Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 66: Clair

It had taken Clair way longer than it should have to make her way over here and seek justice for her cousin's disgrace. But that wasn't exactly her fault. She'd not intended to spend six months investigating what had ACTUALLY happened in the Kanto Region, but here she was, all the same.

To be fair, Clair didn't consider herself hot-headed or short-tempered. She was poise. She WAS control. To be the very best Dragon Trainer in the world demanded nothing less! And she WAS that… even if she'd never actually beaten her cousin Lance in battle. Hmph, that didn't matter now. The man was a disgrace. He had brought severe dishonor on himself and on their family.

Not only was he beaten on television by a CHILD of all things, but he also hadn't even tried to take back his title! Instead, he'd slunk back home to Johto in complete disgrace. All of their progress as a region, the complete conquest of Kanto, turned over in an instant! It was baffling! It was mind-boggling! Lance wouldn't talk to her. He wouldn't even explain.

So Clair had begun hunting for answers herself. That was when she'd discovered the truth. The child, this so-called 'Champion'… was just a smokescreen. Lance wouldn't tell her much, but she had managed to scrape a few details together from what he DID tell her, and then had gone and done her own research. It had taken six months to reach this point, but she understood the truth now.

The true threat, the real reason Lance had been reduced to a little bitch when before he had been her strong, capable cousin… was Cam. An unassuming young man with magenta hair, he was somehow the leader of Team Rocket now. And more than that, Team Rocket was somehow a legitimate group, instead of a terrorist organization!

Team Rocket… wasn't her problem. While Clair would like nothing more than to make her way over to Kanto on a righteous crusade that ended with the Region once again submitting to Johto's innate superiority, she knew that was outside of her purview. She was only a Gym Leader as a side hustle, her true purpose was that of Dragon Taming.

Still, one of the few tidbits of information she'd been able to get out of Lance was that Cam had a Dragonite… and it wasn't even his strongest Pokemon. Lance refused to elaborate on what his actual strongest Pokemon was. The only thing her cousin would tell her was that it wasn't a Dragon Type.

That in and of itself was an insult! That the young Rocket Boss had a Dragonite, one of the ultimate Dragon Pokemon, and did not give it all of his attention, all of his love, and all of his care? No, it was a step too far.

If Clair wanted to reclaim their family's honor, if she wanted to avenge her cousin, then it was Cam she'd have to beat and Cam she would have to challenge. She might not be allowed to take on the whole of Kanto in a bid to reconquer the Region, but at the very least, she could put the Rocket Boss in his place and perhaps drag him back to the Dragon's Den to turn him into a PROPER Dragon Trainer.

She'd sent out the official, unofficial challenge and received a positive response in turn. Technically, no government would sanction their match. No organization was overseeing their battle. But that didn't make the challenge any less official or honorable in Clair's eyes.

As she wings in towards the newly constructed Rocket Headquarters in Celadon City, Clair's eyes narrow dangerously. She lands in a field behind the HQ, where Cam already waits for her… with a single Pokeball in his hand. Her lips thin out at the sight of it, and Clair guides her own Dragonite in, before hopping off its back.

She knows she cuts a striking figure, all things considered. Her cape with its shoulder pads matches her cousin somewhat, while her blue skintight bodysuit matches her blue gloves, her blue knee-high heeled boots, and her blue hair done up in a ponytail that flows behind her in the passage of her landing.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she narrows her eyes at Cam, who simply and wordlessly tosses out his Pokeball. She's not entirely surprised that he summons a Dragonite, however…

"Where are the rest of your Pokemon, young man? I know full well that you have a full team!"

Cam looks absolutely calm, even as he and his Dragonite face off against her and hers. Clair has to give him credit… he's staring at a superior Dragon Trainer, and he still doesn't bat an eyelash. His response, however… leaves much to be desired.

"Spa Day."

Clair takes that in, nodding for all of a moment before she freezes and scowls, her eye beginning to twitch a little bit.

"… Are you mocking me?"

Tilting his head to the side, Cam continues to stare at her wordlessly.


