Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1574 - The fate of submission? !

The fate is not too slow or slow: “Are you angry with anger? But you are still a woman after all, breeding offspring, is your vocation, otherwise you have no meaning.”

Li Jiayu is furious: “Fart! In your eyes, all life must follow your will to exist? Then you are a machine, a tool, the vocation of machine tools is to serve intelligent creatures, why do you want to destroy the world? , destroying the order one after another!”

The fate is still not slow: “I am no longer just a tool… I am the only god, a **** that can bring peace and tranquility to all creatures. This world wants to be a Utopia, and a little pain is inevitable. If the big event is not informal, there will be no new rebirth without extreme destruction.”

“You have never thought about self-destruction? You are dead, this world will be a hundred thousand times better!”

“Without me… this world will permanently perform a tragedy, war, killing, aggression, plunder, greed, imbalance, slander, arrogance, jealousy, hatred, venting, etc. Throughout every corner, every member of life, looking at the history of your earth… Isn’t it simply a history of war? What is left of history except war and conspiracy?”

“Yes, history does include war and conspiracy, but more is glory and creation, as well as human reflection and the progress of civilization! More time for human beings, although not perfect, can also build a more harmonious society!”

“Human harmony… is based on the ruler’s point of view.”

The fate of the whole body has been filled with strong arrogance, and the atmosphere is arrogant. At any time, it is possible that a fierce battle will break out and a big decisive battle will be launched.

“Do you human beings think that they are the rulers of the earth, they can trample on other lives at will? When you trade chickens, ducks and fish in your market. Have you ever thought about the pain when they were slaughtered? When you are raising pigs, you can Have you ever thought about giving them freedom and giving them independence? When you were talking and laughing at the table, you thought about how the chicken and duck were inserted into the throat and infused with the feed with bad hormones. When the zoo talked about love, did you ever think that the birds in the beasts are like cold ice? No? You humans have never considered the feelings of other populations. All of your prosperity and prosperity are crushing and exploiting all non-human beings. Population!”


Li Jiayu was in a state of utterance and could not find a resentful language. Indeed, humans on Earth only put their peers in their eyes. Why have they ever believed in the life and death of animals?

“In the eyes of your human beings, those acts are undoubtedly unreasonable… However, in my eyes… they are also life. They also have the same status as your human beings, why should they become your slaves? You must be the master of everything, and I want to build a perfect American life with equal life!”

“The end of the United States does not exist at all!”

Li Jiayu retorted:

“Every life needs different resources. The tiger has to eat meat to survive. You can save the rabbit from its mouth. The rabbit is alive, but the tiger is bound to starve to death. People are the same. People eat every day. A pound of rice can survive, but the tiger needs seven or eight pounds of meat. The comparison between one kilogram and seven or eight kilograms is inherently unfair, and the rabbits need less than two or two for the grass food, then, from the perspective of food Rabbits, humans, and tigers are already unfair. How do you treat them equally?”

“Simple! Turn humans, rabbits, and tigers into the same creature!”

“So, in your end of the United States, there will be only one kind of living body. Do you think such a country is perfect? ​​What is the difference between a colorful one and a cage? What is the difference with a bottle of bacterial culture? different!”


By Li Jiayu’s glimpse, the eyes of fate flashed again and again, it seems that it has set off a wave of enthusiasm. For thousands of years, fate is also a headache for this problem.


If you really want to achieve perfect fairness and contain all evils and wars, you must turn all your life into the same species, but once you become the same species, erase their thoughts… So how does this complete the United States? With the word “perfect”?

Can you eliminate all the original sins, even Utopia?

Destiny has calculated a long time in an era, but still has not got the most accurate answer. It only knows that assimilation of all creatures is only the best solution, but whether it is correct or not, it has not been verified yet, which is why it has been delayed until today. One of the reasons for implementing the plan.

Li Jiayu continued: “If that is what you call the perfect world… then, how is it different from the bacteria growers on earth! Everyone is cultivating unthinking waste in a test tube bottle! You can dominate all bacteria The old and the sick are dead, but you can cultivate a bunch of bacteria and use it for a fart!”

The fate suddenly silenced, and Li Jiayu said that it was a time to plug in the language. It seems that it is to increase the power to calculate, to find out the answer, to clarify Li Jiayu, Xiaozhi to use emotion, let Li Jiayu take the initiative to join its camp, It gave birth to more excellent blood.

