A Powerful Martial Artist Reincarnates as a Nun Knight

Chapter 110 - Let's Take a Break and Do One More Set...

After the talisman tools were created, the process of addressing the children bearing the Sacrificial Brand proceeded smoothly. Without exception, Sophia’s stamp was imprinted on the affected body parts, and the brand’s influence dissipated from those imprinted children, no longer visibly discernible.

The children were then handled in two ways. Through the Church, they were reunited with their lost parents, or in cases where they had no remaining family, the Church took them in according to their wishes.

As an exception, the children from Bordeaux were universally taken in by the Church. Most had lost their parents, and for political reasons, Bordeaux’s city authorities could not be trusted with their welfare.

Originally, handling such matters without local administrative cooperation would inevitably cause discord. However, in this case, Bishop François de Lefebvre of the Church of Bordeaux silently acquiesced to the group’s requests due to the unique circumstances.

“Whew, even if I were to receive a bishop’s ordination in the future, I would never become a bishop of a major city.”
“Same here…”

After resolving the situation, Ezio and Hildegard leaned back in their chairs, letting out laments. Witnessing their demeanor, Sophia smiled wryly and remarked, “Indeed, no matter how many times one experiences it, politics never seem to become agreeable. Those who thrive in the political arena must undoubtedly be born with thicker skins and shameless dispositions.”

In any case, with urgent matters settled, the group relocated to the Church of Bordeaux’s dormitory. It was dinnertime, and untouched meals still remained in the communal dining hall.

As they dined on onion soup, boiled salt peas, baked parsnips, and pickled celery stems, Sophia cautiously addressed Priestess Clermant, “If you don’t mind, may I borrow your disciple for a while after the meal?”

“Agnès? What do you intend?”
“Observing her today, she doesn’t seem fully accustomed to utilizing her inherent gifts. So I thought I could offer some helpful advice.”

Clermant’s expression brightened at Sophia’s words, for she had also been contemplating this issue.

Originally from the druid Aublij family, Agnès had been taken as Clermant’s disciple, but only in the clerical sense – Clermant lacked specific means to nurture Agnès’s druidic talents. In truth, even the Aublij family had not provided training befitting Agnès’s blessings, so the outcome would have been similar regardless. However, unaware of this, Clermant could not help but feel responsible whenever the matter arose.

“Would you be able to assist her?”
“Of course. Agnès is Priestess’s disciple, so wherever you go, she will undoubtedly be at your side. From what I’ve seen, you seem likely to encounter further arduous and perilous situations, so Agnès must become more capable to ensure your safety.”

“Well, though your words carry a sting, I’m grateful nonetheless. This will help put my mind at ease regarding Agnès.”

Clermant smiled wryly, expressing her gratitude.

After the evening meal, the group gathered in the dormitory courtyard as if by prior arrangement to begin training.

As usual, Sophia provided equipment like barbells, dumbbells, bench presses, kettlebells, neck machines, and sandbags for the group’s use. Conra sat in meditation, engaging in image training, while Maria practiced the Weighted Sphere Exercise, her sphere’s weight gradually increasing.

As Hildegard’s wing-like latissimus dorsi and sharply defined back muscles traced an indescribable form during lat pulldowns, and the newly pumped-up Ezio struck an oblique abdominal and tie pose while the divine spirit Saraswati clapped in delight, Sophia provided separate martial arts guidance to Agnès.

“Above all, you must develop strength, especially endurance. Since you’ve gained an indestructible blessing, shouldn’t you make the most of it? Let me teach you some excellent training methods for building endurance.”

“If you’re willing to instruct me, I shall gratefully learn!”

Exceeding Sophia’s expectations, Agnès responded enthusiastically. Having acutely felt her limitations while accompanying Clermant, advice from an accomplished master was invaluable to her.

“The core and lower body are crucial. Additionally, the muscles for endurance must balance explosive power and stamina.”

Emphasizing the need to combine high-weight low-repetition and low-weight high-repetition training, Sophia began teaching Agnès various exercises, resembling a 21st-century fitness trainer instructing a new client.

Just as she had diligently taught weight training to Karl Hector Mayer in Vryhemuth, Sophia energetically imparted the principles of strength training to Agnès.

“For the time being, you may find it difficult to obtain equipment. I’ve prepared a separate bag of gear over there, so be sure to take it with you later.”

Sophia gestured toward a space-expanded, weightless bag, extending the same consideration she had shown Karl Hector Mayer in Vryhemuth.

“While you’re at it, invite Priestess Clermant to join as well. She’s reaching an age where physical maintenance becomes necessary.”
“I shall keep that in mind.”

Indeed, Clermant was nearing her late thirties, an age where exercise became advisable. Agnès nodded resolutely, her eyes shining with a sense of duty.

After strength training, Sophia provided martial arts corrections.

After approximately half a day of advice and demonstrations, Agnès’s previously incomplete hybrid of the Aublij family and Sainte-Magne Abbey martial arts had been refined into a polished form, thanks to her innate ability to remember what she saw and heard.

After a few light sparring sessions to apply the advice, allowing Agnès to awaken the sensations, Sophia expressed dissatisfaction yet acknowledged improvement.