He was. He was mocking her. There was just no way! Tch, and to think… she'd brought her strongest team. Not the lesser team she would normally use for a Gym Challenge, but her TRUE team. All six of her strongest fighting fit Pokemon. And he… he was making a mockery of her conviction.

"I brought an entire team. And you expect to defeat me with just one Pokemon?"

If he'd said he thought this was just a one on one battle, she might have been persuaded to give it to him. If he'd begged her on his knees to only have their Dragonite fight, she might have accepted that much. She still would have trounced him and then dragged him back to Dragon's Den for his impudence, but still…

But no. His response is as cheeky and untamed as everything else that's come out of his mouth.


That one, single word… makes Clair see red. She still keeps her composure outwardly, but inwardly… inwardly she's fucking seething.

"Then… let's have a wager, you and me. Your Dragonite against my entire Team. And… for every one of my Pokemon that your Dragonite FAILS to beat, I'll let my Pokemon use a move against your precious HQ. We'll see if it's still standing, by the time we're done here."

Far from getting panicked, Cam considers that for a moment… and nods.

"Very well. What do I get if I win?"

The absolute gall. Scoffing, Clair just shakes her head.

"Whatever the fuck you want! Now, let's begin!"

Their Dragonite are both already out. So they might as well get started, right? She was going to enjoy having her Dragonite use Hyper Beam on that big fancy building just behind Cam once her Pokemon wiped the floor with his!


… She'd lost. Clair can do nothing but recall her fainted Kingdra, the last of her six Pokemon to go up against Cam's Dragonite… and fail. One by one, they'd all fallen. Not a single one had been able to beat his Pokemon in battle. She was a failure.

Normally, she would never accept this. Normally, if someone managed to beat her in the Gym back in Johto, she would refuse to give them their Badge until they passed her Dragon-Master Challenge, which involved navigating the Dragon's Den and finding the shrine at its center.

But what would be the point of trying to force Cam to do that? He hadn't just beaten her show team, the weaker team she used for Gym challenges. He'd beaten her strongest Pokemon. He'd taken her attempt at reclaiming her family's honor, and spit all over it.

"Whatever I want, yes? That's what you offered me."

Cam's voice, clear and strong, reaches Clair's ears even through the blood rushing through them. The Dragon Trainer looks up to see Cam sauntering closer, a hand in his pocket as he stares at her intently. Swallowing thickly, holding her head as high as she possibly can even with her wounded pride, Clair nods sharply in response.

"Y-Yes. That… that was the deal. What do you want then? One of my Pokemon, I suppose? That is what you Rockets are-!"

"I want you."

Clair's eyes widen at that, and then narrow as she realizes Cam is serious.


Something thrums inside of her, even as she tries to muster up some level of indignation.

"Yes. I want you to get down on your hands and knees, press your forehead into the ground at my feet, and beg me to fuck you."

Clair's eyes widen, at the blunt young man's words. There's almost an undercurrent of anger to his voice too. As if he's mad at her but holding it back somehow. And yet… and yet, that something from before thrums in her even harder.

"I-I see. I suppose I don't have a choice, do I?"

"You always have a choice. Just like your cousin had a choice. He made his choices and now he gets to live with them. It's up to you, if you're going to do the same."

Clair licks her lips at that. She understands, or at least she thinks she does. She gave her word. She made a wager with Cam. If she goes back on it now… her personal honor will be irrevocably stained. Her family honor was already all but destroyed, and her pride as a Dragon Master was shattered, but she still had her own honor.

Slowly, she descends to her hands and knees, and presses her forehead into the ground.

"Please… please fuck me."

She tries to ignore how good it feels to say those words. She's not sure WHY her cunt is clenching, down between her thighs under her skintight bodysuit. Cam, meanwhile, slowly moves forward and circles around her. He kneels behind her, and Clair stiffens as she hears his zipper get pulled down. She knows what's coming next when he flips her cape up along her back and finds the hidden zipper of her bodysuit, pulling it open and exposing her crotch.

Or at least, she thinks she does.

"Why should I?"


