Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 64: Delia

Her name was Delia. Once upon a time, long, long ago, it had been Delia Ketchum. But that was her husband's name, and he had died before they could conceive a child. Ultimately, Delia had been left alone in the world… and she had long since begun to feel like she didn't have the right to carry her husband's name any longer.

Especially not after all of the mistakes she'd made these past two decades. Getting involved with Professor Oak like she had was not… her best decision. Except, even now she can't say for certain that she would turn him down if she had the chance to do it all over again. After all, while it wasn't perfect… she had had purpose, these last eighteen years. She had had a reason to exist, hadn't she?

Still, she shouldn't have gone along with all of Oak's plans, in hindsight. She should have put her foot down somewhere along the way. Maybe then some of the tragedies he had caused could have been averted. She might not have committed the crimes Samuel Oak committed, but she certainly held a role as his accomplice.

He was always so charismatic. They'd known each other for a long time, after all. Or rather, she had long admired the man, especially back when he was Pokemon Champion. His attentions towards her, meanwhile, had always been strictly platonic… and in hindsight, more akin to a man with his dog, throwing her a bone here and then, a head pat or a compliment, something to keep her strung along so he could always rely on her.

And she'd fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker. To be fair, Delia had been in a very dark place after the loss of her husband. Even if she had always had… inappropriate feelings for Professor Oak, she had well and truly loved her husband. Even if she was settling when she married him, she had truly given it her all. And then, within the year, he'd been dead. And within a month of her becoming a widow, Oak had surrendered to Johto.

When he'd come to her in the aftermath, Delia hadn't known what to think at first. This man who she admired so deeply had sacrificed their country's sovereignty to Johto and that nasty man, Lance. There wasn't a person in Kanto who wasn't decrying Oak for his treachery, for his yellow bellied nature. And yet… it was she who he came to. It was she who he confided in. No one else got to know the Pokemon Professor's secret plan. No one else got to play a critical role in his gambit to save Kanto in the long run.

Delia had felt so damn special… and so she'd accepted without a second thought. It helped that Oak was also giving her everything she wanted on a silver platter. She and her husband had been so excited to start a family, to the point that she'd tested herself week after week even after he died, just to see if maybe there was a silver lining in his departure. But no… she wasn't pregnant. She could very well be barren; she'd never really gotten tested to find out.

In the end, it didn't matter, because thanks to Oak she'd gotten the opportunity to raise two children of her own all the same. And then Delia had taken that opportunity and spat on it. She'd wronged Red and Yellow at every turn. She'd helped Oak turn them into machines, into Pokemon Trainers first and nothing else second.

Neither of the children really got the chance to be kids. Sure, theirs was a world that was steeped in Pokemon, where from the very beginning, one would find Pokemon all around them. But Oak's training regimens had gone beyond all of that. She hadn't understood in the beginning, despite him spelling it out quite plainly. Red was to be the salvation of their region, and Yellow was to be his mate. Hmph, more like his broodmare.

Delia hadn't understood just how little attention they'd given Yellow until Red's supposed death. Only after Oak decided to salvage the project by turning Yellow into the new Red, did Delia finally begin to see the cracks in his scheme. But by then it was too late. She'd lost one child; she couldn't afford to lose the other.

And so, she'd continued helping him. She'd helped the Pokemon Professor make the perfect Trainer. Or so they'd both thought. In actuality, the real Red was still out there the entire time… and despite spending more than half of his life, a full decade in fact, away from their not-so-tender care… he'd turned out even stronger than his female counterpart.

One might say that was because Yellow-turned-Red was never meant to be the primary. Certainly, Delia could imagine the Professor ranting and raving something along those lines. But she took it as a sign from Arceus himself that they were never meant to succeed. From the very beginning, their crimes were destined to catch up with them… and in the most ironic way possible at that.

And yet, while Oak now languished in a prison cell, never to see the light of day again… Delia was still free. She still lived her life in her little home in the now bustling Pallet City. She even still received a stipend from the Professor's old fund, even though it had to be managed by someone else now. It didn't really make sense. Where was her punishment? Where was her comeuppance?

It had gnawed at her, especially after Red had brought… Cam home and taken him up to her room. Delia wasn't deaf, nor was she a fool. In the end, Oak's creations, her adopted children, had gone and done what they were designed to do. Train Pokemon and Procreate.

And yet, even then they hadn't done anything to her. They hadn't… taken their vengeance on her. Surely they blamed her at least somewhat, right? Surely she deserved some form of punishment?

Finally, Delia couldn't take it anymore. That was why she'd finally decided to invite them both to dinner, to settle things once and for all. Neither Cam nor Red had been back to the house since their… procreation session. She'd half expected them not to respond. To ignore her, even. Perhaps that was to be her punishment. Complete and utter dismissal, the denial that she ever meant anything to them, that she was ever even remotely their mother.

But no… no, they'd both replied. And now here the three of them were around the dining table, almost like old times. Cam was sat across from her. Red was to her right. It was like they were a family. Except they weren't. Barring the changes in their names, which she was still somewhat struggling with, they were both so much older than the last time the three of them had had a chance to eat dinner together. They were all grown up.

As the meal comes to a close, Delia swallows thickly and sets her utensils down on her plate with a clatter. Immediately, the eyes of the two genetically engineered super humans snap to her, staring her down intensely. But Delia doesn't allow herself to feel fear. Rather, she squares her shoulders and clears her throat.

