A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 39: A twist?

On Rudeus' command, Zoya took control of the sentinels including the unique bulky model as well. For her, it was as simple as just willing it.

Soon, all the functioning sentinels in the area stopped moving and just stood still. The bigger sentinel also stopped in its place as it dropped its hands to its sides and just waited for further orders from Zoya.

"Its done master. I have gotten complete control over the sentinels here. Even the more advanced model called the Master Mold which was supposed to act as their leader is under my complete control now as well." Zoya stated.

'Master Mold, huh. Then this battle was quite easy if I consider how much of a pain in the ass the Master Mold from the comics was. There it even possessed some unique powers as well like size alteration and the ability to make other organic beings into machines.' Rudeus tried to remember its information from his previous life.

He was quite pleased with his new haul this time. He didn't have to work hard at all and yet got so many rewards. Maybe, some hot goddess of luck had fallen for his hunk of a godly body.

He began to have indecent thoughts about different goddesses of luck and fate but didn't realize that he was raising multiple death flags. Zoya though, broke his dream bubble at the very next moment.

"Although I have taken control of the sentinels here, however to take control of the rest of the 290 sentinels, I need to get close to them. The servers they are connected to are not supposed to be for long range communication, so I can't access them from here. Quite inferior technology truly" Zoya huffed while saying.

"Wait, what? Did you just say 290 sentinels? But there were just 11 here? 12 if I count Master Mold as well? Where are the rest?" Rudeus almost panicked. Having 290 sentinels with encoded grudge towards mutants roaming free on the streets in a world like Marvel could be disastrous.

"Well, according to the data archives in their memory storages, there are supposed to be 300 normal sentinels and 2 prototypes of much advanced versions. As for where they are, that information was not in their data archives." Zoya informed Rudeus.

"... The other advanced version. Is it something like Master Mold. Because defeating someone like Master Mold won't be that hard for me. Hell, even you can easily take control of them, right?" Rudeus said with some hope.

"I don't know master but from the data that I retrieved from Master Mold, it was supposed to be the only one of its model. The other unique sentinel prototype was a top secret project. It is probably leading the other normal sentinels right now." Zoya informed her master.

Rudeus was a little worried about this other unique sentinel model prototype. He normally didn't like surprises and this was definitely a surprise he was not looking forward to.

But at the very next moment he got back his confidence, it didn't matter what type of sentinel it was, it would still be a robot. Rudeus should easily be able to destroy any piece of steel with his godly strength and he also had Zoya who could also take control of any machinery including sentinels and droids.

He wasn't going to live his life in useless paranoia. He was a god, he didn't need to be afraid of anybody in this world.

With a new boost in his ego, Rudeus ordered Zoya to send all the new sentinels under her control to one of their company's laboratories. Their technology would be quite useful for his future plans and ambitions.

"By the way, do you know who designed these sentinels?" Rudeus asked his trusted supercomputer.

"Yes, the sentinels were designed by Trask industries, although they do not exist officially in the company's database. They were most probably made unofficially by the company since we were not informed about this project despite being one of their major shareholders." Zoya told him.

'This world is truly fcuked up. I deal with Sublime, Apocalypse and even Shaw, yet there is no peace for me, suddenly a crazy scientist develops killer robots to hunt mutants. There is truly no rest for a god.' Rudeus sighed.

All the sentinels on the other hand had also stopped attacking the others and then just flew away. The X-men were a little surprised. They didn't know what to do. So they too stopped attacking them and awkwardly saw them leaving like nothing happened.

They were really confused but fortunately for them Rudeus flew up to them and landed near where they were standing to clear their confusion.

He explained to them about those droids being sentinels designed by a mutant hating scientist named Bolivar Trask to wipe out all mutant life from earth.

As they listened to him with wide eyes, they could not help but sigh at their bad fortune. They did not do anything to anybody yet they were the ones who were attacked every time. They were the ones who had to fight with their lives on the line just to survive.

Rudeus did sympathize with them. Being a mutant in the world of marvel was truly difficult. It did come with easy superpowers but it also gave you a very shitty life where almost every other ordinary human hated you or just considered you a monster freak.

"Wait, so you are telling me that the cute scifi looking box floating beside you took control over those dangerous sentinels in just a minute, the same sentinels that we were having trouble defeating just a few minutes ago." Kitty could not believe this.

Even Scott's eyebows were twitching. All the other X-men too had an expression of resignation on their faces.

"Wait a minute bub, if you are telling us that these were only 12 of the 302 sentinels that Trask had manufactured, then where are the other 290 sentinels? Why did they send so few of them after us while they could have just sent the entire army giving them a better chance at wiping us out." Logan asked a very valid question.

"Because the others were sent to war." Hank, the blue beast made an entrance while answering Logan. "These few sentinels were just there to keep us busy, the real plan was to attack another powerful mutant base."

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