Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Into The Eye

Chapter 84

Jiang Feng’s impeccable facial features made Emperor Jing He also feel bright, and praised, “Qing has an extraordinary appearance, and he deserves to be the most beautiful man in Kang’an City.”

After hearing what Wanzai said, the frightened Erye Jiang blinked, and a human figure gradually appeared in the bright yellow in front of him. Although this man was wearing a golden crown and a dragon robe, the beard, the eyes and the eyes were just normal, and he looked similar to his brother, not like a master who would kill someone in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Erye was suddenly no longer afraid, and then said Bai Lang, “The grass people are ashamed to be worthy.”

Long live that you are “worthy”, but you say “you are not ashamed”? The standing **** chief Yang Feng raised his eyelids and looked at Jiang Feng who was kneeling in the hall, wondering if this kid was really stupid or pretending to be confused.

Jing He Di asked with a smile, “Could it be that in my city of Kang’an, there are still people who can compare to Qing?”

“Of course there is! The people in the city shout like this because they are not as lucky as the grass people to be able to see your heavenly face. Before your holy face, the grass people are not worth mentioning.” Jiang Erye answered extremely Sincerely, in front of the long-lived golden crown robe, the gods and horses are all clouds.

Yang Feng looked at Jiang Feng carefully, this kid is not stupid, he really knows how to shoot, and he really dares to shoot.

As the prince of the main palace, although he seldom walks outside the palace, Emperor Jing He is somewhat self-aware of his appearance, but looking at Jiang Feng’s sincere appearance, Emperor Jing He knows that his words come from the bottom of his heart. .

Think about it too, in Da Zhou, who can and dare to reach the Son of Heaven? The more Jing Hedi thought about it, the more interesting it became, and he couldn’t help laughing.

Long live laughed, and Long live Ye was laughed at by him! Although Jiang Erye’s forehead was pressed against the cold slate, his heart immediately warmed up, and when he raised his head again, he couldn’t help but smirk.

When this son first came in, he was so frightened that he almost lost his soul; if he was a little kind to him, he could smile even better than the peony in the imperial garden. If such a temperament entered the Leyang Mansion, within three years, Liu Cheng would really become the most beautiful man in Kang’an.

Jing Hedi couldn’t help feeling pity, and said gently, “Be flat.”

“Thanks, long live the grass people.” Jiang Erye got up and stood respectfully at the foot of the steps.

Jing Hedi asked, “Is your brother better?”

Jiang Erye hurriedly knelt down again, “Thank you, Long Live, for remembering. Lang Zhong said that Caomin’s elder brother had hurt his stomach and would take several months to recover.”

Jing Hedi nodded, “Let him take care of him with peace of mind, and then return to the yamen to work after he recovers.”

“Thank you very much, thank you very much!” Jiang Erye kowtowed again and again with joy, and when he raised his head, his face was filled with unconcealed joy.

Everyone was respectful in front of him, and suddenly such a vivid figure appeared. Emperor Jing He thought how Jiang Feng looked at it was pleasing to the eye, and said with a smile, “Let’s step back.”


Jiang Erye looked confused. Is this back? He didn’t say anything yet! Long live the reason why he recruited himself into the palace to ask about the situation of the eldest brother?

Seeing that Jiang Feng’s thoughts were all on his face, Emperor Jing He asked him, “Doesn’t Feiqing have something to say?”

Of course there is! But what if you don’t ask him what to say? Jiang Erye thought about it and said, “What Caomin wants to say, Master Du has already mentioned it to you, Long Live?”

This kid was so rude, but Yang Feng was surprised to find that Wan Sui was not angry.

“I mentioned it, I already know it.”

Jiang Erye’s heart was immediately put back into his stomach, he kowtowed with a smile on his face and thanked him, and retreated.

“Jiang Feng.” Before he had retreated to the gate of the hall, he heard the sage call him again.

“The grass people are here.” Jiang Erye knelt on the ground again.

“In June of last year, why did you go up to Qingshan?” Emperor Jing He suddenly asked.

Jiang Erye stammered and did not beat him, “Long live, Caomin’s second daughter couldn’t move after falling into the water. Caomin took her to the Tibetan cloud temple on the mountain to see a doctor.”

“Who should see her?”

“Master Chengkong, who is the former Imperial Physician Bureau of the Imperial College, to raise Master Cheng Ji.”

“How do you know that Cheng Ji is in Zangyun Temple?”

Erye Jiang didn’t dare to tell a lie, “Two years ago, the monk from Zangyun Temple should have gone to the casino and lost a lot of silver taels to Caomin, so he sold the news to Caomin to settle the account.”

Jing and Di paused before asking, “Where is Cheng Ji now?”

“The grass people don’t know.”

Jing and Dilong narrowed their eyes, looked at Jiang Feng quietly for a moment, and confirmed that he was not lying before saying, “Go ahead.”