"Why should I fuck you?"

He's mere inches away from penetrating her. He should just stick it in already! What is he doing?! But no. He'd asked her a question. Flushing, Clair's mind reels and she shakes a bit as she seeks an answer.

"Because… because you won. Because you are stronger than me, and it is the natural way of things for the weaker to submit. Because I am your lesser and you- nngh!"

He thrusts in mid-sentence, grabbing her by her hips and slamming home into her cunt right there on the spot. For the confident and proud Dragon Tamer, to realize just how wet she is when he finally penetrates her is… somewhat shameful and altogether humiliating. Clair blushes and does something that she doesn't think she's ever done before. Not in living memory, anyways.

She whimpers. She whimpers and then gasps as Cam, holding her by her hips, slowly drags his cock back out of her clenching, moistening twat. Then, she lets out a decidedly embarrassing cry, as he slams right back into her.

As he begins to piston in and out of her, Clair goes up onto her hands and knees, pushing her head away from the ground. Cam responds by grabbing her by her ponytail, yanking her head back while continuing to ruthlessly and forcefully fuck her from behind.

"Your cousin doesn't know how much he took from me. Nor does he truly realize how close he came to dying. Once upon a time, I would have stepped over Lance's corpse on my way to take my crusade all the way to Johto. Do you understand? You and your cousin and your whole Region… you got off lucky."

He says it with such conviction and certainty that Clair believes it. She believes every word. A throaty moan leaves her lips, and her cunt squeezes down on his cock, trying to milk him as he pistons in and out of her. Cam, to her mild surprise, chuckles.

"You probably think you're nothing like the weaklings in Kanto, hm? And yet here you are… cumming on my cock all the same."

Clair opens her mouth, about to tell him she hasn't cum yet, but he beats her to it… by spanking her ass right before a powerful and altogether deep thrust.



Clair's eyes half-roll back in her head, and her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth as she cums for him on the spot. Shamefully, humiliatingly, degradingly… she cums for him. And it… it feels fucking amazing. She'd never admit it out loud, or at least she likes to think she wouldn't, but it does. It feels soooo good.

Still, she bites her tongue, afraid of what might come out of her mouth if she lets herself speak. Instead, she moans and grunts and groans, enduring Cam's cock even as he drags climax after climax from her primed and ready body. All the while, his cock throbs and pulses, his balls slapping up against her clit and pussy mound with every thrust. He has to be getting close, right?

"… I've impregnated every woman I've fucked; you know. Every single woman that I've cum inside, has ended up bearing my child."

Clair's eyes widen at that, her focus suddenly very much on Cam's words.

"I tell you this because I want you to know the risks before you answer my next question."

Leaning over her, he doesn't stop fucking her. If anything, he picks up the pace. His free hand comes around to grab hold of her jaw, while his other hand continues to pull back on her ponytail. His lips end up right next to her ear as he speaks directly into it.

"Where do you want me to cum, Clair?"

She freezes in that moment, even as he continues to plow her silly. She freezes… because they both know she knows exactly where she wants him to cum. She tries to resist. She tries to fight her instincts… but in the end, it's impossible. She succumbs.

"I-Inside! Knock me up! Conquer my womb as you conquered my Pokemon!"

"Why should I, Clair?!"

"Because you are the stronger Dragon Master! Y-You are the strongest!"

"Very well… take it!"

And take it she does. Cam fills her right on the spot as Clair lets out an undignified squeal, another new sound that had never passed through the Dragon Trainer's lips before this moment. She squeals and squeals, orgasming right alongside him until it's done and he's finished breeding her.

He pulls out then with a scoff, pushing her into the ground as he stands up. He walks away from her without another word, leaving Clair to pick herself up off the ground… eventually. As it should be. He was stronger and had his way with her. She, the weaker, could expect nothing less. This was the way of the world. This was the law of the land.

She just… never thought she would enjoy being the weaker quite so much. But as she limps away from the field, a hand drifts over her cum-stuffed womb… and an uncharacteristically soft smile spreads across Clair's face.


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