the distance, smacked his lips, shook his head and said:

"This is not a seal, it is a treasure!"

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