Broken Night

Chapter 33 - ── parting sorrow

Chapter Thirty-Three – Parting Sorrow

The fourth-grade course is just one more practice of wen force21.

The rest are still teaching basic texture and physical exercise classes. As for physical exercise, Xu Yan still maintained his daily training, but his extreme exercise time stayed at fifteen minutes.

This fifteen-minute limit was his record two years ago.

Even if he exercises again for two years, it is still fifteen minutes, as if this is the limit of his life. Xu Yan was very dissatisfied with this, but he did not relax because of it. He believes that limits are meant to be broken. Even if it is futile, he will not let himself have the heart to give up.

It is precisely because there are no new classes that Xu Yan can learn less and less in class. On the contrary, Xu Tian was finally willing to teach him about tattooing when he was just beginning his medical skills. So as soon as Friday came, he went home immediately.

Before that, he handed over a sentence that he would come back to his home with Lan Ming on Sunday.


The Nairobi horse “dengdengdengdeng” came home, and when he entered the door, he was still familiar with the smell of rice.

He sat down on the table with familiarity and started to gobble, but the corner of his eyes swept across the courtyard in confusion.

Not right.

Although he has lived in the academy for a long time now, Xu Yan is quite familiar with his own environment. It was just a glance from the corner of the eye that something was wrong.

Seems like… something is missing?

Xu Tian came out with the last plate of dishes, but it made the doubts in Xu Yan’s eyes even more intense.

No wonder it tasted so delicious today!

It turns out that today’s cooking is all my favorite!

He put down the bowls and chopsticks a little suspiciously, and looked at Xu Tian with alert eyes: “Something is wrong, what do you want?”

Xu Tian laughed when he heard the words.

He was not surprised at all about his son’s intelligence. He just looked at Xu Yan with reluctance in his eyes: “Dad is going to travel far away, and he doesn’t know when he will be back.”

Xu Yan was stunned for a moment, but this time he was really dumbfounded.

Although in the past ten years, he has always been **** for tat with Xu Tian, ​​but Xu Tian’s meticulous care is like a drizzle of spring rain, infiltrating the spleen and lungs. Although he did not admit it in his mouth, in his heart he had long acknowledged Xu Tian as a relative.

For the separation, he really did not have any mental preparation.

Xu Tian said to himself: “I have packed everything at home and yours. After I leave, I will ask Aunt Liang next door to clean it up occasionally. Of course, I gave silver taels. You If you don’t want to practice tattooing after graduation, then come back here and be the doctor in the village for me…”

“Where?” Xu Yan asked directly.

Xu Tian smiled, and his handsome face became soft: “Where are you going… to find your mother. After all, we have been separated for ten years.”

“Mother?” Xu Yan’s eyes flashed with a strange color.

He has never asked about his mother. For him, having a father is already quite a headache, and he was also fatherless and motherless in his previous life. As for his mother, he has no such concept at all.

But when he really mentioned this term, there was still a wave of fluctuations in his heart.

“Your mother had an affair back then, so now it’s time for me to find her instead of my father. And you…you’ve grown up.” Xu Tian touched Xu Yan’s bald head: “The young eagle needs to fly alone, It’s growth. In the academy, I’m also very relieved.”

He handed him a backpack. It’s the kind of ordinary and unremarkable rolled up with coarse cloth: “I have all your things in it, remember to take it away.”

“Besides that, I’ll give you four tips.”

Xu Tian smiled and took out four kits that were only the size of a palm. The kits were also very simple. They were just the most common kits wrapped in red cloth, but three numbers were engraved on the kits. Among them, only one is a black kit.

“When you graduate from the academy, if you plan to continue practicing tattoos and not come back to be a junior doctor, you will open the first tip.”

“As for the second and third kits, after you have opened the first kit, you will naturally know when to open it.”

“The black bag…” Xu Tian smiled mysteriously: “To be honest, I hope you never have the chance to open it in your life.”

“When your life is in danger, turn it on. It will teach you what to do.”

Xu Yan waved his hand and said loudly, “Hey hey hey! Don’t keep talking to yourself! Have you ever thought about how I feel when you leave so suddenly!”

Xu Tian smiled gently: “I always knew that you are very mature. So I didn’t worry about you, let’s grow up. Be the one that makes me proud when we meet again in the future.” His hand touched Xu Yan again. The bald head, but when his hand touched Xu Yan’s head again, a familiar faint came.

His vision gradually darkened, but he heard a faint voice: “Sorry… Dad, I’m really not good at this kind of parting. Goodbye, my son.”

The sound also gradually became smaller, and finally disappeared.


Xu Yan sat up suddenly, but found himself lying in his room.

He hurriedly rushed to the living room, only to see that **** and four kits, three red and one black, lying quietly on the desk.

As if feeling Xu Yan’s emotions, they were frighteningly quiet, like a dull stone that had been sunk in the water for many years.

He stared blankly at the meal case.

In ten years, it seemed like a white horse had passed before his eyes.

All kinds of tit-for-tat, full-bodied medical skills, meticulous care.

After a long time, he raised his head.

He didn’t let the sparkle in his eyes fall, but wiped it with a little embarrassment.

Just like what Xu Tian said, he believed in himself and believed that one day they would meet.

If that’s the case, let him be the one who will make him and his unsightly mother proud in the future.

He carried the burden behind him, and the four bags were hung on his belt by his waist, and then he strode away.


Accidentally made him return to the academy early.

Lan Ming, who had been looking forward to his return, was very excited to see Xu Yan coming back early, but when he saw the expression on Xu Yan’s face, he was silent.

Xu Yan is not like Lan Ming, Xu Yan has a big bald head.

He didn’t have bangs to hide the expression on his face.

Feeling something, Lan Ming didn’t speak, just left the room quietly, leaving Xu Yan on the bed alone.

After a long time, Lan Mingfu buried himself in the kitchen as soon as he came back, cooked a few dishes that Xu Yan liked, and put a pot of wine on the table.

Xu Yan ate, drank, and spoke.

Lan Ming just quietly watched him eat and drink while talking about the relationship between him and his father. He tried hard to persuade him to study, but was ignored, and then turned into a demon to constantly coerce and lure him. Everything was said by Xu Yan like broken thoughts.

In the end, Xu Yan fell into bed drunk.

Lan Ming just covered the quilt for him.

Lan Ming just listened quietly.

Because he is Lan Ming, he is probably the person who knows Xu Yan the most besides Xu Tian. He knew that Xu Yan didn’t need any comfort, Xu Yan was stronger and more mature than anyone else. But he still needs someone to talk to.

So Lan Ming doesn’t need to say anything.

There is a kind of comfort called companionship.

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