
Chapter 48 – The Old Rules


'If ask, answer question.' Merla said, but she didn't sound rude. She only meant that if she asked a question, she wanted an answer.

'Alright, little one. I'll spank you when you get home again.' Merla giggled, which sent her another wave of affection. 'We made the rules long ago, but the orcs have stopped obeying the old rules. Three wives minimum.' Merla pursed her lips.

'Thank you, black wings. See you tonight.' Taen shivered as two pairs of eyes appeared.

'Tonight. Make sure you absorb enough manna, Merla.' Merla giggled.

'Yep.' Merla slowly released her grasp on Taen's tusks. She looked at her mother and lightly touched her cheek. "Ask Lix. Momma not believe Merla. Strong words needed." Taen nodded.

"May I have Drae?" She asked softly. Merla grinned.

"Drae belong grammie. Heart already grammies. Thana and Xil?" Merla asked. Taen blushed.

"Xil. Lyra may not accept two new wives right away." She whispered. Merla nodded. She grasped her tusks.

'Merla fix momma slow. Merla slow momma's need. Block.' Merla said. Taen frowned.

'Mine, or Lyra's?' She asked.

'Fix fang momma slow. Slow tusk momma need, block. Fang momma not want share. If not block, momma mad at momma.' Merla said, and looked sad. 'Not like momma mad at momma.' Taen hugged her.

'She will need to get used to it, baby. I will tell her that you're suppressing my natural lusts that are now restored when I got stronger. She may take a while, but she'll come around.' Taen said, and hoped it was true.

'Main wife, second wife, third wife. Color bands?' Merla asked. Taen smiled, and kissed the top of her head.

'I will figure it out, baby. Don't worry about things you should not worry about. It is my job as your mother, not your job as my daughter.' Taen said, and really meant it.

Her dominant side was asserting itself, after years of suppressing it. The reason she suppressed it was to take care of her wife. As she was younger than her wife, Lyra tended to pull the control out of her hands. She endured for a long time, but now it was time to take that control back into her own hands.

Merla smiled. She loved her parents, and could not see a day when she would have to live without them. However, she could not see her own future, or when she had to move in with Meena, and take her people with her.

For Merla, that would be a sad day.


* * *


"Lady Lixiss?" Lyra was surprised to see her sister at this time of day, and at her own home. Right after, the Mother Queen walked in behind her. Lyra swallowed a lump in her throat.

"I keep seeing Mother, when before, I hadn't seen her in a cycle." Lyra said softly. Lixiss smiled gently.

"I have to visit my sister, and tell her the news of Duality. Your wife and daughter already know, as Taen was blessed to hear it directly from Duality, and through Merla." Lixiss said. Vanya growled a little.

"Lyra, you look like we're about to punish you, but that isn't the case. Lots of hot tempered fangers have created a lot of problems for the tribes over the cycles, and long before you were born." Vanya said and waved her hand. A group of fanged orcs streamed into the tree home and placed a divan for her to recline upon.

"Mother, please be kind while we're visiting my family." She felt her harness get grasped, and Vanya's mood calm somewhat. "It always bothers you when I'm out of reach, doesn't it?"

"Every single time." she grumbled. "Tell her, my wife. Before I lose my temper at her." Vanya pointed her finger at Lyra. "I see your eyes, and how stubborn you are, little orc! I do not know why Taen chose you so long ago, but you have not been anything but a problem for her, and your own daughter!" Vanya turned when she heard a soft growl to the side. It was Merla's growl, as she wobbled on her unsteady legs.

"Be nice, big momma." Merla said through bared teeth. "Momma love momma. Not understand share like grammies." Lyra frowned.

"What are you talking about, Merla?" Lyra asked with a frown upon her lips. Vanya snorted.

"She's talking about the laws of the tribe, and how exceptions have been made over the last hundred cycles. Fanged orcs are going without mates because some wives are too jealous to share their tusker with others." Lyra's mouth fell open.

"There's a law about tuskers being shared?" She asked.

"An ancient law that Duality is bringing back into prominence. Tuskers must take three wives in their lifetime. No single wife families are permitted." Lixiss said in a firm voice. "The reasons for this are simple." She sat on the divan with Vanya, and put her hand on Vanya's thigh. Again, Vanya relaxed and put her hand on Lixiss's shoulder.

"What reason?" Lyra asked. Taen cleared her throat, and drew her attention.

"For the same reason that Merla has kept my natural lusts bound and reduced, to ensure that my head wife could manage my hunger." Taen said firmly. "Like my mother, I am a pure and peak version of a tusker. I have strong lusts, and more than enough to sate three wives." Lyra was shocked senseless. Lixiss smiled gently.

"Duality made the tuskers to have a strong lust, in order to support their fanged wives, and be a dominant force in our families. Like themselves, the tuskers have enhanced sexual hungers, while the fanged orcs have normal lusts."  Lixiss felt Vanya's hand tighten on her harness.  "Even when the others are cleansed and rebuilt, they will not have as strong a lust that my mother has." Taen nodded, and looked at her wife sadly.

"You are my first wife, and the head wife of our family." She closed her eyes. "Duality has spoken, Lyra. I need to take two more wives, and let our tribe grow." Vanya held up her hand.

"It's not to let our tribe grow, Taen." Vanya said. "I only produce so many eggs per cycle." Taen frowned slightly.

"That's true. Then why?" She asked. She was a bit perplexed, but her sister answered her.

"For the only reason that matters. So the fangers won't go without a proper dominant partner." She was pulled onto Vanya's lap and blushed.

"It's how we're made, Tae. It's how we're made."


* * *


"This is going to be hard." Lyra said as Taen laid down behind her. She groaned softly as her wife entered her.

"It's necessary, love." Taen said, and wrapped her large arm around her wife's body. "Even now, Merla holds me back so I don't lose control." She leaned closer, and inhaled Lyra's scent. "I've never been able to hug you like this, Lyra. It may be a sacrifice, but now I have more strength with which to protect you, Merla, and little Talyn." Lyra turned her head.

"I know. I've just gotten used to being your sole focus. How will our life change?" Lyra asked softly.

"While you are pregnant, you'll need to take better care of your body. Little Talyn needs to grow up strong. Once she is born," Taen growled softly, and lightly bit her ear. "I will ravage your entire body with the lusts that have been repressed by my weakness." Lyra sniffed.

"I've never considered you weak, Taen. You were always strong, even when you were only ten cycles. You beat the sap out of me in order to make me submit." She groaned a bit as her wife's huge dick moved within her.

"I don't regret submitting to you, Taen. I have a powerful daughter who is blessed by our goddesses, and I am now pregnant with our second daughter." She let her tears roll down her cheeks as she submitted to her wife's strong hug, and firm thrusts within her lovely round ass.

"I have never regretted being your wife."


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