"… I-I know that I've wronged you both greatly. I should never have let Oak do the things he did to the two of you. I should have p-put a stop to it ages ago. And I know that I can never make amends… but I would like to offer all the same. If there is anything that you both wish to do to me, anything at all, I implore you… go ahead. Even if it's my death… I only want you two to be able to find the closure you need to move on with your lives."

There. She'd said her piece. She'd even said the part she'd been struggling with so much out loud. That she felt like she deserved death for her actions in supporting and helping Professor Oak all these years.

Red and Cam both share a silent look at that. Cam's pink hair is striking, especially when matched with his tailored, expensive-looking suit. He hadn't had pink hair when he originally disappeared all those years ago. But then, Oak had been giving him and Red, Yellow at the time, routine injections to make sure they didn't gain any Pokemon traits. It was lucky, she supposed, that all Cam had gotten was Ditto-Pink hair for his troubles.

"… Neither of us wishes for your death."

When Cam finally speaks, Delia can only blink in response.

"T-Truly? But… all the harm I caused you both. I-!"

"You weren't a bad mother. You did not neglect us. You were simply an easily led woman."

Delia's eyes go wide, because it wasn't Cam who said that… it was Red. And that was decidedly the most words that she'd heard Red ever say in a single breath. For a long moment, Delia just stares… and so she gets to see as Red's lips curl up into an impish smile she hasn't seen cross the girl's face since she was a child and her name was still Yellow. It's a smile that had only ever been reserved for Cam, back when he was still Red. She'd only ever caught glimpses of it from afar.

"But… if you want to atone… then you should atone."

Looking to Cam, Red gives him a hopeful expression.

"Don't you agree?"

Delia looks to Cam herself, to see him staring at her wordlessly for a moment. Finally, looking slightly strained, he nods all the same… and that's how a widow in her late thirties finds herself led upstairs by her 'son' and her 'daughter', and taken to their old room, and their old bed.

There, Red helps her out of her clothes and pushes her down onto the bed, bending her over so she's on her hands and knees like some… some Pokemon in heat. Delia whimpers as she's exposed so, as she's forced into such a humiliating position, but if this is what they need to accept her mistakes, to forgive her transgressions, then this is what Delia will do.

She presses her face into the bed, and under Red's urging, places her hands behind her back, clasping her arms together. Then, she squeaks as her 'daughter' spreads her thighs apart, offering Cam his selection of her holes. One of Red's hands comes down upon her buttocks for that, spanking it soundly in admonishment for the noise. Delia just whimpers at that, and whimpers even more when Red's fingers find her slit, spreading it open.

She's ashamed in herself, but she IS wet as Red offers her up to Cam on a silver platter. She's aroused. It's been so long… and though she will never say it out loud, there's a little bit of Oak in both Cam and Red. More than a little bit in the male clone, in fact. His cock presses into her core, and for a moment Delia imagines it to be Oak's cock… before shaking herself out of that fantasy. The Pokemon Professor was not worthy of her affection, of her desire. He never was. Cam on the other hand…

"Pleeease… please, f-fuck me. Use me. C-Conquer me!"

Cam just grunts, not responding. But Red apparently has things to say, because she hisses as she kneels there beside Delia, watching his member disappear in and out of their 'mother'.

"Yesss. Fill her. Take her. She was the Creator's. Claim her and you will have claimed all that belonged to him. Her. His granddaughter. His great grandson. Everything he cared for. It will belong to you."

Delia blushes at that. She knew Blue and Cam's relationship was that of older and younger sibling, and she also knew Daisy was pregnant. It wasn't hard to put two and two together, when your next door neighbor suddenly had a mansion that your estranged 'son' visited so very often.

"… I never wanted to own what was his."

Cam's words, when they finally come, are quiet. He still fucks her like a machine, leaving Delia incapable of speech. Instead, she's reduced to a whimpering, mewling mess while the two genetically engineered superhumans share a tender moment over her naked body. Red pauses for a moment, and then her hands leave Delia's naked form in order to rest on Cam's.

"… Then consider it liberation. As you liberated me. Now it is time to liberate her. From her own insecurities, if nothing else."

… When did Red of all people become so damn insightful? Delia flushes scarlet as the young woman's words cut straight to the damn bone marrow. Not only does Red get right at the heart of the matter with Delia, but her words seem to have quite the impact on Cam as well. With a low growl, he begins to fuck Delia even harder into the bed, pounding her faster and deeper by the moment.

Delia squeals, before biting down on the bedding beneath her to try and stifle her noise. However, in a direct contradiction to her earlier command, Red grabs Delia by the hair and yanks her up.

"No. We want to hear you… mother. Sing for us. Sing for Cam."

And so Delia sings. She moans and cries out in a lewd manner, a manner that sounds ugly to her ears, but only seems to spur Cam ever onward. He fucks her for what feels like an eternity, his cock plunging in and out of her body. She's ending a decades long dry streak in a truly spectacular manner, experiencing orgasms at the hands of a man for the first time since her husband left her.

Until finally… he cums. He fills her with his seed, and Delia can only gasp as his load pumps and pumps into her womb. One thing is for certain… they'll know if she's barren one way or another some time soon, because from what Delia has heard, Cam might just be the most virile man in Kanto. If he can't knock her up, then no one can…


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