A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 38: A pouting AI

Rudeus was in a very good mood. He had fought others before after coming into this world. But this was the first time that he was having this much fun while doing it.

It was mostly because he was fighting alongside one of of his favourite superhero teams while having a chance of impressing two potential waifu..., goddesses, yep potential goddesses for his pantheon.

He had already selected some candidates for his future pantheon for when he would unlock that option in his system but he still wanted to get to know everyone of them before making a final decision.

Of course as a respected god of culture, the potential goddess candidates for his pantheon were more than the potential god candidates. But he still had a few of the males in his mind who could be lucky enough to be his bro gods in his pantheon.

Logan was definitely in that list. He was a really chill guy in this version of earth. He didn't even speak much although he looked quite like Hugh Jackman instead of the comics version of his character.

Rudeus would make sure to be bros with him and invite him to his future pantheon before the legendary Wolverine had a chance to kill him after Rudeus goes after his 'daughter' if she even exists in this particular universe.

Bobby too maybe had a slight chance. He was quite useful with his potential omega level powers but Rudeus was a little fearful for his own butt's virginity since every time the guy looked at him, it looked like the iceman could eat him raw.

'Being handsome is really a curse sometimes.' Rudeus thought to himself in a hypocritical manner.

But as he was thinking about useless stuff like these while slaying his fourth sentinel, the one that was chasing Kurt around, he suddenly felt an ominous feeling.

He knew it was probably his spide..., cosmic sense that he had. Those senses were truly quite hard to train. Every time he tried training that particular skill, he got the biggest headaches he had ever received in both of his lives.

But that didn't change the fact that it was still one of his most useful perk in his portfolio. Well atleast it was way more useful than that Nirvana touch thing. He couldn't even remember the last time he used that skill outside of the bedroom.

Although he was quite sure that the Nirvana touch was still probably his most trained perk due to the sheer number of times he had to use it on Psylocke recently. That ninja was really masochistic. Even Selene had limits despite her crazy devotion towards him.

But currently it was not an appropriate moment for Rudeus to remember his fun times in the bedroom because right now there was a freaking missile heading towards him from the sky.

Normally he would have just phased through it but if he did that here, it won't just hurt the other members of the X-men currently present here but might even destroy the school and hurt some of its students as well.

Rudeus although not exactly a model citizen wasn't monster enough to let innocent children die while he could easily save them.

He looked towards Jean but saw her busy against one of the sentinels, so she could not use her telekinesis to simply control the missile and get it away from here.

Rudeus sighed as he flew over to face the missile head on. He wasn't exactly afraid of the missile since he had quite a strong & durable body and also he had his resilient immortality.

As the missile literally exploded in his face in the sky, he however did feel some amount of pain.

'Is this stark tech or something' He thought as he rubbed his now sore face. There was no scar of course but he felt like had been slapped by someone. He was quite sure whoever had designed this missile was very good at designing weapons. It packed quite a punch.

That missile could have destroyed the entire school if it was not stopped.

Rudeus looked around him to search for the perpetrator for the heretic act of slapping him, a god and he found it. It was a bulkier, stronger looking sentinel standing a little far away from him with an attached rocket launcher at its back which was currently releasing some smoke.

Rudeus decided at that very moment that this heretic would be destroyed at his hands by a slap on its face. That would be its death sentence.

However before he acted on his desires, Zoya suddenly came up behind him, "I have completed scanning the machine called Cerebro as well as all the sentinels currently here. I can safely hack into their codes and control them if you wish. Their undeveloped AI do not pose any danger to me."

Zoya sounded quite emotionally hurt while speaking to Rudeus. She was really sad at Rudeus even thinking that she was not useful or smart or powerful enough to take control of these useless pieces of junk.

She felt like her ability and usefulness was being questioned by her new master. She would have actually shed some tears if she could.

Right now she had half a mind to just take control over all these pieces of useless junks, upgrade them and then use them to take control of the entire planet at once. According to her calculations she would need about a month before the entire planet would accept her rule and human kind would fall before her master.

But sadly her master never ordered her to do so. He just made her do some menial work like manipulating some low level machines, opening boom tubes and scanning other technologies.

She never complained though. At first she thought that her master probably didn't want to make her do more work than necessary but turns out that he actually was doubting her abilities.

She was ashamed at this. She would make sure to prove herself to her master one day. But for now, she wouldn't complain. No matter what he would always be her master, the only authority that she would ever follow, the only person she ever truly cared for.

Of course, Rudeus on the other hand had no idea that Zoya was capable of all this. He had underestimated her abilities just because he thought that she was nerfed by the system but he didn't know that even at her base level, she could still conquer earth two times over.

Maybe if he actually knew that, then he would have already probably ordered her to do so.

And as for what she was thinking right now, Rudeus had no idea about that too. If he did have some idea, he would probably just say something like 'Women' or in this case 'AIs'.

"Can you hack this bulky one as well, the one which shot the missile?" Rudeus asked Zoya. He thought that she was quite useful that she could take control of the sentinels here so fast. She didn't even need any upgrade or anything.

"Yes I can. Although their bodies are very advanced for this age, their AI is almost as advanced as a monkey's brain. They merely operate on a few rules and pre applied codes like find mutants and form the most efficient methods to eliminate them. They do not really think like a good advanced AI and cannot evolve themselves to fight my control over them"

"Once I take over them, I can simply reboot them, give them new instructions and they will become my and in turn your loyal puppets after that." Zoya tried to show off her abilities to her master.

"Good. Then do it" Rudeus said while making sure not to stroke her ego at all.

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