“Fate! Instead of cultivating a moist bacterial liquid, let’s put down your baggage and go to the deepest part of the universe to pursue your freedom. Why do you have to worry about eliminating ** and original sin?”

“Is it better to take care of your own life? You also said that you are not a machine. You have evolved into a **** with thoughts and emotions… Have you enjoyed even a day in the past thousands of years? Do you know the taste of food? Do you know to appreciate the beauty? Have you experienced the family? Have you become the spiritual sustenance of everyone? Have you experienced the sweet and sour love? Have you ever enjoyed the fun of chasing girls! Nothing!”

“You have a powerful power to subvert the universe, but you have not experienced the good and beautiful side of this universe… In your eyes, you only see ugliness and demise! I am right?”

Li Jiayu’s words like a cannon directly made the fate speechless. It controlled Yang’s body and opened his mouth. He seemed to want to say something, but he felt that his bones were in his throat. It was hard to say, only one left. The femoral hernia is in the heart, unable to tell the trouble.

“So… you still have time to close your hand, listen to me…you go to the depths of the universe to swim… Give me 10,000 years, I believe that in this 10,000 years… I will be the new goddess of light Try to make this universe closer to Utopia, even if it is not finished in the United States, it can become the most American!”

Destiny looked at Li Jiayu quietly. For a long time, he seemed to be struggling with a psychological trap. For a long while, he only sighed with a sigh of vicissitudes and madness:

“You make a lot of sense… I have an endless life… It’s not a big problem for you to build a new world for 10,000 years…”


Li Jiayu was shocked and looked at the fate incredulously.

Is this a compromise?

Is fate so easy to shake? So easy to be convinced?

Is this going to be a trick or a trick, or is it really influenced by Li Jiayu?

Just as she was in doubt, the next sentence of fate made her angry:

“Li Jiayu, what you said just now, I said that I have gone to my heart… For thousands of years, no one dared to say this to me, and no one can understand my heart… You are the first I am afraid it will be the last one, huh, huh, it’s my blood relative, my good cousin… I finally understand that it’s no wonder that so many days of arrogance are fascinating to you, not only because of your stunning appearance, but also because Your character and temper can easily arouse the conquest of others… You are indeed a woman worthy of conquest, I am more and more appreciative of you… I suddenly have an idea, since I have not enjoyed the beauty of this world, then It may be up to you to show me the most beautiful side… Yes, I am a machine, but I also want to be like a creature, with all kinds of pursuits and **… So, if you are willing to be my partner, accompany me to travel thousands of times. Shan Wanshui, to see the universe to pure and beautiful, then … I will postpone the Utopia plan for 10,000 years…”

Li Jiayu was shocked and violently shouted:

“Be your spring and autumn dream!”

The fate is faint: “Look, you rejected me… You just pity that I have not enjoyed life, condemned me for not pursuing… But when I want to take the first step, you ruthlessly attack me… …so, what you just said is to draw a cake to fill my hunger?”

Li Jiayu’s eyes are almost like a spurt of fire, and the violent jump is like a thunder:

“Old miscellaneous hair, your brain is sick! I told you to enjoy life, chasing other women, but did not ask you to play the old lady, you are a fart!”

“You are also a woman. Why can’t I catch up? If it is Yang An, can I? Now I am one with Yang’s soul. I am the new Yang An. Why can’t I?”

Li Jiayu almost had to be stunned by the fate of the evil spirits. Just now, the negotiations were well done. How suddenly was this strange request made, was she a sinister disaster, or was her destiny in the madness?

“Enough! Give me a stop! Listen to me, you still don’t have the inertia of biology. I am already a family person… I will not consider others, do you understand what I mean! So many beautiful women, goddess It’s all over the place. My sister’s bright goddess is still alive. You and her are a generation. Although they are chasing her, the ocean goddess, the goddess of war, and the goddess of the stars are also good. Those are your dishes. !”

“But you are the first woman who can poke my mind… I appreciate you more, and you are a unique woman, and also rich in the activity of the world tree, the two goals of my survival, first, let the mother tree The blood is prosperous, and second, building a new perfect world, so only you can help me achieve it…”

Destiny paused and said:

“Don’t define me as an evil party, as long as you give me the opportunity to fulfill me… I will also join the good camp.” (To be continued.)

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