“I’ve also included a neck machine and sandbag in the bag, so be sure to review these sensations whenever you have time. You know how to engage in image training, right?”

“Well, I’m still not confident, but I’ll try.”
“Exactly, these things can only be learned through practice. Whether you’re confident or not, you’ll eventually figure out the least painful way by repeatedly slamming your head against the ground.”

Conra, having just finished meditating, thought Sophia’s blunt words were quite sagely, though her trademark wording was an area he still struggled to acclimate to despite his lengthy discipleship under her.


The next morning after breakfast, Marquis Pierre de Coubertin, the Port of Bordeaux’s administrator, came to report the city authorities’ response, including the City Council and Assembly, regarding the Sapphygon activities related to the previous kraken incident and attempted theft of the Replica of the King’s Chalice.

“Through that process, the city authorities have ultimately decided to actively respond to the Sapphygons’ hostile sabotage against Bordeaux.”

“Unexpected. I thought they would remain evasive due to the political reasons you mentioned earlier.”

“No, this is only natural. While their past adversaries are long gone, the Replica of the King’s Chalice directly impacts Bordeaux’s diplomatic and economic interests. Since it concerns their immediate interests, they cannot help but act swiftly. Moreover, our Church has agreed to handle the children’s issues, removing their final obstacle. If they didn’t act properly after that, they might as well be kicked in the rear.”

Conra shuddered at Sophia’s biting tone, following her unrestrained remarks the previous evening. To speak so brazenly in front of the Marquis… Conra, being more delicate, could never bring himself to such conduct.

Yet the Marquis himself seemed pleased to have assisted the group, smiling cheerfully and entirely unfazed by Sophia’s comments about the city authorities, to whom he owed no particular allegiance.

In truth, the Coubertin family’s position as port administrators held an irrefutable mandate spanning generations, unrelated to Bordeaux’s political upheavals. The current marquis’s status stemmed entirely from his own accomplishments and reputation, divorced from the city’s shifting power dynamics.

One could argue he had deftly navigated the turmoil without aligning with any faction, but if such responsibility were assigned, no Bordeaux citizen would be blameless.

In any case, with pressing matters resolved, there was no further reason to linger. Suddenly, Sophia asked Clermant, “So, what are your plans from here? I can roughly guess, but I thought I’d ask just in case.”

Without hesitation, Clermant replied, “While we managed to uncover and eliminate one of their hideouts, I don’t believe we’ve definitively suppressed them yet. So if possible, I’d like to continue tracking them to uproot their organization. Once the children’s circumstances are settled, I plan to depart as soon as tomorrow.”

Sighing with an ‘as expected’ expression, Sophia remarked, “I figured you’d say that. That’s why I imparted everything I could to Agnès in our short time together, but whether that’s enough will depend entirely on her qualities and efforts.”

Sophia’s sharp gaze then turned toward Agnès. “Listen, Sister Agnès Aublij. Can you follow your mentor to the end and uphold her cause?”

“Gladly. The Priestess’s cause is my cause, and her beliefs are my beliefs. From now on, not a single hair on her head shall be harmed by anyone.”

“I believe you.”

Nodding firmly, Sophia extended her hand and firmly grasped Agnès’s.

“Then it’s time for us to hasten our own schedule as well. Our ship’s departure is imminent.”

“Whew, setting out again? It seems wherever we go, incidents inevitably occur.”
“As I recall, you were not entirely uninvolved in one such incident.”
“Bringing up past events is cheating!”
“Hmm, was it really so long ago? The shameless state of Lady Wolfstein when she was captured by demons and nearly sacrificed was quite indecent.”
“Well, I’d rather not hear that from someone who’s always indecently nude!”

Leaving the bickering Hildegard and Ezio behind, Sophia’s gaze turned toward the northern skies ahead.

‘The Demon Lord from the Agno incident, the demon kin and mimicked spirits I encountered in Hispania, and now Sabnak’s machinations and the Sapphygons in Bordeaux. I still cannot fathom the connections between them.’

This sea route had been recommended by the divine spirits possessing ineffable insight. Though uncertain, Sophia sensed an undeniable causality would manifest throughout this journey’s course and conclusion.

What form it would ultimately take, even Sophia did not know. Perhaps the divine spirits Ariel and Jibril, who had initially recommended this voyage, were similarly unaware. For the insight of divine spirits did not stem from omniscience or precognition, but rather inexpressible intuition and supernatural resonance.

In any case, they would leave the rest to those who remained, for it was time to embark once more.

On that day, a ship departed from the Port of Bordeaux.
And some time later:

“Master! We’ve finally arrived in Caledonia!”
“Tch, tch, I understand your excitement, but don’t go frolicking about like you’ve been unleashed! Have some decorum!”
“Ow, why does a mere flick hurt so much when you channel your energy into it!? I’ve been training too, you know!”
“And did I spend that time idling?”

Accompanied by the sounds of a youth’s elation at setting foot in lands near his paternal homeland being swiftly quelled with a flick, and his ensuing complaints, a ship docked at the port.

The scheduled liner from the Frankish naval port of Brest had arrived at the port of Plymouth in the Duchy of Cornwall, Caledonia.

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