“Yes, Caomin retire.” Jiang Erye retreated to the gate of the hall and stopped, and when he saw that Long Live was no longer calling him, he walked out of the hall quickly.

Jing Hedi looked at his back and forth and couldn’t help laughing again.

Because of the Queen Mother’s illness, the saint has not shown his joy for many days, but today he smiled again and again because of Jiang Feng. Yang Feng remembered Jiang Feng’s name very seriously, and planned to send someone to check his details and embarrassment in case of emergency.

Knowing that the imperial brother had summoned Jiang Feng to the palace, Leyang begged his mother to invite the imperial brother to come and ask, and Queen Kang sat by the side with a smile.

Finally waited for the emperor’s brother to arrive. After Leyang bowed, he pulled his sleeve and asked eagerly, “When did the emperor’s brother issue an decree?”

Emperor Jinghe bowed to his mother before saying to Leyang, “If those incompetent and incompetent people are recruited as concubines, they will make the world ridicule my royal family for choosing a son-in-law who is not good enough for his appearance.”

What happened to the reappearance? Which concubine is not chosen based on appearance! Le Yang stomped his feet anxiously, turned around and pulled the sleeve of his mother’s sleeve, “Queen mother~~”

What the son has already said is that there is no room for manoeuvre. The Queen Mother persuaded, “Your royal brother is reasonable, choose a concubine who has both political integrity and talent, and can match your identity.”

If she can’t take Jiang Feng, she will be laughed to death by the people in Kang’an City! Le Yang said with red eyes, “Brother Huang has changed, he doesn’t love Le Yang as much as before.”

Emperor Jinghe’s anger in the bottom of his heart spewed out, “If it wasn’t for me, do you think the Deng family would have given up? The fact that the imperial censor sent you to me can crush you several times! I am your imperial brother, and even more so. King of the country, how can you follow your temperament!”

Le Yang shed tears, “My sister just wants to choose a concubine who agrees with her…”

“Deng Yuanjie is an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs. He is loyal, generous and kind. He is a rare talent in my court, and you chose it yourself. How much effort did your mother put in to get your father to marry you? How did you treat him? Deng Yuanjie is the only son of the Deng family, how can you make me face the Marquis of Pingxi!”

She is the princess and the Deng family is a minister. It is the fault of the Deng family that Deng Yuanjie will not please her, and the royal brother actually scolds her! Leyang stared slantingly at the emerald screen beside the couch, very unconvinced.

Jing Hedi saw that she knew nothing wrong, and was annoyed, “If you dare to do anything to harm my royal face again, I will immediately send you to Tubo and relatives!”

and the pro-princess died in nine deaths, and could not return to the dynasty for a lifetime. Le Yang was immediately frightened, and muttered, “My sister-in-law knows.”

After serving his mother’s medicine, Emperor Jinghe didn’t want to talk to Leyang anymore, so he threw his dragon robe and left.

After the Queen Mother signaled Queen Kang to follow, she pondered, “Jiang Feng actually caught your royal brother’s eyes, which is surprising.”

Le Yang was puzzled, “Didn’t the emperor say that he has no talent or virtue?”

If he hadn’t caught his eye, how could he have made a special trip to warn Leyang with the emperor’s temperament? The empress dowager glanced at her confused daughter and said tiredly, “If you don’t want to go to Tibet, just listen to your royal brother’s words honestly.”

Even the mother and queen didn’t care about her, and Leyang felt extremely aggrieved.

Empress Kang accompanied Emperor Jing Yuan from the Empress Dowager’s palace to the imperial garden, and when she saw that he was standing in front of Hanmei, she also stopped.

After a long time, Emperor Jinghe asked, “Among the Deng family’s children, are there any outstanding sons?”

Queen Kang’s father, Duke Huguo Kang Zhong, and Deng Yuanjie’s father, Deng Jiliang, Marquis of Pingxi, are brothers of the same robe. The Kang and Deng families have many contacts, so Queen Kang is very clear about the situation of the Deng family. However, when Emperor Jinghe asked Deng Jiaerlang at this time, it was obvious that he planned to choose the best one to inherit the title of Marquis of Pingxi. Because Leyang did not give birth to Deng Yuanjie’s son and a half daughters, he still refused to let him take a concubine. After Deng Yuanjie died, It broke the incense of the line of Pingxihou.

Queen Kang said softly, “The daughters of the Deng family have seen the concubines, but the son has not seen each other for many years. Why don’t you let them accompany them during the spring hunt. Can you see them in person?”

Jing He Di nodded, looked at the plum blossoms swaying in the wind, and remembered the back of Jiang Feng jumping out of the Xuande Hall, “I wonder how Jiang Feng rides and shoots?”

Empress Kang raised her sleeves and covered her mouth with a smile, “My concubine once heard Guangchang mention that when Jiang Feng was shooting arrows, the target was dead within a radius of two feet.”

How bad is it? Jing He Di laughed.

(end of this chapter)

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