A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 42: (2)

If it had been his first time using the toy, he might have thought he had been scammed.

“The player system isn’t that sloppy.”


As soon as the toy disappeared, the harpy queen started reacting. She swiveled her head in all directions as if searching for someone.

And before long, she quickly descended to the ground.

“Here she comes. Come on.”

The target of her attention was me.

“Oh? The harpy queen is coming down! Aim for the harpy queen!”

“She must be tired!! When she comes down to the ground, it’s our chance!”

“The Scarlet Knights are stepping forward!”

The Allied Forces, upon seeing the harpy queen descend, must have judged that she was coming down to rest.

Well, from what is known, harpies always come down to the ground at least once.

“Not bad.”

It was a fortunate turn of events. If things went wrong, and the harpy queen fell due to the Scarlet Knights’ spear attacks, I might not receive the G. But if she fell, the harpies wouldn’t be able to use any more tactics.

Even if I had to give up G, it would be worth it to catch her.

That creature was one of the named monsters that brought down the Panielun Fortress.


She wasn’t just bigger than the average harpy, she started accelerating at an incredible speed. 400m, 300m, and then 200m.

“It’s within attacking range! Attack!”

“Get away!”

“Take her down!”


As the harpy queen approached the range of the spears, the Scarlet Knights aimed and threw their spears. Dozens of spears flew.

It was an onslaught that the delicate skin of harpies couldn’t withstand.

With that, even if it was a griffin with tough skin, it would turn into a hedgehog in an instant.



“Just die already.”

I quickly shot an arrow at her.

It would be good to score some points if I managed to hit her at least once.


Though the spear and the arrow were launched from different positions, they both flew rapidly toward the same target. And the harpy queen either didn’t see them or didn’t bother to dodge them because of the effect of the toy and she continued to descend.

At this rate, it seemed possible to deal with her without any trouble.

“Die! Huh?”

“Huh? Harpies?”

“So, she’s really the queen…”

However, the situation didn’t go as I had expected.

When the harpy queen descended, the harpies that were fighting the Allied Forces on the ground started surrounding her, as if protecting her.

Poik! Poeeok!


The harpies that were hit by the spears and arrows screamed as they fell to the ground, but the harpies continued to protect their queen.

There were thousands of harpies surrounding her.

At this point, no matter how many arrows I shot, it would be difficult to hit her.

“Too bad… but it’s okay. If I can’t solve it in the air, I’ll catch her when she comes down to the ground.”

If the harpy queen had the combat power of a giant monster, it would be a different story. But with just slightly stronger combat power than regular harpies, as soon as she came down to the ground, she would be killed even if the other harpies tried to protect her.

It would only buy her a little more time, and nothing would change.

“Everyone, get ready!”

“Well, alright. But why is she suddenly coming this way?”

“That’s strange…”

The soldiers of the 7th Special Forces, belatedly realizing that the harpy queen was descending toward them, shouted their awareness.

“She’s coming down! This is our chance! We can’t let the Scarlet Knights take her! We must be the ones to capture her!”

Thanks to that, Tarien was the most excited.

He yelled as if he had never trembled before, commanding the knights and soldiers.

“…To think I have to fight for that guy.”

Kaiyan didn’t feel like giving him a present, but in order to retrieve the G he had spent so far, he had to capture the Harpy Queen.

Kaiyan had already spent a whopping 820G on the Multi-Haste and the toy.

“Personally, I also want revenge against the harpy queen.”

Who will compensate for the despair and helplessness he felt because of that creature?

There’s no one else to take it out on but him.


Kaiyan hung the bow he had been using on my back and drew his sword.

If the harpy queen came down to the ground, the sword would be more advantageous than the bow. And if he managed to kill the harpy queen with this sword, it would be a sword stained with the blood of not one, but two named monsters.

It didn’t have any real significance, but it was somehow impressive. The blood of the harpies who drove the Allied Forces to the brink of crisis would be on that sword.


“Just a little more.”

Thanks to the massive sacrifices of the harpies, the harpy queen finally approached the ground. Thousands, no, tens of thousands of harpies had sacrificed themselves to safely bring her down.

A small hill was formed on the ground from the pile of harpy corpses falling from the sky.

Whether she knew it or not, the harpy queen flew toward Kaiyan with a crazed look.


Suddenly, the distance between us narrowed to 10m.

If she continued at this speed, we would collide in less than a second. It was time to strike her.

“Penetrating Stab!”

The sword, which Kaiyan was using for the first time since his stats explosively increased, was shot toward the harpy queen at an incredible speed that the eyes couldn’t follow.



“It’s shallow.”

The sword swung forcefully, missed the harpy queen’s head, and instead sliced through her neck. It seemed that Kaiyan wasn’t used to the increased stats, and the sword arrived at its destination faster than he had expected.


In surprise, she tried to retreat. But it was too late.

“Capture her!”


Not just Kaiyan, but the entire 7th Special unit.

Uncle Jeff and the knights swung their swords at her.

Each of them was stronger than the harpy queen.

Surviving in this situation would be impossible for her!


“Just give me the 1000G and disappear.”

After a while, Kaiyan silently bid farewell to the harpy queen, whose life was about to vanish.

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